I dont care for him either, but he's a good director. At least The Town and Argo. His degenerate brother is the one that needs to be thrown into an industrial tomato steamer, though.liked Armageddon didnt like him, liked Argo, didnt like him. never saw Paycheck or Gone girl, because i dont like the guy. i had planned on watching the George Reeves film, my dad said it was good. but i put it off because i just dont like Ben Affleck. its fine if you like or dislike somebody. everyone is entitled to their opinion. contrary to what the chucklefucks on this board claim.
yes, apparently me you and a lot of other people feel like we were done dirty by DC when they yanked away our favorite actors after 10 years and now we dont care anymore about their films. at least they were able to match Marvel in that respect.I have to agree withChukzombi on at least one point here. Using the Flash and a "Flashpoint event" storyline they have the absolutely perfect legit plot device to build a new and blended universe. The problem with the Snyderverse was not the actors (outside of the whack job starring in this film) , it was the writing, direction, and stylistic choices. Cavill was a damn near perfect Superman, Gadot was a spot on Wonder Woman, Batfleck even worked surprisingly well. Instead Gunn's insistence of "putting his mark on things from the word go" means none of these films will carry any weight for the audience, and one thing super hero movie audiences seem to crave is the persisting world building. Instead, we're getting the Gunn version of "New 52" and we all see how that had to end up....
well whatever they do, this movie is tanking worse than Black Adam.The one thing I will say that would justify a "full reboot" is that in the Snyderverse movies we have Superman obviously well into middle age and having been going at this a while. We have a late middle aged Batman (which would put him post active career, Pre-Miller dark knight mode). If you want to be able to make a set of movies about these character they need to be younger (since audiences will identify more with a Superman and Batman who they feel are closer to relevant to their age). In the comics they've done various things over time to explain how they just don't seem to really age, including the time to time reboot. So there was some justification for a reracking of the talent. (Wonder woman I leave out of this analogy because she's literally an immortal so shouldn't age, good luck finding an actress that matches that, although Gadot is close)
But even with that, they could have done this film also as a blending of those established actors and such into a newly re-written Barry-verse post flashpoint with the adjustments they needed to make and kept the story moving. (New timeline where what changed makes it so that a new Superman exists who is a generation younger, arrived on earth in the late 90's, and Henry Cavill plays holographic Jor-El, Affleck is suddenly actually the father who gets killed taking his son to a movie in the early 90's who then is Bruce, etc... ) Instead they're just "nope" on that and it's fresh reboots across the line. The part that annoys me most is that the one actor they seem to be bringing along is the least good of the whole batch...
So Gunn was in an unenviable position, none of the paths forward were great. But he still seemed to pick a path which is going to further alienate the core audience he'll need.
It's because everyone's a racist and homophobic!!!well whatever they do, this movie is tanking worse than Black Adam.
Dazed and Confused, Mallrats, Chasing Amy, GOOD WILL HUNTING, DOGMA, Boiler Room, Reindeer Games, Pearl Harbor, Changing Lanes, The Town, The Accountant. And of course there is always Daredevil.Armageddon, Argo, Paycheck, and Gone Girl off the top of my head.
There was also the Last Duel. I thought he was hilarious in thatDazed and Confused, Mallrats, Chasing Amy, GOOD WILL HUNTING, DOGMA, Boiler Room, Reindeer Games, Pearl Harbor, Changing Lanes, The Town, The Accountant. And of course there is always Daredevil.
Damon and Affleck in a movie together? Sounds like I missed a gem.There was also the Last Duel. I thought he was hilarious in that
The one thing I will say that would justify a "full reboot" is that in the Snyderverse movies we have Superman obviously well into middle age and having been going at this a while. We have a late middle aged Batman (which would put him post active career, Pre-Miller dark knight mode). If you want to be able to make a set of movies about these character they need to be younger (since audiences will identify more with a Superman and Batman who they feel are closer to relevant to their age).
The Accountant was absolute trash.Dazed and Confused, Mallrats, Chasing Amy, GOOD WILL HUNTING, DOGMA, Boiler Room, Reindeer Games, Pearl Harbor, Changing Lanes, The Town, The Accountant. And of course there is always Daredevil.
Well, Pearl Harbor was even worse than that!The Accountant was absolute trash.
I liked The Accountant, would have made a better limited run tv-series on Netflix or whatever and it's not perfect but I liked it.
the Keaton Batman and Cara stuff i had no problems with, my only quibble with Keaton Batman is he got stuck repeating the same lines from Batman89. nobody asked for that. its not even a fanservice thing as no fans would want Keaton to play on a loop. its a, "remember this? guys, do you remember Batman in 1989? look, its the Batman you grew up with. Batman 89! you fucking neckbeard loser nerds must love this film" very insulting, Cara was a really nice surprise. i didnt think i would end up liking her as much as i did, not just because she is cute, but she had a decent heartfelt performance. but as we said. ITS ALL RUINED by FagBarry and FaggierBarry in every fucking scene being obnoxious fags to the utter extreme. i cant stress enough how bad he was and how much his casting has destroyed the future of this franchise.Ok just finished this.
I stick by everything I said earlier.
This was 2 films morphed together in some fucked up Cronenberg-esque monstrosity.
It's the flash origin story, training montages, learning how to use his powers, etc, and seeing how Ezra miller is the weakest part of the film and the way they tell this origin story and do the training montages is by having 2 fucking ezra millers, both faggots who ruin every scene but one far more annoying than the other having to learn how to stop being a faggot, this film is absolute dog shit.
And it's the "DC's version of 'No Way Home' multiverse collides, how do we fix the timeline, look at all this fan service and nostalgia for all the previous actors who played this roles etc etc" and that film is actually....pretty fucking good. Yes it's mainly carried by Michael Keatons batman but even Zod is great and yes Nick Cage's superman makes a cameo fighting the thanagarian snarebeast...shit was great.
the problem of course is these films are intertwined together so overall this movie blows.
if they had done the origin story in the first solo film and this was Flash 2 and could of just been 1 flash trying to undo the past and deal with the ramifications of fucking up time, this would of been a great film on par with No Way Home, out of pure nostalgia and fan service not for Ezra/flash but for all the other beloved DC characters from the silver age and on.
Again this movie is fucking ruined by the two ezra millers doubling up the faggotry. If DC had any fucking sense they would of did their own thing instead of "gotta have multiple flashes, spider-man had multiple spider-man and we are just paint by numbers copying that movie". If it had just been the one, older wiser less faggoty flash, no training wheels learning how to use his powers, just him dealing with the timeline fuckery this could of been an epic send off to the DCEU.