LOL that bigeye snapper looks like a goldffish. Needs a banana for scale or something.
Fuck you and your commie measurements. 30 cm is almost 12 inches. So how big was that one? In the picture it looks like it's no more than half a hand long. (See, I can use stupid measurements too)
You have three months! Mine is actually good through next Feb for Mo; I will have to check the Illinois license but I think it is until the end of Dec. That's right fellas - I have in state AND an out of state fishing licenses. It was a good summer.I didn't go fishing once this year
First time in probably 15 or more years I didn't bother getting a fishing license.
What you're doing could definitely work. If you're not having luck with the bait, maybe try a Mepps spinner or a very small spoon.
Are there other people fishing where you are? If not it might just not be a good area. If there are, just ask them how the fishing is and if they seem friendly, ask them what they are doing. Most people don't mind helping out, especially if you tell them you're a beginner.