The Dragon Prince


Tranny Chaser
Humans do seem to have a steady supply of glow toads, however, as they are used for bait. So you would think that there would be enough critters to consume for basic level shit.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
We're making a lot of assumptions here but I have to believe that it is reasonably simple to cultivate terrariums of butterflies and whatnot like Viren does. He has that whole room in the castle full of eyeballs, dried plants and other reagents in formaldehyde along with various secret compartments like his butterflies in the bookcase. The minor reagents can't be that hard to come by which is what 99% of the spells they've used so far required. If there were more dark mages there would just be a black market to smuggle them around. As going across the border isn't that difficult to do.

The deer Claudia used was from a human kingdom. All animals, except humans, seem to possess arcanum that can be manipulated. Sanctity of life and everything but why are even the elfs sad that a stupid magma titan was killed? Other than because it was humans who crossed their lava river to get it?

In a world with fire breathing dragons, elfs that can turn into shadows, cast illusions that drive you insane, craft lightsabers and magical armor and on and on it's humans who are taking everything on with nothing but steel. Using dark magic to gain an edge is completely reasonable. I think there needs to be a better reason to why there are not more dark mages. Like entire economies driven by dark magic sorcery. Then it would make a lot of sense why the Xadian elfs and dragons had to attack them. As their economies would demand a constant supply of magical creatures to sustain themselves. Thus leading to the relative taboo of dark magic.

But we just haven't seen anything compelling like that. The plot is driving the characters for the sake of itself like was said earlier. The characters are not driving shit.


Tranny Chaser
Clearly Claudia suffered a significant cost for using her big spell that resulted in part of her hair going white etc. Otherwise there would be a cottage industry in farming baby deer to cure people of debilitating injuries.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
I am not sure if that is a bad or debilitating thing though. Viren used that Magma Titan Heart didn't he? If the size/value of the life taken in question causes some kind of feedback damage. Viren's use of Dark Magic for decades should have him a crippled husk by now.


Molten Core Raider
It might have something to do with the butterflies he consumes - he is the only one who has been shown to do considerable Dark Magic, and the repercussions of him doing so (the veiny-dark cracked skin and eyes) seem to dissipate over time? Perhaps the fluttery things have a counterbalance to heavy magics, I could be mis-remembering but he only opens up his cupboard and consumes one before he is about to do heavy doses of DM. This might not be to power him up, but to counteract the effects.
Claudia is still a novice, so the strain of such a spell might have taxed her more or in different ways - It is possible the more DM you use the more you lose yourself - Viren seemed to be a good companion and trusted advisor in the early days - brash to action and quick to temper, but his usage of DM through S1/S2 seems to knock him further and further off his rocker.

IMO it seems like DM is like using tainted blood or temporarily using an organ that isn't compatible with your body - your body can use it for a bit but tries to reject it or it makes you very ill.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Aaron Ehasz' talking about the season 2 ending

22m30s is the timestamp if that link doesn't take you to it, basically the original plan was to have the trio continue together into Xadia for S3 but once they got to point where Ezran learns the truth about his father the writers thought it didn't fit for the character and so they changed the S2 ending and had the party split.

That's a fairly bold decision to make and I won't fault them or applaud it until I see how S3 turns out since going from a trio (+2 animal friends) down to a duo (+1 animal friend) is a large dynamic shift. The time table also accelerates Viren developments as Ezran, Soren, and Claudia all converge back to the kingdom.


Is the King confirmed dead? I don't recall a scene where it explicitly depicted him fall and I got the impression that Viren polymorphed him into that parrot.

Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
Is the King confirmed dead? I don't recall a scene where it explicitly depicted him fall and I got the impression that Viren polymorphed him into that parrot.
Thats what happened as far as I know too
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Mr. Poopybutthole
Yeah... it was telegraphed completely that the king is now the parrot. I didn't know there was any confusion over that hah.


Yeah... it was telegraphed completely that the king is now the parrot. I didn't know there was any confusion over that hah.
That's what I thought, but I have a habit of not entirely paying attention at times. There was so much talk of "the king is dead!" and yet no one actually saw the body, so made me wonder if I missed something.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
His body has to be dead, the ribbon bond released. But there's a 99% chance his mind/soul is in the bird.
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Avatar of War Slayer
I don't know what bird you all are referring to but I guess I didn't pay much attention to the start.

Anywho - hinged all 2 seasons with my kids- they loved it as did I and my wife.

A good foundation in classic high fantasy tropes and standards.

The progressive narrative was a little heavy handed but bearable until the lezbo Queens and their big front and center kiss while all other pairs that was scene cut etc. So fuck you Netflix for having to ALWAYS push the progressive message one step further than it should in a TV7 rated show.

Glad my kids just thought they were sisters.

Other than that, now that the lezzys are dead I hope we can move on in S3 without that nonsense and focus on the story.

While it's a typical trope - I hate that they never admit the elves are xenophobic racist asshole just like the humans are. Don't say anything bad about an elf! Your racist and bad.. But rayla can sit there and bad mouth them etc every time she puts a hood on. Again, progressive self hate promotion.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
This was my sons first exposure to lesbians. He got it that the girl had two mommies but he was confused as hell as to how that happened. Guess none of the kids in his class at school have two mommies.
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Trakanon Raider
I had no objections to the queens being lesbians. What did get a "huh?" out of me was the fact that their daughter was a blend of both of their features. Unless there's a whole other angle to what's going on here, only one of them should be her biological parent.

Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
Clearly one of the lesbians was actually a dude who transitioned to "female" but kept the dick.
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Avatar of War Slayer
My real point is, IMO a Y7 show should not have lezbos making out and being a key figure for a important story arch- when it has NO story reason to be so, other than progressiveness.

I get "its a fantasy world, not the real world" - but all fantasy stuff has to have a base in "our" reality or it is just "stuff" that holds no connection - they obviously want to convey a message and story through this fantasy world to us the viewer, yes that is the point, and to that point I still think they were wrong in inclusion of lesbianism and same sex marriage/relationships etc.

I also shame the rating committee for letting that pass

but god forbid a nipple shows up
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Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
My real point is, IMO a Y7 show should not have lezbos making out and being a key figure for a important story arch- when it has NO story reason to be so, other than progressiveness.

I get "its a fantasy world, not the real world" - but all fantasy stuff has to have a base in "our" reality or it is just "stuff" that holds no connection - they obviously want to convey a message and story through this fantasy world to us the viewer, yes that is the point, and to that point I still think they were wrong in inclusion of lesbianism and same sex marriage/relationships etc.

I also shame the rating committee for letting that pass

but god forbid a nipple shows up
What year is this?? Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


Tranny Chaser
My real point is, IMO a Y7 show should not have lezbos making out and being a key figure for a important story arch- when it has NO story reason to be so, other than progressiveness.

I get "its a fantasy world, not the real world" - but all fantasy stuff has to have a base in "our" reality or it is just "stuff" that holds no connection - they obviously want to convey a message and story through this fantasy world to us the viewer, yes that is the point, and to that point I still think they were wrong in inclusion of lesbianism and same sex marriage/relationships etc.

I also shame the rating committee for letting that pass

but god forbid a nipple shows up

Your snowflake is showing, ya better get that looked at.


Avatar of War Slayer
Don't care! If everyone gets to REEEEEEE and get dick choppers in my kids purblic library story time with no background checks I can REEEE about lezzy slurping face in my kids TV show.
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