The Elder Scrolls Online


Yeah, I thought about that too.... Age of Conan all over again. Good point.

Still, surprised the Press would pick up on that. They're usually the most clueless of the bunch.
I've experienced several Tortage quality zones so far myself. Can't provide any more specific details.

Anyone remember when the WoW open beta started and the NDA was lifted? I was in the open beta for a few weeks before the game was launched but its been so long I don't remember.


<Bronze Donator>
MMO's are long term investments, and this game in beta from the absolute opening scene felt like shit ("Ah man its in beta, what do you expect?"). I can't imagine people actually playing this long term and enjoying it, must have a shit ton of free time. I can't believe 15 years after first playing a MMORPG the genre would be this terrible.


I've experienced several Tortage quality zones so far myself. Can't provide any more specific details.

Anyone remember when the WoW open beta started and the NDA was lifted? I was in the open beta for a few weeks before the game was launched but its been so long I don't remember.
Open beta was late October 2004 I believe.

Edit - Actually it was November 8th 2004.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I have been a lurker on this board and the old FoH board for almost a decade now and that is my perception of many of the posters who constantly pine for the good ole days of EQ1 and bash WoW and its clones. Whether its right or wrong, there has to be some rational explanation for why so many of you guys revere a game that for the most part had horrible gameplay mechanics, ridiculously long timesinks, forced grouping, etc. IMO some of you just miss being in a top raiding guild where being a member had some status attached to it. You can still be in top raiding guilds in WoW and its clones, but outside of your guild no one else on the server likely knows who you are nor cares what raid bosses you killed.
I think you'll find that most people who were top end raiders in EQ actually don't want to return to the days of being able to cockblock. In fact I challenge you to find anyone here who was a best in server raider in EQ and wants to go back to the cock-blocking in EQ.

Personally I think all solo and group play should be non-instanced, and almost all raiding should be instanced. And the main reason I'd want some raids to be non-instanced is to add flavor and cool mobs to the world rather than allow for raiding guilds to compete with spawns.


Trakanon Raider
I think Ut will be right in his statements on this game going F2P. Currently certainly does seem like a case of the marketing not matching the actual product from all the videos that go up (and down) on youtube. This game will sell lots, but it does not seem ready. It is like a total conversion mod for Skyrim where they had to make lots of sacrifices to be able to put multiplayer into it.

So it is not about him being wrong about it going F2P, but more if he is also right about the reasoning why they do not do it to begin with. A cash grab initially, to basically get as much money as possible, then go F2P when the game is better after a year. Them knowing that it is not finished, but marketing it as such. Nobody but the people behind it know for sure, but I am skeptical of how they treated the NDA in this round. They gave a press pass in an earlier weekend to where youtubers and media had their own server with no lag or issues. The press releases and official media from the larger youtube channels then offered little to none of the biggest problems of this beta. Conveniently the embargo date for them to release said press information was during this beta. So suddenly you get a beta, with lots of news regarding TESO, but where none of the news came from the beta weekend with an actual population. The beta testers of this weekend also can not really respond to the media/youtube releases by letting them know of extra issues, because this test is still under an NDA. Oddly though they seem to be removing far less foreign speaking videos on youtube (Russian and German in particular) than English speaking ones. Just sorting after date gives lots of new ones, but lots are removed quite fast.

David Georgeson on Everquest Next: Landmark

"To be honest, the reason we had an NDA is because I was really paranoid that we would launch and just fall over and everything would be very negative. We wanted to make sure that we had a window of time when we could make the corrections and make sure that it was fun for players before we started telling every one about it. The first weekend was so much fun, and the people really responded to the community, so we decided overnight to drop the NDA because we were having such a good time with the players."
There is a reason why they still are playing the NDA game two months from release and I think it will be a future example in one of TotalBiscuits rants on his dislike of pre-orders and early access.


<Bronze Donator>
What interests me is the disproportionate amount of Press hate this is receiving prior to launch. I went into this weekend, based on the conversation around here, that this was Vanguard level bad. It clearly isn't, but it's not a good game either. Technically, outside of the login issues, I ran into one "bugged" quest involving a spawned NPC and the skill lag in PvP. It wasn't really earth-shattering. Personally, the game feel slightly better than SWTOR at release... to me at least.

The Press though, have been really railing against this one. While I'd like to think it's them waking up after the countless 85+ review scores they've put out on shitty to mediocre MMO releases (ie SWTOR, AoC, Rift, Warhammer, etc), I get the feeling like something else is driving it. I can't believe the Press is getting somewhat honest for a change.
Honestly I think its just the fact that for the longest time the "press" never actually played MMOs, so they had no idea what they were talking about or a comparison to judge their reviews on. Maybe they're catching up a little.

edit: Not to mention that a majority of the gaming community really enjoyed Skyrim, and so the expectations that the game would carry on a lot like that are a massive disappointment. Casuals...


Your understanding is completely wrong. WoW had a million and a half subscribers right out of the gate, smashing expectations tenfold, and rocketed upwards from there. Once it was released to asian markets, the numbers doubled, and asia continues to make up roughly half the total subscribers.

EQ peaked at 500k. Even if you don't count asians for some reason, you still are left with 7.5 million or so humans.
Psst, that was a joke.. You know, Asians and Blizzard. WOW's initial success wasn't a surprise due how good the game was to most of us. The big surprise is how many people are still playing it, or still pay for a few months each year. I'd love a breakdown of what subs are from NA/Europe and which are from Asia currently.

I don't see a ton of press hate for TESO. I see some very fair reviews from people about a very buggy product. Two months from release the newbee zones should not have quests freezing up.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Didn't wow start with no NDA in about March 2004? If you Google it there's posts talking about the NDA lift as the game went from alpha to beta.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
I've experienced several Tortage quality zones so far myself. Can't provide any more specific details.

Anyone remember when the WoW open beta started and the NDA was lifted? I was in the open beta for a few weeks before the game was launched but its been so long I don't remember.
Anyone remember there wasn't a fucking NDA to begin with after closed friends and family alpha, and anyone could post about anything regarding to the game about 8 months before it launched? That's because they were confident in their product.


So it is not about him being wrong about it going F2P, but more if he is also right about the reasoning why they do not do it to begin with. A cash grab initially, to basically get as much money as possible, then go F2P when the game is better after a year.Them knowing that it is not finished, but marketing it as such. Nobody but the people behind it know for sure, but I am skeptical of how they treated the NDA in this round.They gave a press pass in an earlier weekend to where youtubers and media had their own server with no lag or issues.The press releases and official media from the larger youtube channels then offered little to none of the biggest problems of this beta. Conveniently the embargo date for them to release said press information was during this beta. So suddenly you get a beta, with lots of news regarding TESO, but where none of the news came from the beta weekend with an actual population.
What is your criteria to determine when a game goes live whether it is "finished"? ESO has already said stuff like the Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood quests won't be implemented until after the game is released. Other than that, what content do you believe will be missing when the game launches but should have been included and tested before release?

BTW it stands to reason that if the media were playing on a different server and they didn't complain about lag or gameplay issues while the weekend beta testers were having major technical and gameplay issues, the disparity isn't so much the content of the game but technical problems with the megaserver architecture. Obviously that needs to get fixed before launch but is that something to be overly concerned with 2 months out?


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Anyone remember there wasn't a fucking NDA to begin with after closed friends and family alpha, and anyone could post about anything regarding to the game about 8 months before it launched? That's because they were confident in their product.
That's what I remember too.

If 2003-2004 blizzard was sitting on TESO they wouldn't be worrying about an NDA, they'd be burying TESO and never letting anyone know about it. See:


The Press though, have been really railing against this one. While I'd like to think it's them waking up after the countless 85+ review scores they've put out on shitty to mediocre MMO releases (ie SWTOR, AoC, Rift, Warhammer, etc), I get the feeling like something else is driving it. I can't believe the Press is getting somewhat honest for a change.
Most of the previews for ESO so far I've seen present it as "buggy and mediocre but maybe they can fix it by launch."

While I agree the press usually overhypes mediocre to poor MMOs, there is an example of an absolutely broken and ill-conceived MMO that both the press and players slammed.The original release of FFXIV- a game which eventually had to be taken down and reworked from the ground up. The difference between the games you listed and FFXIV/ESO is that the games you listed had very seductive early-game experiences and didn't fall apart until later. Most of the people supporting ESO admit something along the lines of "you have to play for a while for it to open up." So if we look at MMOs being judged in the press nearly entirely on their opening experience, I think the reviews make a lot more consistent sense.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Obviously that needs to get fixed before launch but is that something to be overly concerned with 2 months out?
Yes? After a 7 year development cycle, and this is the best they can come up with, the answer is most assuredly yes.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Most of the previews for ESO so far I've seen present it as "buggy and mediocre but maybe they can fix it by launch."

While I agree the press usually overhypes mediocre to poor MMOs, there is an example of an absolutely broken and ill-conceived MMO that both the press and players slammed.The original release of FFXIV- a game which eventually had to be taken down and reworked from the ground up. The difference between the games you listed and FFXIV/ESO is that the games you listed had very seductive early-game experiences and didn't fall apart until later. Most of the people supporting ESO admit something along the lines of "you have to play for a while for it to open up." So if we look at MMOs being judged in the press nearly entirely on their opening experience, I think the reviews make a lot more consistent sense.
We're comparing ESO to FFXIV now? Let's have some perspective people. Christ.


Potato del Grande
I don't want to grind mobs. I just don't want mobs to die with little or no effort on my character that I don't put any armor on and don't upgrade any spells/abilities. Maybe the mobs get tougher later, but early on it's clear they want mobs to be a minor speed-bump in reaching the next arrow on the map, not something you actually have to think about or take into account or even care about. You just run through them, basically, so you can keep running. It's boring.

I also got bored in Rift when I was level 15 and hadn't allocated any points of any kind and was still steamrolling most of the 'solo' content.

Since when did 'solo' have to mean completely lacking any challenge of any kind?


Yes? After a 7 year development cycle, and this is the best they can come up with, the answer is most assuredly yes.
Do you have any background in software engineering? I'm software QA myself. Most of the time you don't know things are broke until you test them because developers typically suck at unit testing their own code. What do you think was the primary purpose of the weekend beta test that gave out 500K new keys? The crap the weekend beta testers had to put up with from a QA perspective is a good thing as long as the root cause of what caused the problems was identified.

BTW I suppose you remember that as great as Blizzard was and how confident they were in WoW and how smooth the open beta went, all hell broke loose when the game went live and it was pretty much unplayable for the first several days? Sounds to me that that is pretty much what happened to ESO this past weekend two months before release.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
What do you think was the primary purpose of the weekend beta test that gave out 500K new keys?
Marketing. To say that over 1 million were trying to log in to their "Much Anticipated Elder Scrolls Game". Compliments of Peter Hines.

BTW I suppose you remember that as great as Blizzard was and how confident they were in WoW and how smooth the open beta went, all hell broke loose when the game went live and it was pretty much unplayable for the first several days? Sounds to me that that is pretty much what happened to ESO this past weekend two months before release.
Not even close. The market back in 2003,4 was thought market capped at 430-500k. This was stated by anyone with a pulse back then, and some folks knew it was wrong. Unfortunately, even some folks at Blizzard agreed with the previous. When it hit 1.5 million within a week, it astounded the entire gaming space. I agree, it sucked. I was getting raid split in molten core after reaching 60 and a month in or however long it took to get there, so a majority of time was spent in L/UBRS. But, they were also the first company to my knowledge to credit days back to my account. (There could have been others before, I just probably never played them - so I am not sure) On Mal'Ganis, I was given two weeks paid to make up for it. Doesn't mean it didn't suck. At least they did * Something *.

You seem to have a very one sided non factual opinion to your slants. I am very curious of your agenda. It seems more apologetic for these people than anything. And there are different circumstances existing between now and 10 years ago that you should most definitely know existed back then, but are scapegoating or purely ignorant.

That doesn't mean that it gives any excuse here for a game in development 7 years having this many issues. The pure and solid reason for it was all the stop starts, and Paul Sage's mismanagement of his team.