Someone here was asking me for my peppermint juice recipe, a bit late but here it is...
This is for 30ml about 60/40 vg/pg, 6mg juice. If you want higher vg, just have either the flavor or nic mixed 100% vg, all of my flavors and nic that I get are 100%PG base. If you want 3mg, you can cut the nic down to .9ml and just add another .9ml to the VG. The coolada is flavorless but adds that cool mouthfeel to vape. The stevia lquid drops can be found in any grocery store, you can also substitute splenda liquid as well. This obviously adds sweetness. Do not use the packets of sweetener diluted with water or alcohol, they have additives in them since the percentage of actual sweetness in those packets is small.
I have heard that some like to add a bit of vanilla (TFA) flavor to their peppermint flavors in like the 3ml range, I have never tried it but it sounds good, just adjust your VG filler to accommodate the +3ml vanilla flavor. Same goes for the nicotine, if you want, say a 20% nic juice for the old higher ohm tanks, just adjust the nic to 6ml (20% of 30ml) and then adjust the VG base to suite. I use the 100mg nic base because it makes maths easy.
1.8ml 100mg nic juice 100% PG
6ml Peppermint (TFA)
3ml Coolada (TFA)
19.2ml VG
2 drops of stevia (liquid)
I use a kids medicine dropper to measure, they have a dropper style one for 5ml capacity they sell at any drug store. But I usually mix 120ml of the above recipe so I use a 10ml syringe type medicine dropper, again you can find this at any drug store. Just got to be careful with the nic base. That shit can kill you if it gets on your skin for an extended period of time (its a poison that seeps through your skin at that concentration). You can use gloves or just be careful. I have a mug of water that I rinse my droppers with right after I pour the nic base. You do the same for the flavors, after you dropper your flavors, just rinse the dropper in water.
(TFA) is The Flavor Apprentice flavors, any reputable seller of this shit usually stocks TFA flavor concentrates.
This is pretty much the formula for any juice you can dream up, Flavorings account for about roughly 15%-20% of the total. So you could use like 3mg strawberry, 3mg bananna, 3mg vanilla, and call it strawberry banana split! Mix and match any flavorings of your choosing. My wife likes the fruity flavors alot so thats what I mix up for her.
Also, these flavors really taste better in the sub ohm tanks, the old style tanks like the kanger protanks or the nautilus with the coils being 1.5ohm to 2.5ohm cannot really extract that vapor and flavor like the sub ohm tanks can. Sometimes they taste burnt. You really need the volume of vapor that the sub ohm tanks produce to fully appreciate the flavors.
Still, the PG/VG/NIC and flavors are cheap as hell when bought in bulk. I get a 120ml bottle of 100mg nic for about $25 and it lasts me for like a year (thats over 66 30ml bottles worth of juice at 6mg, double that for 3mg).The flavors vary in price, but most you can get for about $5 for a 30ml bottle. So you get all this stuff and youre paying like $.50 for a 30ml bottle you mix up yourself rather than paying $15 for it in vape shops or online. Plus you know exatly whats going into those bottles when you mix them up. also, it does not take too long either. when you get it down after a few mixes, it takes like 10 min to mix up a few 30ml bottles.
Some flavors also need to steep for a while. Like a good wine, they develop over time. So when it tastes like shit, come back to it in a week or two and try it again, you might be surprised. Some even change color over time. Like the black cherry I just mixed up for my wife a few weeks ago. It started a pale off white, and it turned into a reddish brown color over a few weeks. Same with the blackberry I mixed for her, its quite cool.
You can also find copycat formula for all the famous flavors of the major ejuices on the market too, just do a google search for a clone recipe. It mihgt not be exact but close enough and way better price.
Here is where I get all my stuff from...
DIY E-Cig Supplies E-Cigarette Liquid | Make Your Own E-Liquid | RTS VapesThey even sell blank 30ml glass bottles with droppers for cheap, and droppers and all that shit. But I just use my old bottles that I have cleaned, also the empty glass 120ml bottles they sent me with the flavors. Order yourself up a $70 order of all the stuff and you will be all set for months, as far as juice is concerned.