Holy hell - I have worked all damn weekend (10- 12 hours Sat, Sun and today) so I can take a motherfucking vacation.
Yes I have had time off in the past 18 months - but planning a funeral and doctor appointments and surgeries do not a vacation make. Last vacation was May 2015 for my 25th wedding anniversary. We went to New Mexico so G could see his dad for what he knew would be his last time.
I am anxious as heck. I have to work tomorrow at least 10 hours and then New is coming to my house.
My mini vacation (Wed, Th, Fri, Sat and Sun) is camping and fishing with New at various locations in the Mark Twain National Forest in S and S Central Missouri. Tent, no running water, no electricity, au naturale - loads of Fishing. I am not packed at fucking all (OK my fishing gear is ready; am taking the 2, the 6 and the 8 wt fly rods and my favorite closed reel = an ancient Johnson Century - it casts like a dream).
I am SO excited. How the hell am I supposed to: 1. sleep , 2. work 3. get all my shit together including prepping the house for my house/dog sitter by 8 tomorrow?!?