I play this game because I love the Elder Scrolls series, I enjoy the fun grouping with people in PvE dungeons and I love the competition of PvP.
However, combination of class bugs (I play a nightblade), grotesque class imbalances, niche armor/spec combinations that are essentially unbeatable and the horrible imbalances in campaigns really just make me want to stop pvping. Mind you I'm a V10 Nightblade on Auriels Bow and I play Ebonheart Pact. I'm top 20 for EP and maybe 120 or so for the entire campaign. (I leveled really slow and didn't really go into Cyrodil much before I hit V10) I play with most of the top ranked people in my campaign and they are all really good PVPers for the most part. Alot of them are much more hardcore that I am but they all can agree with the fact that there are such huge issues with this game that's just driving people away daily.
The AB campaign is just an ass pounding from AD all day long every day. There are -VERY- brief moments when DC or EP will have people guest in from other campaigns to get one of their streamer buddies EMP. Other than that, if you're on DC or EP you are sitting at your Gate trying to figure out the best way to get points (I travel to DC's Alta Ruma gate and farm them with oil pots) while getting slutpuppied by a mass of AD. It's sad because there is still a good bit of talent remaining on EP side that simply want to go into Cyrodil and have good fights but that's literally impossible at this point.
We sit in teamspeak and just laugh maniacally at the dumb fucking bugs that plague this game(way too many to list). We laugh at how long they have been going on and how long they go without even being addressed (lolcaltrops). We cry that certain classes are in every way shape and form unkillable for most people(I would pit a DK against literally any class 1v1 and they only get exponentially better vs more than one enemy). We cry that we finally take a keep only to have a legion of AD show up out of nowhere to take it over in minutes and drive us back to being farmed at the gate. We get pissed that we want to pvp but the -ONLY- option is to fight against 6-1 odds. We want to duel to kill time but we can't for no legitimate fucking reason(Fucking Everquest had dueling and that was one of the most unfriendly, unbalanced PVP games created).
Alot of the hardcore people I play with had such high hopes for ESO and Zeni is just letting everyone the fuck down. It frustrates the ever living shit out of so many of us because the potential for a great MMO is here... but these people are just letting their complete fucking ignorance of how games work ruin it.
Tuco- I could write down a gigantic list of problems that haunts this game and hope that it gets changed. But, I just ask one simple thing. If you are in fact going to go and talk to these people... out of everything... I just want you to tell them to play their own creation. They need to fucking level a character to V10. They need to go into pvp and play for like 5 hours a day(?) on the weekend, on the underdog side of an imbalanced server. I want you to tell them to experience their own fucking game because I am thoroughly convinced that there isn't a single person in that entire team that has played a character through and through. Either that or they all play DK's with batswarm and simply made this game to feel cool while lolercausting people in Cyrodil.