The E-cig Thread


> Than U
I just can't get into it, I don't know why.
I would love to be happy with Ecigs but having had Blu, Njoy, MarkTen I actually liked the Njoy the most. I've had Marlboro or umm whatever company they are fronting for MarkTen send me 3 new cigs and 5 refill coupons for free trying to get me hooked but I never lasted more than the initial day on it. GreenSmoke had one hell of a promotion where $1 gets you a 4 pack sample and it's on the way.

I just don't feel satisfied after puffing a Ecig until it's melting the same way I do when I smoke a cig. However if I can't switch soonish I feel as though I'll be dead in a few years.
I love me some Nicotine, I just need to find something that makes me feel like I actually got some.


Lord Nagafen Raider
When I used these I liked V2, they were the best I had tried (I also though NJoy were ok, Blu are hot garbage). The absolute best thing you could probably do would be to just go all in and get your own set up (battery, liquid, etc.). I know here in OKC there are vapor shops all over so it would probably be easy to go talk to some folks about it and try a few things.

I switched over the e-cigs a couple years ago when they first started getting big in the states here, I used them for about 8 months solid no analogs before I ended up going back. I did use them again for about a week before I quit for good about 6 months ago fwiw. I always thought the idea was sound and tbh if there was some definitive research out that showed they weren't harmful at all I would probably still vape.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I have used Greensmoke for 2-3 years now, and the impact was immediate. I went from 2+ packs of Marlboro Reds a day to less than 1/2 pack, just like that - and that is mainly because I could not replace real cigarettes while driving and I have a long commute to work. I will go 2-3 days without having a real smoke over the weekend if I don't go anywhere; the only time I hit the real ones now is in a car or when I am drinking on someone's porch or something.

It was pretty life-changing for me; the morning cough that was part of my life disappeared after a week or two and my health generally improved. As long as I am hitting the 2.4% plus nicotine levels, I still get the throat hit and such that makes it feel real enough. I am not foolish enough to think that it is perfectly safe and healthy, but shit, it has been good enough for me.


Got something right about marriage
I don't understand why you need a real cigarette in a car but OK with the e-cig everywhere else...


Blackwing Lair Raider
I just can't get into it, I don't know why.
I would love to be happy with Ecigs but having had Blu, Njoy, MarkTen I actually liked the Njoy the most. I've had Marlboro or umm whatever company they are fronting for MarkTen send me 3 new cigs and 5 refill coupons for free trying to get me hooked but I never lasted more than the initial day on it. GreenSmoke had one hell of a promotion where $1 gets you a 4 pack sample and it's on the way.

I just don't feel satisfied after puffing a Ecig until it's melting the same way I do when I smoke a cig. However if I can't switch soonish I feel as though I'll be dead in a few years.
I love me some Nicotine, I just need to find something that makes me feel like I actually got some.
I know this has been a while, but you are wasting your time with Blus and other products like those. you might as well be sucking on a straw. I made the same mistake trying those out, and finally an eCig store opened in Gallatin, and I was able to actually try things out in the more advanced subsection. Now that I have two months under my belt, I strongly recommend one of these:

Kanger Evod Starter Kit - Mt Baker Vapor - Electronic Cigarettes

E juice is everywhere now... most gas stations around here carry it, but honestly the site above is who I use and they are awesome. 10 bucks gets me two bottles of e juice and that lasts me 1 week. But the above starter kit is great. Be sure to have two batteries to keep them cycling through as they die. You can try every flavor under the sun. The only other tip I have is, most stores sell a high VG (vegetable glycerin) level juice so you get a good head of smoke, but higher PG levels give you the throat hit that actually satisfies. I go with 80% PG 20% VG.

To me, the best thing about the one I linked is, it is very portable. I just carry mine around in my pocket, and it does keep me satisfied. I haven't had a cigarette in two months (pack a day smoker for reference). My friends went nuts and bought these things that look like bricks with a pot pipe taped to it, and those look like a PITA to port around. Once you get the hang of it a little, you can branch out and get different tanks and coils and what not, but usually the starter kit is good enough to at least break the ice.


Buddy got me turned on to the V2 brand, was even nice enough to give me all the gear needed for a months use. So far, really liking it. Doing the "cigarette flavor" first as I think it's a good step down move. Liquid refills( the disposable ones seem lame and wasteful).

The ritual is the hardest part, that is crazy true. I was chilling with said buddy and stood up to go outside with my e-cig.


Trakanon Raider
I tried e-cigs like 5 years ago when I first heard of Blu. It worked for a brief period of time, but the inconvenience of ordering online (at the time) made me give it up.

A couple months ago, I decided to get a vape setup, not an e-cig. I went with the highest nicotine level (24) so I wouldn't have an excuse. I smoked a pack a day of lights previously. The recommendation was to do 12 or 18, but I said fuck that. Other then finishing the 2 packs I already had bought, I haven't really had a cigarette since (early on I slipped a few times, when a friend offered one, but I really don't like the taste/smell anymore). I went with the higher nicotine to help break the ritual habit, since I was getting more nicotine from the vape then cigs at that point. If anyone else has tried e-cigs or vaping and it didn't seem to stop the cravings, go a step or two higher then the 'recommended' dosage of nicotine.

I've since leveled off to 18, and will try to tapering down to 12 soon. I'm not exactly trying to quit, but I knew I couldn't keep smoking real cigs and I certainly feel better in general. No cough, no occasional pain in the chest, etc..


Blackwing Lair Raider
Yeah 18 is way too low for anyone who actually smokes. I was actually on 36 from the people I ordered from, but have since stepped down to 24. That was my main problem with Blu's the highest strength they have in stores is something ridiculous like 14 mg (I even think it was just 12), and that never even came close to satisfying my cravings.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Just ordered these, Joye Evic mod and a Aspire Nautilus tank. Heard some good things about them so I pulled the trigger, will update once I have a chance to test them out.

I haven't smoked a cigarette in over a year.

I first started using the disposableGreen Smart LivingMenthol because it had a thicker smoke and I found it satisfying. I couldn't get behind Blu or the other stuff. Didn't taste right.
Only issue I had with it initially was that I when through 5 cartridges in about 32 hrs.
One cartridge was supposed to equal 2 packs of cigs... bullshit. If that were true I was vaping the equivalent of 45 packs a week.
I was spending about $70 a week on that.

About 6 months ago Green smart living changed something and the vape seemed different. Didn't last as long, and the taste was off. Made in China... what did I expect.

Then I used theKanger EVODfor about 2 months. Loved it while it worked, but eventually the tank got fused to the device. Unscrewing the tank to put the liquid in eventually became impossible.

I came across an awesome vape store and they recommended theAvatarmade byPUFF. I've been using it for months and I love it. It pulls apart, charges through mirco USB pretty fast, and lasts for about 8-10 hrs for me. Also not as bulky as the EVOD.


They offered pretty amazing liquid too. Stuff at gas stations I found was pretty weak or tastes wrong.
Liquid I use isBite Memade by Bonzai.

I was able to vape all day in my office at work up until last week when I was told by HR that it's now illegal to vape in buildings in our city...
Not going to lie, I was pretty annoyed and a little worried. Just means I take more outside breaks now. I don't crave cigarettes anymore. Not a
fan of the smell anymore.

And now I spend about $5 a week on this habit.

Maybe I'll eventually quit vaping, but it's nice to have found something to replace the cigarettes that works for me.


Trakanon Raider
Just ordered these, Joye Evic mod and a Aspire Nautilus tank. Heard some good things about them so I pulled the trigger, will update once I have a chance to test them out.
I have been using the evic for a few months now. It's fine, but it has a bunch of features I never use, and it has a tendency to turn off randomly. Took me awhile to figure out what was going on, but if you move it too hard (like dropping it in your pocket) the spring compresses and the battery loses connection for a split second. So, don't be surprised if you find yourself having to turn it back on when you go to pick it up.
Personally, I wish I had done a little more research before picking it up. I want to get a regulated mod that can handle lower ohms and has a higher voltage/wattage capability (to try and produce more vapor) and there's some out now that are close to the mechanical mods in functionality, for less then $150. But, for an all day vapor, it's fine. No big complaints, but not overly impressed either.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I agree with you Enzie about the evic. After a few days I have noticed that half of the features I will never use but everything else works just fine (running the 1.3 version) I have no complaints so far and would recommend it for the price range. As far as the Nautilus tank, wow, best tank I have owned. Being able to change the draw is nice and I have not had any issues with gurgling or spitting (my pet peeves) as of yet. Overall very happy with both of them and will definitely be buying some more tanks.


Molten Core Raider
Went from 1.5/day of newports -->18mg --> 11mg within a week, and loving this. Dont know too much about it yet, but my all day vape juice is "cinnamon burst" from ejuicemonkeys. Tastes like im chewing a piece of Big Red bubble gum, but not overly sweet. Still going to order small quantities of many others, but this 1 is soooooo good.


Got something right about marriage
Keep at it. It's way healthier and eventually you'll not even care anymore and probably stop completely. Been 4 months for me. The fucked up thing is I still to this day wake up, every single day, feeling as though I just smoked a pack of cigarettes the night before. Fucking sucks.


Molten Core Raider
If you've been a big time pack+ a day smoker, it will be years before your lungs fully return to non-smoker status.


Molten Core Raider
I dont get a cough anymore and I already feel a ton better.....but I think this Iclear30b is leaking....woke up this morning with juice residue around the tank


<Silver Donator>
I dont get a cough anymore and I already feel a ton better.....but I think this Iclear30b is leaking....woke up this morning with juice residue around the tank
Stay away from the Iclears, especially if you are using any cinnamon flavored solutions. Had the same problem with my first round of tanks. Damn things just fell apart. Should get one of the metal or pyrex Aspire BVC tanks. Never had any issues with mine, and the ceramic coils last quite a lot longer.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
I have been using the evic for a few months now. It's fine, but it has a bunch of features I never use, and it has a tendency to turn off randomly. Took me awhile to figure out what was going on, but if you move it too hard (like dropping it in your pocket) the spring compresses and the battery loses connection for a split second. So, don't be surprised if you find yourself having to turn it back on when you go to pick it up.
Personally, I wish I had done a little more research before picking it up. I want to get a regulated mod that can handle lower ohms and has a higher voltage/wattage capability (to try and produce more vapor) and there's some out now that are close to the mechanical mods in functionality, for less then $150. But, for an all day vapor, it's fine. No big complaints, but not overly impressed either.
I had the Evic and I hated it. Same problem you mentioned-- the thing would keep turning itself off, and was filled with features that nobody but a total E-cig nerd would use. Ultimately though, the whole auto shut off thing drove me to toss this thing in the closet and just get a simple variable voltage mod.