The E-cig Thread


> Than U
So my IPV 2 mini started shorting out this week. Sometimes it will work, sometimes it works but changes voltages randomly without me touching it and sometimes it takes a hour to turn on. My Subtank the leaky bastard it is managed to get juice into the circut area.

I went and bought a Cloupor Mini which I LOVED the tiny damn thing. Problem is after owning it a few hours and plugging it in to charge it caught fire. Luckily I was there.
Took it back they gave me a new one and I mentioned how when I goggled it it came up with like a hundred pictures of melted ones and the store guy got pissed at me and went on a rant.
Said he avoided first batch due to it and how he isn't a low life piece of shit out for money and it was something I did blah blah.

Never said he was or anything I just mentioned after mine melted away after a few hours, others had the same issue.
So far new one is 2 days old no issues but I don't leave battery in it when I am not around and I bought a charger so I never have to mod charge again.

Ordered a Atlantis 2 today as well. Crazy features on that thing as the whole ecig/vape shit evolves even more.


Golden Squire
Only seen bad things about Cloudpor stuff so I'll steer well clear.

Hopefully my Sigelei 100w+ will come on Monday/Tuesday along with the Origen genesis v2 clone. Have a Kayfun v4 clone in the mail too.


Golden Squire
Picked up a Innokin MVP 3.0 and a Kanger subtank mini. The flavor coming from a glassomizer is amazing.


Golden Squire
A few recipes I cherry picked from Reddit, some of the Space Jam clones are supposed to be exact, makes you wonder how they have the balls to charge what they do.

clone of Kryptonite by Cosmic Fog:
Watermelon (FW) -15%
Menthol (FW) - .2% (1 drop per 15ml)

clone of Pluto by Space Jam:
honeydew TFA - 9%
bubblegum TFA - 4.5%
peppermint TFA - .3% (one drop per 10ml)

Unicorn milk:
? 10% TFA Strawberry Ripe
? 5% TFA Cheesecake (Graham Crust)
? 3% TFA Bav Cream
? 3% TFA Sweet Cream
? 2% TFA Vanilla Custard

'nana Cream by Bombies:
? 5.0% LA Banana Cream
? 3.0% TFA Dragon Fruit
? 7.0% TFA Strawberry

There's Always Money in the Banana Stand:
? LA Banana Cream: 6%
? TFA Milk Chocolate: 4%
? TFA Vanilla Swirl: 2%

Space Jam Omega:
Peaches and cream v2 capella 15%


<Silver Donator>
Alright, so I've been using ecigs for well almost two years at this point. Only ever used the eGo pen style batteries with variable voltage, and different aspire clearomizer tanks (currently using the K1 series with the ceramic 1.6 BVC). Use normally 60 PG / 40 VG liquid either bought from various stores, or have mixed my own with supplies from Mt.Baker Vapor.

I was pretty happy with my setup for quite a while, but here in the past couple of months I'm just not getting the same performance / enjoyment out of my ecigs. I don't think it's an urge to quit, and frankly I enjoy smoking (even normal cigarettes / cigars on occasion while bbqing, etc). Now, out of the four batteries I have, one set is probably a year old, and the other over 6 months. I normally have my batteries cranked to the max 4.8V, and replace my coils a about every 10 days or so. The problem is that the amount of flavor and overall smoothness that I came to love about them just isn't the same. Could be that it's just me growing a tolerance to the whole thing, or just getting bored wit the juices I'm using (different menthols /mints and various fruit flavors).

Anyways, I think I'm going to finally try upgrading to a more advanced setup and ditch the pens and starter tanks. The question is what to pickup. Been reading reviews on the different mods and tanks that folks have talked about in the thread, but still unsure of what I should purchase.

I'm leaning towards a box style mod like an MVP or ELeaf iStick. As for tanks, it's a toss up between a Nautilus, Atlantis, or a Subtank. The idea of being able to rebuild coils for the Sub is pretty tempting, just don't know how much of a pain in the ass it'll be in the long run.

So the question is, what would you gentlemen suggest? Are there other products out there that I should be looking at? Is upgrading my setup going to improve my vaping experience, or am I barking up the wrong tree? Budget isn't really a concern (unless it's something completely nuts). Any and all suggestions or advice will be greatly appreciated and +nets to those who I can dish it out to...


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I just picked up a Istick 50w and a Kanger subtank mini. I love it and both where under 80 bucks shipped.



Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Have you messed around with the rebuilding coils for it, Abe?
I have not but I will link a video in a couple hours when I get a chance that shows how to do that and the wick. Mostly was just getting a certain sized drill bit and wrapping it around.


Golden Squire
Have you messed around with the rebuilding coils for it, Abe?
I only build my own coils on the Subtank mainly because it's incredibly easy to do and tastes as good or better than prebuilt.

Personal Care

Unbleached organic cotton pads, these will last for I don't know how long, possibly a few years. You can buy regular organic cotton from pharmacies but it will be bleached and taste bleachy.

Coil wise I have 2 spools of 28g and 24g Kanthal, I bought 25m of each and I think it was ~$12 in your money.

Coil Jig Set Kit - Youde

Is very handy for making coils with as it gives exact inner diameters which you'll need for...

Coil wrapping | Steam Engine | free vaping calculators

Their Android app is also very good for coil building information.

There are a lot of good sub-ohm tanks out at the moment, just made sure you buy one with an rba deck, the Aspire Atlantis models don't have one and neither does the Subtank nano. The deck on the Subtank mini is a little tight so you wouldn't be building anything too extravagant but it does still give good results. The Arctic sub-ohm tank is well regarded but the rba comes separately.

The iStick 50w is taking a bit of a bashing at the moment with some supposed battery explodey issues. I have one and it hasn't given me the slightest cause for concern, I put a lot of it down to user misuse but take it how you want.
I also have a Sigelei 100w+ which is bulkier and requires separate batteries but obviously it gives 100w more if I want it, I also find it fires up in a smoother fashion but that's just my opinion.


Golden Squire
Scratch the Arctic, it's good but no rba deck option. I mixed it up with the Delta 2 which is supposed to be great, rba deck sold separately.


Molten Core Raider
Anyone try "Milkman" ejuice ??? Says max vg but it seems a bit on the thinner side to me. Flavor was phenomenal. Vanilla with a hint of strawberry. I went through 30ml in like 4 days. Vaped at 22watts in a .5 subtank mini. Would recommend to anyone that prefers more VG based flavors.


Golden Squire
So I bought a cloned Kayfun v4 a couple of weeks ago now and it's become my main vape tank. Fantastic flavour and vapor production more so than the Subtank. It does have a slight learning curve due to being a relatively complicated tank compared to others but it's very much worth it, so much so I'm ordering another one from Fasttech next month.


<Silver Donator>
Thanks gents for all the info and advice. Ended up snagging an Eleaf iStick 50w and a Kanger Nano and a Plus. Really enjoying the setup so far. So much more flavor then my old pen style deals. Only problem is I have to start downgrading all my fluids to lower nicotine, which isn't a bad thing. Figure I'll order some rebuild materials soon before my stock of OCCs are done.

Anyways, thanks again for all the help...


Silver Knight of the Realm
I feel like the tech has progressed so much in the last year that I have no idea what is going on anymore. I still have my MVP w/ a Kanger Aerotank. Been thinking of upgrading recently.


<Silver Donator>
Why lower nicotine?
What Abe said. Plus, if you open it up full blast with my current 18mg fluid it'll burn the hell out of your lungs and throat. Learned this the hard way. If I'm using any of my high percentage stuff, I'm having to burn it at 10V or less and play with the airflow settings. Some flavors or mixes seem to be a little more forgiving then others. The problem is most of my old fluid was either 50/50 or 60/40 PG for more throat hit with the pen-style batteries I was using.

I did end up taking a 7/32 drill bit and make the intake holes on my old K-1 tanks larger and added an additional two. Seemed to really improve their performance, so I'll probably continue using them as backups, or when I go out and don't feel like pocketing the box mod. Felt the same way as you regarding the advancement of the tech though. Luckily there are plenty of folks here that know the current trends. Follow their suggestions and you should be good to go...


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
What Abe said. Plus, if you open it up full blast with my current 18mg fluid it'll burn the hell out of your lungs and throat. Learned this the hard way. If I'm using any of my high percentage stuff, I'm having to burn it at 10V or less and play with the airflow settings. Some flavors or mixes seem to be a little more forgiving then others. The problem is most of my old fluid was either 50/50 or 60/40 PG for more throat hit with the pen-style batteries I was using.

I did end up taking a 7/32 drill bit and make the intake holes on my old K-1 tanks larger and added an additional two. Seemed to really improve their performance, so I'll probably continue using them as backups, or when I go out and don't feel like pocketing the box mod. Felt the same way as you regarding the advancement of the tech though. Luckily there are plenty of folks here that know the current trends. Follow their suggestions and you should be good to go...
This is a great point that I forgot to add. Higher nic with a sub ohm is fucking harsh on the throat.