Thanks for sharing, Seventh
So you're still addicted to nicotine after 3 years with the e-cig, but you've managed to exchange cigarettes with e-cig as the main means of drug administration, correct?
Kinda. It's mostly the physical habit at this point. If I go out somewhere or when I'm at work I don't think about the thing at all. The amount of nicotine that I get out of the eCig at the low-strength juice is around 1-2 cigarettes a day with the amount that I actually use it. I'm probably still a tad addicted to it, but occasionally I won't vape at all for a few days at a time and I don't get any of the usual bullshit that comes with quitting the real ones. (Like being an asshole to everyone for no reason..)
FWIW I smoked a pack a day for ~10-12 years, more when out drinking. Twice that when raiding in EQ/WoW, heh. You never
reallyknow how fucking awful you, your house and your car smells until you quit for a long period of time. I'm embarrassed just thinking about it.
I definitely, definitely recommend trying an eCig for anyone having a hard time quitting. My mother uses one now too and she smoked two packs a day for ~40 years. She developed COPD (which, if you don't know someone who has it, is a fucking awful disease) and the eCig made a HUGE difference for her in terms of just being able to get out and do shit without being immediately out of breath.
The thing is, all the ones you see at the mall and 99% of the ones online and on radio ads are cheaply made Chinese pieces of crap. Even the one that I use is, but it's just the least shitty one that I've found. I've tried a shitload of different kinds, and they all leak, the batteries sometimes last a week before being stone dead, some attys/cartos will just be duds out of the box, etc, etc. The key is to just find what you like and buy a shitload of it, and always keep two on you and a good amount of backup shit at home. The first time you run out with an eCig is like the first time you run out of the patch. Patches are $50/box, a pack of smokes is what - 8 bucks? That always shit on me in the past when I tried to quit. I keep 4 batteries charging, plus another in the car, and always have two complete eCigs on hand throughout the day just in case I really need one and one of them stops working. It's not so bad these days, but when you're just starting that's the killer - the shit just breaks.
It's absolutely worth it though. You'll feel better, smell better, your skin looks better, you end up saving money and really, everything you do gets easier once you quit smoking. It's the worst fucking habit in the world.
Edit: This part is important too - if you start vaping, or even currently vape - brush your teeth about 500% more than you already do. This shit is AWFUL for your teeth. I'm kind of an OCD-clean dude, and I went probably 10 years without ever having a single cavity. The very next checkup I went to, maybe 3-4 months after I first started vaping (and I was like a chimney with the thing for the first year or so) my dentist was just like "What the fuck have you been doing?". I ended up with 3 cavities, and while I can't say 100% that it's from the eCig that's really the only thing that changed. I brush my teeth a LOT, like Howard Hughes levels of lot, and since then I've had no cavities. It's a small detail but it may save you some drill time or worse, and you can thank me later for having fresh breath all the time.