So...if anyone remembers my story from Feburary about the woman who broke up with me by e-mail after a long relationship. Well, anyway, I'm 100 percent better, not an issue, I just got a recent e-mail that was weird.
Long story short: I was (rightfully) quite annoyed by the e-mail breakup and subsequent being ignored for a week afterwards, only receiving a "I'll talk to you soon," which culminated in me blasting her via text and using any and every personal insult I could (which I felt bad about.) Her parents, who liked me very much, both sent me e-mails after it was over, her dad's was mostly nice saying he was disappointed but that he enjoyed having me around, but at the end later fucked it up by saying "this was all your fault, you only have yourself to blame." <---- Said sentence pissed me off greatly about two days later after I re-read the e-mail.
So, I ended up blasting him over his abuse of his wife (yelled at her, constantly said sarcastic things to her, right in front of me.) I already went over all the "co-dependent" hooha shit in a previous thread, so I won't go over it again. Long story short again: He's an asshole and they have a dysfunctional family who can't admit it. Even my GF was constantly tore up about her almost 70 year old parents on the verge of divorce constantly. I called him out (in e-mail) the gist of which was "stop being a dick to your wife, it hurts your daughter." It was actually very elegantly stated. Not at all assholish, just spouting some truth. Since he wanted to be a dick to me in e-mail, I attacked right back.
This elicited a text from my ex about an hour after the e-mail was sent saying "Don't ever contact me again" to which I replied "Okay" and that was that. Early December. I had no intentions of ever contacting her again.
January 1st, new year's day, text from the ex. Paraphrasing:
"HI. Despite our falling out, I want to wish you a happy new year, I hope you find everything you desire, blah blah blah." It was about 3 lines long, and said "hugs" at the end. I responded back with a similar sentiment.
(As noted: This was after saying "don't ever contact me again. She broke it.)
Like a month ago, after the post I made: We bumped into each other somewhere. We talked for like 10 minutes. "How are your parents doing?" "How are you?" "How's work?" etcetera. Smiles, no weirdness, everything as normal as possible. That night, like 8 hours later, I get a text: "You had a lot of nerve saying those things to my parents." WTF. Okay. I sent her a few texts back saying "Hey, I'm sorry about that, it was wrong of me to intrude." I later sent an e-mail saying the same thing since I did feel bad about it.
Weeks later, I get this e-mail. The title of the e-mail is "Thank you."
My Dear xxxxx ,
Thank you for your email. I have been most hurt by your words...most especially directed to my parents which I can not forgive...please stop trying to communicate with me. I simply can not forgive you for what you have expressed to my parents...I am SORRY! You completely crushed me...
You take care...maybe with time I will reconnect, but right now I can not....
Take good care,
WTF again. I was rather amused by it.
It's titled "thank you."
It addresses me as "my dear."
Then she says she can't forgive me (okay? and?)
then she says "don't communicate" yet she keeps breaking that.
Ah, women.