The E-cig Thread


<Gold Donor>
I bought myself another Kamry K200 kit. Like $50 on ebay. I like it so much I wanted a spare in case the first one got dropped or blew up. I really like the big battries, I ordered a 4 pack of some samsung 18650 and they last like a day and a half of vaping. Now I have a charger at work and one at home.

Kamry K200 Variable Voltage Vaporizer Mod Black Silver Gold Protank Patriot | eBay

I dont use the tank it comes with though, I still use the protank2.


Molten Core Raider
Gah ive only had it for 1 week. Think I coukd return/swap it out? Cinnamon isnsooooooo good


Molten Core Raider
Ended up being the coil not tightened enough. Gonna switch to a glass tank asap though, but for now I'm back in business


Molten Core Raider
Seem to be getting Cold Sores pretty frequently ever since I've started vaping. It sucks, because I love it, and have had NO CRAVINGS for an actual cigarette in the 3 weeks I vaped. Tried a few different liquids, and still doesn't seem to be helping. Anyone have any recommendations to try? I read it could be due to sensitivity to PG, or even just the body adjusting to the stoppage of cigs. My ejuice preference is right around 50/50 PG/VG, as it has strong flavor with a decent throat hit. I hope this shit can resolve somehow as I feel amazing aside from these stupid herpes sores.



Seem to be getting Cold Sores pretty frequently ever since I've started vaping. It sucks, because I love it, and have had NO CRAVINGS for an actual cigarette in the 3 weeks I vaped. Tried a few different liquids, and still doesn't seem to be helping. Anyone have any recommendations to try? I read it could be due to sensitivity to PG, or even just the body adjusting to the stoppage of cigs. My ejuice preference is right around 50/50 PG/VG, as it has strong flavor with a decent throat hit. I hope this shit can resolve somehow as I feel amazing aside from these stupid herpes sores.

I always carry some sanitizer and wipe my drip tip constantly. Even running it under some hot water several times a day. Drink lots of water as well as vaping dehydrates you. You can try some higher VG juice and see if the sores go away.

Picked up new Hana Modz DN40 that holds 2 18650 batteries and the Atlantis. Pretty great combo but I like Kanger Sub Tank better.



Got something right about marriage
Seem to be getting Cold Sores pretty frequently ever since I've started vaping. It sucks, because I love it, and have had NO CRAVINGS for an actual cigarette in the 3 weeks I vaped. Tried a few different liquids, and still doesn't seem to be helping. Anyone have any recommendations to try? I read it could be due to sensitivity to PG, or even just the body adjusting to the stoppage of cigs. My ejuice preference is right around 50/50 PG/VG, as it has strong flavor with a decent throat hit. I hope this shit can resolve somehow as I feel amazing aside from these stupid herpes sores.

Cold sores or canker sores? Because cold sores are an entirely different problem...
Seem to be getting Cold Sores pretty frequently ever since I've started vaping. It sucks, because I love it, and have had NO CRAVINGS for an actual cigarette in the 3 weeks I vaped. Tried a few different liquids, and still doesn't seem to be helping. Anyone have any recommendations to try? I read it could be due to sensitivity to PG, or even just the body adjusting to the stoppage of cigs. My ejuice preference is right around 50/50 PG/VG, as it has strong flavor with a decent throat hit. I hope this shit can resolve somehow as I feel amazing aside from these stupid herpes sores.

Are you using disposables?

When I first started vaping I was doing it constantly with the "Green-Smart Living" Brand of disposables. After a month or so of doing it I was getting sores in the back of my throat and I had to stop. When I started again I never got sores again.

I did one thing different, I got rid of the cartridges sooner. I've thought it had to do with the amount of liquid left and potentially vaping without liquid left in the cartridge. If you loose the flavor, change out the cartridge or if you aren't using the disposable make sure that you never let it get below a quarter full of liquid.


Molten Core Raider
Dunno could be canker sores i guess......and no, im using kangertech vaporizer with a few different juices but they're all basically 50/50 pg vg blends. Ill have to do some more research but not using disposable cartridges.


Got something right about marriage
If they are inside your mouth they are most likely cankers which are not contagious and not herpes. If they are outside your mouth they are most likely cold sores which are contagious and are herpes.


Molten Core Raider
Grabbed the istick 30w with 1.2 ohm coils for the genitank mega. Also switched down to 6mg nicotine so quitting doesn't seem as impossible as it did when i started. Still loving all aspects of vaping and would recommend it as a quitting tool to anyone


> Than U
So after 28 years of smoking, 20 of that @ 1 pack a day> and the last 7 years 3 packs a day> I finally switched to vaping.
I had tried before but had no luck with the shit blu, vuse, mark10 and so forth put out.

Ended up buying a IPV mini 2 special edition with a kanger subtank mini. Using the 1.2 ohm coil set at 22.2 watts.
Using a 8mg 60/40 VG mix juice to start. Last cig was on Wednesday.
Today I noticed I am breathing a bit better, and I can already smell when a cat shits in the litter box in the other room.

Edit- should add ipv mini 2 is a 70watt mod


<Bronze Donator>
Without getting into another flame war about e cigs and their impact in actual quitting...

I bought a decent setup a couple years ago but relapsed and then didn't really take care of the equipment.

Looking to buy again. I'd be looking for two different setups to purchase:

1. Whatever the latest technology is for sitting around at home. Last time I bought the thing essentially looked like a light saber and had one of the plastic tanks. Those seem to still be a thing but there are these box options that are really popular now? Those weren't really a thing when I bought last. Cost doesn't matter. Just whatever provides the best vaping experience.

2. A portable option for when I'm out. I'm all but done with cigarettes...except when drinking, which is going to take some will power to kick. I'd like to have this option available to me, but I really have no interest in carrying around one of the giant ones around. Have any of the smaller options become better recently?

I know we have some pretty dedicated vapers here so any help appreciated.


<Gold Donor>
So after 28 years of smoking, 20 of that @ 1 pack a day> and the last 7 years 3 packs a day> I finally switched to vaping.
I had tried before but had no luck with the shit blu, vuse, mark10 and so forth put out.

Ended up buying a IPV mini 2 special edition with a kanger subtank mini. Using the 1.2 ohm coil set at 22.2 watts.
Using a 8mg 60/40 VG mix juice to start. Last cig was on Wednesday.
Today I noticed I am breathing a bit better, and I can already smell when a cat shits in the litter box in the other room.

Edit- should add ipv mini 2 is a 70watt mod
Good for you bro. Its been like year and a half for me and I feel great.


> Than U
Think I just pissed off the juice guy at the vape store I bought my stuff at, or at the least confused the shit out of him.
Still not sure my math was right but he said that's way to much damn math and the customers were interested.
Told him 1 cig you absorb about 1 mg of nicotine, he set me up initially with 8mg per ml which in vaping they claim you absorb roughly 50%. So that is 4mg per ml and my tank holds roughly 4.5 ml but I never let it go dry so I get roughly 15 cigs out of one tank. I go through 3 fills a day which comes out to 45 cigs worth of absorbed nicotine. I was smoking 60-70 before. So I said bump it up to 12 which would be 6x3.5x3 or roughly 63 smokes a day.

He was like holy shit that is math haha.
Hell I could even be wrong, but it seems it works out about right to how I feel nicotine wise.


<Gold Donor>
Usually when people start vaping after quitting cigs they go for 24mg or 18mg, thats the sweet spot in the beginning for quitting smokers. Then tone it down from there over time.


> Than U
Usually when people start vaping after quitting cigs they go for 24mg or 18mg, thats the sweet spot in the beginning for quitting smokers. Then tone it down from there over time.
Ya I had read that as well. The only thing stopping me from those high numbers was the amount of fluid I was vaping over the past 24 hours. Burning 12 ml of fluid per day, 24 would have been insane.
Picked up some spare coils so have 4 coils ready to go. I should be set now for awhile.
I spent $180 on all the extra coils, mod, tank and 60ml of juice. I spent $229 last month on cigs alone. Juice from now on is going to cost me $13 a bottle and a 2 coils a month about $6. Battery every few months at $13.
Won't be long( as in a month ) and I'll be saving money.


<Gold Donor>
Well if the concentration if nic is higher, the less you need. IMO you are vaping way too much liquid. I go through about 1.6ml per day at 20mg nic per ml and I was a pack a day smoker.

You cant actually correlate eliquid to cigs. Its absorbed into your body way different. for instance smoke is more effective because the smoke molecules are smaller and reach way deep inside of your longs, while water vapor does not do this. They say most of the nicotine while vaping is actually absorbed in the mouth, not the lungs. The water vapor molecules are just to large to reach down inside of your lungs.

Also you will save even more if you mix your own liquid like I do. I came up with a good minty recipe I like and have been mixing my own. Its pennies on the dollar if you mix your own. I buy 250ml of 100mg mic juice, the flavorings, and the PG and VG base, it lasts me a year and costs about $50.

They have cell phone app recipe calculators. they even have popular recipes that people have done for you to try. All you need is a medicine dropper from CVS to measure out the ml to mix. They ahve youtube videos to show you how to do it. My OP has links to companies you can buy the supplies from.

Nowadays I just mix up a 120ml bottle of my recipe and it lasts me a few months.


> Than U
Well if the concentration if nic is higher, the less you need. IMO you are vaping way too much liquid. I go through about 1.6ml per day at 20mg nic per ml and I was a pack a day smoker.

You cant actually correlate eliquid to cigs. Its absorbed into your body way different. for instance smoke is more effective because the smoke molecules are smaller and reach way deep inside of your longs, while water vapor does not do this. They say most of the nicotine while vaping is actually absorbed in the mouth, not the lungs. The water vapor molecules are just to large to reach down inside of your lungs.
The issue being you were a pack a day. I was 3-4 packs a day. I need a lot more hits spread out through the day, at least right now.
That was/is the other issue I was a lung pull on cigs, harder to do on vape.

Finding exhaling through nose( to absorb more ) and using the mid air setting on lower wattage is my best setting after playing with it all day.
Less cloud but more taste and more like a cig to me. Will take awhile before I get all adjusted and dialed in.