The Elder Scrolls Online


Remember Warhammer and all the PVD? Stupidly large maps / spreading people out isn't going to encourage good PVP. People are going to move where you aren't and take that. If you're 20 minutes away then, well go PVD it back.
The map is large (good thing in my opinion) but you can get around on it quickly with the teleport network. You can port to any keep that isn't under assault, and they are only about 5 minutes running distance from each other, so you can get to the fight fairly quickly.

The problems WAR had that lead to PvD do not exist in this game from what I have seen. Three factions is a pretty big difference, it's easy for two factions to circle each other and just back cap, add a 3rd faction in there and you always have a fight somewhere. Because of the teleport network, reinforcements have to travel from the closest keep to the one they want to defend, allowing for fights to take place at the milegates and other choke points between keeps. I'm sure you could sit and fight a door all day if you wanted to, but you can also choose not to do that, and last time I played my clan never once setup siege outside of a holding, we had 100% field fights.


If you're 20 minutes away then, well go PVD it back.
You're never 20 minutes away. There is a teleportation system, but to teleport to a place, your alliance must control the resource nodes around it and the enemy must still be working on using siege equipment to knock down doors and walls. Once they're inside (and some times if it's under siege for long enough), you have to go to the nearest location to that and run the rest of the way. The other reason people talk about running in Cyrodiil is that any time you go behind enemy lines, you go on foot. There is also a forward camp item with a limited number of spawns it can support, to help people get into battles quicker. Having a sneaky player set one up can actually be a great way to surprise attack, since scouts won't see your army moving along the roads.

This all describes why before a keep or outpost is attacked, it's advisable to take whatever resource location is behind it. The sneaky strategy I mention above is what I plan on doing after release, with a forward camp placed close to the rear resource location to cut off defenders and the forward resource taken by people respawning. That divides the enemy into three: defenders at the keep under attack and the resource node in front of it, and those trying to take back the rear node. If they neglect that, then they run on foot from their nearest keep or outpost behind that.

Another way to gain Alliance Points fast, when you can only get one raid together (it takes 2 to 4 to take a keep, usually) is to run around behind enemy lines taking resources far from the front lines. It forces them to devote forces to reclaiming those locations, thus weakening their overall war effort considerably for damage brought by a simple 24 person raid.

An organized guild or an alliance with disciplined raids will have sneaky groups intercepting reinforcements coming from respawn, which makes caution and forward camps a necessity. Having somebody maintain stealth just for that purpose is a good idea. If the same players join the Covenant that were in it last test, then you'll see that after release -- don't expect the Pact to do things like this until a few decent guilds get put together and trained up. Strategy on the larger scale plays a big role in this game, which is amazing, but this is also why I talk about the zergs the way that I do. The biggest barrier to success for an alliance are its zergling players who don't listen. They are the difference between success and failure, every time.


I have some friends who are buying this, some of whom I haven't spoken to for a while now. Needless to say I'll do $75 for a month and a box. I've dabbled in the beta for a bit but I haven't really had much time to sit and really get at it. The world pvp looks like it actually runs smooth with hundreds of players on the screen even at high-max settings. When I hear 'hero engine' all I can think of is the early Ilum wars in SWTOR where it was an absolute slideshow with 50 people on the screen even with the best computer money can buy. Is Cyrodiil the only place where pvp is allowed to take place? If so that's a major fucking bummer :/


Just a lurker but I hear this stuff belongs here;

All of this footage is from the same day. I'm playing a vr10 Nightblade in heavy armor. This is a typical day in ESO pvp and will only become more epic with the horde of targets, i mean people, to come on release. Want to thank The Noore and PRX for all the fun.

Never made a vid before so any feedback is appreciated.


Just a lurker but I hear this stuff belongs here;

All of this footage is from the same day. I'm playing a vr10 Nightblade in heavy armor. This is a typical day in ESO pvp and will only become more epic with the horde of targets, i mean people, to come on release. Want to thank The Noore and PRX for all the fun.


Never made a vid before so any feedback is appreciated.
Awesome vid, thanks! Reminds me so much of DAOC...


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
Just a lurker but I hear this stuff belongs here;

All of this footage is from the same day. I'm playing a vr10 Nightblade in heavy armor. This is a typical day in ESO pvp and will only become more epic with the horde of targets, i mean people, to come on release. Want to thank The Noore and PRX for all the fun.

Never made a vid before so any feedback is appreciated.
Nice vid. Stop lurking. Post and be fuckin merry.


I'm playing a vr10 Nightblade in heavy armor. [/video]

Never made a vid before so any feedback is appreciated.
Video looks cool, outside of the music, but I'm not into that. It fits the setting. I'd rather just watch the action and hear what's going on.

What does VR10 mean? Level 10? Realm Rank 10? What level is your character there?


Video looks cool, outside of the music, but I'm not into that. It fits the setting. I'd rather just watch the action and hear what's going on.

What does VR10 mean? Level 10? Realm Rank 10? What level is your character there?
Veteran ranks are post level 50 ranks. Veteran rank 10 means that player has not only completed all of the PVE content Utnayan insists is unfinished in his faction's home zones, he has also completed pretty much all of the PVE content in the other two faction's zones.

The difficulty of the veteran dungeons are based on veteran rank


Molten Core Raider
Just a lurker but I hear this stuff belongs here;

All of this footage is from the same day. I?m playing a vr10 Nightblade in heavy armor. This is a typical day in ESO pvp and will only become more epic with the horde of targets, i mean people, to come on release. Want to thank The Noore and PRX for all the fun.

Never made a vid before so any feedback is appreciated.
I'll be honest this gameplay footage looks very DAOC-esque. Many games have tried to emulate this via stated mechanics and gameplay but actual video footage this looks pretty on par.

I am curious if playing a TANK in AvA (I haven't read up much but things like Guarding or Taunting to peel if those mechanics exist). Otherwise will probably look to play healer and find a good group/guild to run with.


I'll be honest this gameplay footage looks very DAOC-esque. Many games have tried to emulate this via stated mechanics and gameplay but actual video footage this looks pretty on par.

I am curious if playing a TANK in AvA (I haven't read up much but things like Guarding or Taunting to peel if those mechanics exist). Otherwise will probably look to play healer and find a good group/guild to run with.
Tanky dps and healers make the world go 'round. Stays true in ESO for sure.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Veteran rank 10 means that player has not only completed all of the PVE content Utnayan insists is unfinished
1) I never said it wasn't finished.
2) I said it was just as boring and bland as the initial 1-17 weekend beta zones.
3) I said the itemization was horrible.
4) It is buggier than shit and will break under stress as it * has never been under stress *

Luckily no one will have to worry. They will make it to level 5, get the hell out of the PvE game, play RvR for 2 weeks, and quit.


Lord Nagafen Raider
1) I never said it wasn't finished.
No, you just indirectly confirmed.

Age of Conan. I have not seen anything other than that which is so blatant. In Warhammer Online, i knew the game was unfinished because i could see it in the beta.
Exactly why you cannot see anything passed 17.