If I had the money I might be doing something similar, because women anywhere near my age either already have several kids of their own and I will always be second place (and they typically make this abundantly clear within the first 7 minutes), or their biological clock is ticking and they want to pump some out as soon as possible. I'm not strictly opposed to either situation mind you, but when that's all I ever hear about through the entire date...I'd rather have spent the money for that dinner on a hooker, you know?
However, I keep trying, so in keeping with the spirit of this thread, I need some advice. I've been going to physical therapy for the last few months. The receptionist, who doesn't actually do any work on me but greets me when I come in, is awesome. I realize she treats almost everyone the same way, greeting them by name, asking how their day is, etc. so she isn't doing anything special for me, but it still feels like it, if you know what I mean. I've chatted her up some and had short conversations beyond simple hello and taking my money, so I know a few things about her and have tried to put myself out there some. For example, I know she plays roller derby, at a rink practically across the street from where I live no less. I've never brought up anything relationship-wise, so I have no idea if she's in one, or if she likes dudes for that matter (hey, roller derby stereotype, sue me), but she doesn't have a wedding ring at least.
Anyway, my last session is this week, and I'd like to instigate contact once I'm not coming in every week. I'm not sure how unprofessional that would seem though, given that she's more or less just as friendly with everyone that comes in. I'm also not sure how to go about it when there will almost certainly be other employees listening in (you can hear almost everything anywhere in the office), so even if she were inclined to agree that could make her hesitate. I don't want to be all, "Here's my number, call me if you're interested" because we all know that probably won't work even if she IS interested, but I don't want to put her on the spot where she'll be more worried about her job than me either.
I could also call up and ask her on the phone after I was gone to ensure that no one else overheard, but that sounds like being a pussy too, like I couldn't work up the courage to do it in person.
My only other thought was that I have already planned on getting thank you cards and some small gift cards for the therapists that have helped me (I've been going for the better part of 5 months so I don't think that is inappropriate given how much time we've spent together...I was going to do it for Christmas but since I knew my time was ending soon I chose to wait), and of course I'd give her one as well. I'd write a little something to each of them thanking them, and obviously I could add a line or two in hers, but that seems fairly pussy too. Still, that seems like my best option right now.
I know the correct response is just ask her directly, but given the limitations of the office and the fact that several people will probably be listening (including patients) that seems like instant death because it will put her on the spot. Even trying to indirectly suggest doing something and asking for her number would be far too obvious with the number of ears that will be listening. If I had any inclination that she was eager for me to ask I'd just do it no matter who was listening, but she's just been friendly to me, which she is to everyone, so I'm mostly taking a shot in the dark here and hoping for a hit. Can't succeed if you don't try, right?
So what's the best way to go about trying this? Thanks in advance for any advice.