The E-cig Thread


<Gold Donor>
This is why you definitely need a stonger mix. I would definitely try 18mg or even 24mg juice if they have it. Trust me it makes a difference. You will also have more throat feel. You being a 3-4 pack a day smoker and puffing on 6mg or even 12mg nic juice is laughable.

Also, I would invest in another tank or two. and another battery or two with a charger. Unless you have a vape shop really close. I had mine for months and then I dropped the fucking thing getting out of my car and the fucking thank shattered.(protank glass) Not having a vape shop close (I do now) I had to mail order another and had to go back to my old gas station setup which sucked.

I now have 3 mods, like 10 16850 batteries, and a charger at home and one at work.


> Than U
This is why you definitely need a stonger mix. I would definitely try 18mg or even 24mg juice if they have it. Trust me it makes a difference. You will also have more throat feel. You being a 3-4 pack a day smoker and puffing on 6mg or even 12mg nic juice is laughable.
Possibly. It had been 48 hours when I went into the store and I wasn't jonesing or anything, in fact I was probably better off than when I smoked, as I would smoke then smoke another and still craved another but had to get back to work.
50% boost today I'll see where I stand on my next tank fill, he can always add in more to my existing bottles free of charge.

Don't think I'll hit 2 ml a day for a long time though, that is about 10 hits? Least that seems to be 10-15 on a deep pull with my setup atm.


<Gold Donor>
Possibly. It had been 48 hours when I went into the store and I wasn't jonesing or anything, in fact I was probably better off than when I smoked, as I would smoke then smoke another and still craved another but had to get back to work.
50% boost today I'll see where I stand on my next tank fill, he can always add in more to my existing bottles free of charge.

Don't think I'll hit 2 ml a day for a long time though, that is about 10 hits? Least that seems to be 10-15 on a deep pull with my setup atm.
Dont know about your setup but mine keeps track of hits until I change out the battery and usually I get about 400 +/- hits from a single 1.6ml tank. and Like I said it lasts me all day. The way I drag is not a lung hit but I fill up my mouth with it(2-3 second multiple drags) and then pull it in my lungs. So they are pretty big hits. If you are only getting 10 hits per ml than something is wrong, bro. Or maybe im not understanding you right.


> Than U
Dont know about your setup but mine keeps track of hits until I change out the battery and usually I get about 400 +/- hits from a single 1.6ml tank. and Like I said it lasts me all day. The way I drag is not a lung hit but I fill up my mouth with it(2-3 second multiple drags) and then pull it in my lungs. So they are pretty big hits. If you are only getting 10 hits per ml than something is wrong, bro. Or maybe im not understanding you right.
That is the difference. Not sure of your setup either. Subtank 1.2 ohm is massive pulls. A lot more fluid per draw. Reading the subtank forums, people are using 2-3x the fluid with it over others including nautilus.
Most there say 12mg for subtank fluid is about as high as you want to go and even then makes some of them sick/turn green. Guess not all things are the same in this.
So Subtank use more fluid but better taste/more vape is the trade off. I'm fine with that, for now.

Found a ton of comments like this from people who sell it:
I work at a B&M and we sell the subtank mini. I always set people up with max vg. You also need to take into account that one puff is equivalent to 3-4 puffs all at once. Take the nicotine that you would use in a regular tank and divide by 4. (i.e. 24mg = 6mg, or 16mg=4mg). Make sure that you put like 4-5 drops directly onto fresh coils before filling the tank. I like both style of coils around 20 watts. The .5 does really well around 22-25W.


<Gold Donor>
Oh ok, so your tank is all whacky like that. Thats cool then. I would suggest you try some other tanks. That sounds like an expensive proposition at $15 per 30 ml. If you are getting only 10 hits per 2ml. and are used to smoking 3-4 packs per day...Try a protank 2, what I use, or a nautilus. My buddy has one at work and loves it. It also makes sense if you are burning your coils at 20W. I burn my 2.5ohm coils at 10W.

I tend to vape all throughout the day, a couple of drags every 15 min or so, more if im at home and chilling watching TV or playing games.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
The main problem I have with vaping vs smoking is that I seem to constantly need to be hitting my vape to keep the urge at bay, while with cigs I can smoke one every hour or so and be fine. This creates a problem for me at work since I can't vape at my desk. So I find myself smoking during the week, and vaping on the weekend. I use 18mg e-juice too.


> Than U
The main problem I have with vaping vs smoking is that I seem to constantly need to be hitting my vape to keep the urge at bay, while with cigs I can smoke one every hour or so and be fine. This creates a problem for me at work since I can't vape at my desk. So I find myself smoking during the week, and vaping on the weekend. I use 18mg e-juice too.
What Bait Master said.
Up above you'll see how Mk runs high ohms low watts. I run lower ohms higher watts.
A cig is absorbed in system in seconds where as vape takes minutes to a half hour if really any at all.
I've found roughly 1ohm at 20-25 watts kills my craving. I use more juice than most but the key is to kill off smoking the fastest but it is different for each person as with vaping you are not getting it direct into bloodstream from lungs, but rather by absorbing it from mouth/nose and so forth.
By buying a mod capable of 50+ watts you set yourself up for sub ohm/high ohm coils and if you get something like I have ( Subtank ) you have 3 coil options off the bat. Each coil lasts ~10 days and if you order the big packs you get them just over a buck each. Then you only have juice to worry about and battery replacement every 6 months or so( $14 ).
Sure other tanks are as diverse as well, this is just what I have.

On a side note it had been over a week since I had a cig. I found a pack with 1 left in it in my van today and decided to try it. Took 2 puffs and threw it out. Did nothing for me.


Molten Core Raider
I was able to test a Billow tank on a box mod, I was amazed. It had a much thicker cloud than the Atlantis tank with a shorter draw. The flavor was on par if not better than a Kanger Subtank. The guy at the shop I was at told me too look at a Goblin tank which he said was even better than the billow.


> Than U
I was able to test a Billow tank on a box mod, I was amazed. It had a much thicker cloud than the Atlantis tank with a shorter draw. The flavor was on par if not better than a Kanger Subtank. The guy at the shop I was at told me too look at a Goblin tank which he said was even better than the billow.
Ya the tech is moving right along. I went to the vape shop today to get some juice and it was like a fire had been in the place and I am pretty sure it was a Goblin they was passing around ( with different tips ) to people. Was insane.
I still am happy with my Kanger tank and I am still smoke free with no craving for a cig after 2.5 weeks. I do find I fry my coils after 5-7 days consistently though which raises my average cost to ~20 a week currently. Guess it beats the hell out of $90 a week in cartons of cigs though.

I am already breathing better and have more energy and now I can smell how god awful people smell when in a store and when I smell like shit as well. Before everything always smelled the same.
They say ex smokers are the worst and when I recover from being a remodeler in the wintertime I am buying everyone I know who works for/with me that still smokes a mod/tank.


I was finding that it was hard to pick up e-cigs because they made me cough a lot. My local store started stocking 100% VG based juice and as soon as I started using that all of my problems vanished. About 1 in 20 people have some level of intolerance to Propyl Glycol


Got something right about marriage
I was finding that it was hard to pick up e-cigs because they made me cough a lot. My local store started stocking 100% VG based juice and as soon as I started using that all of my problems vanished. About 1 in 20 people have some level of intolerance to Propyl Glycol
Guy I work with has issues with certain mixtures/juices too. He gets what he describes as intolerable sinus pressure and really bad headaches.

Some juices used to make me break out in canker sores when I vaped.

I don't think the e-juices are very regulated/rigorously tested and a lot come from overseas. It's the only gripe I had with vaping, was hard to find decent juice outside of steeping my own, which is kind of a pain.


marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
I was finding that it was hard to pick up e-cigs because they made me cough a lot. My local store started stocking 100% VG based juice and as soon as I started using that all of my problems vanished. About 1 in 20 people have some level of intolerance to Propyl Glycol
Interesting, I have the same issue. Gonna need to try this out as I wanted to be able to switch over but the coughing was just to much


> Than U
I cant do 50/50 or less. I find 70 vg/30 pg works best for me but if you have a allergy to PG stick to 100% VG. It'll have better flavor anyways but be thicker, meaning if you don't allow time for it to saturate the coils between pulls it'll cook the wire.
Newer tanks fare pretty well with 100% VG( older ones didn't and hence why older vape/cigs used more PG ). Check reviews and other users to see which work best.
If I was going to go full 100% VG on Subtank I have I would probably stick to 1.2 ohm coils and even take a paperclip or needle and move the cotton off the side hole a tad to allow better flow into the coil.


Guy I work with has issues with certain mixtures/juices too. He gets what he describes as intolerable sinus pressure and really bad headaches.

Some juices used to make me break out in canker sores when I vaped.

I don't think the e-juices are very regulated/rigorously tested and a lot come from overseas. It's the only gripe I had with vaping, was hard to find decent juice outside of steeping my own, which is kind of a pain.
A lot of the ones I get come from overseas also, mostly the US
The 100% VG juices that solved my problems all came from here:Welcome to our Kitchen! The Vape Kitchen


Golden Squire
Been vaping now for about 2 months after about 24 years of smoking and I'm absolutely loving it in comparison, I only wish I'd started sooner.

Am using an Innokin iTaste MVP 2.0 and an Aspire Nautilus or Protank 2 with airflow valve. Both great tanks but I'm already feeling like I want to get the eLeaf 50w to replace the MVP.


Molten Core Raider
Im using the sub tank mini with .5 ohm occ coils and then I stick 50w. Generally vape around 19-20 watts but the battery life is phenomenal. I get 3 days+ before I need to charge it. Pretty consistent flavor too


Golden Squire
Im using the sub tank mini with .5 ohm occ coils and then I stick 50w. Generally vape around 19-20 watts but the battery life is phenomenal. I get 3 days+ before I need to charge it. Pretty consistent flavor too
I got the istick 50w a couple of days ago and it's a really really nice shape/size compared to the MVP 2.0.

Have to wait a few days for a subtank mini as most places I go are sold out, how is the rebuildable coil on it working out?