A nice asshole.
Her issues run so deep that if you expose them you are so fucked.Why?
Her issues run so deep that if you expose them you are so fucked.Why?
korean perhaps?Delete her and get an asian that wants to lick your butthole
Oh is he ever right. I know this from firsthand experience with a pyscho asian girl. /shudder no thank you. Anyways, back in the dating scene in Seattle. Just broke up with my GF almost 2 months ago, we ended it quite amicably, and by that I mean, I wasn't into her and shes a sobbing mess, but hey she says she wasn't feeling me either but is worried about finding a husband to have kids with, and not to be a dick but I am glad to be out of that relationship. Way to pushy and needy for my tastes.Her issues run so deep that if you expose them you are so fucked.
Unless theyre like coworkers or something;So got a question what is the few on your girlfriend/fiance/wife talking to an ex or being friends with them?
Those are three pretty different things!girlfriend/fiance/wife
They have talked a few times on FB and recently some texting, she told me about the times on facebook and brought up texting with him to me and asked if I had any issues. I told her I was unsure (really am, because my last ex cheated on me and I found out from her texts but she didn't cheat on me with any of her exes). She said if I had an issue she would cut contact, I asked if she would have an issue if I talked to my ex, which she said she wouldn't have a problem but if I started hanging out with her at all she would. Also said she was surprised by how supportive he is of our relationship (me and my girl).Those are three pretty different things!
Start being friends with your ex and talk about it all the time. See what she does.
Really its pretty situational, if you have to ask I have a feeling you're suspicious already. Jealous is normal but if they are reallyfriendsand not just still in contact via text then its danger zone and disrespectful to you IMO. Also, you aren't saying if this is ex B/F fling husband long or short term, how long ago, what their relationship is like or any detail. If its her ex husband and they have a kid, that's obviously a very different deal then broke up three months ago and it was just because he thought he was moving away and now he stayed or something.
Sounds like he's sniffing around for an easy rebound. She seems to have been fairly open about what she's doing. In your position, I would tell her the truth - it bothers you. Let her make the decision not to talk to him anymore.apparently they split now a month or two ago. .
There's no "or" about it, she knows damn well and is letting it happen, probably encouraging it. Telling you is plausible deniability and she's setting you up to either be an asshole by putting your foot down or to be a bitch by letting her continue.It would definitely bother me that my fianc? wasn't perceptive enough to recognize he's sniffing for rebound or does realize it and likes the attention