When I think Raid, I think of a lot of people getting together to kill big bad things for very powerful loot. I mean, after all,that's been common sense for the last 15 years.
The number of people do not matter to me. But I do not think getting together in an instance to see who can kill things faster on a leaderboardwithout any other information givencan be considered anything but a timed trial/challenge mode we see in countless games. The guy doesn't talk about anything that is happening, other than they are in adventure zones, they are timed, you have limited deaths before failure, and there will be a leaderboard. This could literally mean anything at this point from zombie killing to running through killing 60,403 copies of Molag''s STD invested penis. We have no idea.
And now is not the time to be vague/obtuse about it when there are so many other problems.