The Flash


Vyemm Raider
A family member of Shantel VanSanten is one of my company's clients. I talked to the family member earlier today and Patty Spivot's presence on the show is up in the air since she filmed the pilot for Shooter on USA network (based on that Mark Wahlberg movie Shooter in 2007). If the pilot is picked up she may only be making guest appearances in the future. If it isn't, then there's a better possibility she comes back, but not guaranteed (Family member left it vague).

That is as close to a famous person as I have ever been, so it's the closest I'll ever be to pulling a Mippo.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Are they really making a tv series out of that godawful movie?


and yeah I'm pretty fucking salty about them writing Patty right back out of the show. Given the source material I'm guessing the pilot will tank and hopefully that would lead to her being full time on the show again.


<Gold Donor>
I'm assuming the show is actually based on the books, which were good for a little bit, but quickly veered into "This guy is awesome at everything somehow because he's a sniper" ridiculousness. My friend and I periodically bitch about it when we see similar characters in other things, and call it the "Bob Lee Swagger" effect, since he is the sniper in the books. Like, the author literally described how he was a superior high-speed chase driver because of his training as a sniper. Among twenty other things. God I hate him. I hope it fails for both reasons now.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I totally forgot until just a little bit ago that Zoom's name is Hunter Zolomon. I really hope that Zoom isn't Earth 1 Jay, but I suppose that would be a really good twist for people who don't read the comics which is probably the majority of their audience.


Golden Squire
Maybe it's actually Earth 2 Jay and he's played everyone for a sucker to get into Caitlin's knickers. Totally worth it.

Flash is so much better than Arrow and from what I've seen so far Legends of Tomorrow. I don't know if it's the cast or the scripts in the other shows but I find them to be abysmal.

Everything about the Flash works for me.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Casting on this show is great, actor playing Thawne needs to show up more. Also not trying to be homo but the jackets that Wells wears on the show I end up wanting to buy


Log Wizard
Casting on this show is great, actor playing Thawne needs to show up more. Also not trying to be homo but the jackets that Wells wears on the show I end up wanting to buy
Have to agree, the casting is top notch
Tom Cavanagh
Jesse L Martin
Carlos Valdes
Those 3 work so well together on the show I love watching the interplay between their characters...but im confused on how thinking that Wells' jacket is cool is gay?


Golden Knight of the Realm
Have to agree, the casting is top notch
Tom Cavanagh
Jesse L Martin
Carlos Valdes
Those 3 work so well together on the show I love watching the interplay between their characters...but im confused on how thinking that Wells' jacket is cool is gay?
He wants to buy them and then have sex with him wearing nothing but their matching jackets.


Vyemm Raider
...Earth 1 Thawne never existed. If it's not Earth 2 Thawne, it's Earth who the fuck knows Thawne.
The show says its E1 thawne, if E1 eobard never existed, season 1 would be retcon'd to not exist but it does exist. Everything Eobard did right before he proofed still happened. The said something about being sheltered from time ripples while travelling through time.

So eobard coming back to our time in to find out flash is Barry is protected from being erased the same way the 15 years he pretended to be wells was not erased. Frankly the way they set the show up, not a damn thing eobard did poofed, just the man at that one moment.

It's kind odd how they did it. I like it only becouse we can now see all the Rf v flash fights that eobard already participated in before he poofed.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Yeah I said all that before they explained how it was Earth 1 Thawne.


But this also suggests that Barry saving his mother may not have changed anything either


Ssraeszha Raider
Nope, still just Timey wimey bullshit. Don't try to assume anything the show hasn't already said since the logic will completely break down


The way I saw it was he was erased from all points forward in his time line but technically the stuff that happened this episode was in HIS past as of when he vanished so it had already happened. Or some nonsense like that.


Ssraeszha Raider
The way I saw it was he was erased from all points forward in his time line but technically the stuff that happened this episode was in HIS past as of when he vanished so it had already happened. Or some nonsense like that.
Except then there's no reason he would have disappeared when Eddie died.


Vyemm Raider
Also, shouldn't Thawne's first meeting with Past Flash have been in a timeline where Thawne hadn't killed Flash's mom?


The Scientific Shitlord
Also, shouldn't Thawne's first meeting with Past Flash have been in a timeline where Thawne hadn't killed Flash's mom?
Not necessarily. When they meet Barry yells at him for killing his mom, so now he knows to go kill his mom.