The Girls Who Broke Your Heart Thread


Blackwing Lair Raider
Well, ask yourself the question: how does it affect you? The 35-yo, assuming she's fairly hot, probably wouldn't have dated you 10 years ago. How does that make you feel?

Usually when people approach the RP for the first time, it is bitterness, absolutely. The truth often really sucks. You can, however, gain that knowledge and decide what to do with it on your own.

After learning the truth, do you want a relationship with a 35-yo who was all over the cock carousel in her youth? Ask yourself why you do. Is it simply because of loneliness or boredom? That can be fulfilled with friends, pets, and money. Do you want sex? Well, as a man with relatively high status who keeps himself in shape, RP predicts you can probably do better with multiple girls. Kids? You'd bettertread very carefullybecause this is by far the most dangerous reason, and there are much better avenues to pursue should that be it.

As for myself, I've had a few relationships, longest was 2 years. I avoid them now and spin plates, couldn't be happier.
If the 35-yo wouldn't date you 10 years ago because she was interested in other things why would that bother you? People change and so do their mindsets on life. If you've remained the same bitter and resentful person over the past 10 years then you've got more problems to deal with rather than some girl that once rejected you.

Women are people too, some women don't want to get married and have a family at 25, it's really not fucking rocket surgery. Don't get offended by being turned down by someone because they're looking for something else AT THAT TIME.


Blackwing Lair Raider
This is who I fucked last night. Not pictured, her 38g breasts (jesus they were firm too). Feels good.
That nose makes me think she could be related to Mippo, also why's she taking pictures while driving? Stupid bitch get off your phone.


I wonder how redpill dudes would react to the news that men reap greater psychological and physical health rewards from marriage than women do.


When you first read about it, every man is bitter, sure. It completely dispels any notions of romanticism and idealism inherent in the idea of a loving relationship. Youshouldbe bitter when you first read it. However, like any science, learning the truth gives more power over your life, and that's all the RP is for. You move way beyond bitterness into a deeper understanding of how interpersonal relationships truly work on a bio-mech and evo psych level. You can interpret, even predict, women's behavior.

You guys are confusing what is attractive and what is 'preferable' in long-term mate. Like I said, 401ks are not attractive, a woman with a career doesn't make a difference in terms of getting an erection. Those are nice qualities (well, some of them),not attractive ones.

Attraction is the rock bottom foundation of any relationship, and if those attraction indicators are maintained, are what determines the longevity of the relationship, again not your girlfriend's aspiring career. Those 'nice' qualities aren't so important, regardless of how much you say they are. Go ask spreadsheet guy about his wife's 401k.

The unfortunate truth is that 'maturity' for women is nothing but a euphemism that masks her biological reality. If she had the same body she had at 22 at 35, where would she be? Fluff words like 'maturity', 'life-partner', 'an equal' yadda yadda, all of them would be thrown by the wayside in not a moment's time. And they often are tossed aside by women who don't give it up, when you look at the Eat, Pray, Love divorce narrative mid 30's women often follow.

Not to be rude or insulting, but all of those words you use to describe your relationship: loving, caring, maturity, yadda, all of them can be thrown away to satiate her hypergamous impulse. In ANY relationship, whether it's hot sex with a 22-yo or a LTR with a 45-yo, you never think of them in terms of those words because the notions they describe are rooted in idealism and don't exist in reality.


Blackwing Lair Raider
When you first read about it, every man is bitter, sure. It completely dispels any notions of romanticism and idealism inherent in the idea of a loving relationship. Youshouldbe bitter when you first read it. However, like any science, learning the truth gives more power over your life, and that's all the RP is for. You move way beyond bitterness into a deeper understanding of how interpersonal relationships truly work on a bio-mech and evo psych level. You can interpret, even predict, women's behavior.

You guys are confusing what is attractive and what is 'preferable' in long-term mate. Like I said, 401ks are not attractive, a woman with a career doesn't make a difference in terms of getting an erection. Those are nice qualities (well, some of them),not attractive ones.

Attraction is the rock bottom foundation of any relationship, and if those attraction indicators are maintained, are what determines the longevity of the relationship, again not your girlfriend's aspiring career. Those 'nice' qualities aren't so important, regardless of how much you say they are. Go ask spreadsheet guy about his wife's 401k.

The unfortunate truth is that 'maturity' for women is nothing but a euphemism that masks her biological reality. If she had the same body she had at 22 at 35, where would she be? Fluff words like 'maturity', 'life-partner', 'an equal' yadda yadda, all of them would be thrown by the wayside in not a moment's time. And they often are tossed aside by women who don't give it up, when you look at the Eat, Pray, Love divorce narrative mid 30's women often follow.

Not to be rude or insulting, but all of those words you use to describe your relationship: loving, caring, maturity, yadda, all of them can be thrown away to satiate her hypergamous impulse. In ANY relationship, whether it's hot sex with a 22-yo or a LTR with a 45-yo, you never think of them in terms of those words because the notions they describe are rooted in idealism and don't exist in reality.
I hate to say it but, this is the dumbest shit I've read in the past month.

Jackie Treehorn

<Gold Donor>
When you first read about it, every man is bitter, sure. It completely dispels any notions of romanticism and idealism inherent in the idea of a loving relationship. Youshouldbe bitter when you first read it. However, like any science, learning the truth gives more power over your life, and that's all the RP is for. You move way beyond bitterness into a deeper understanding of how interpersonal relationships truly work on a bio-mech and evo psych level. You can interpret, even predict, women's behavior.

You guys are confusing what is attractive and what is 'preferable' in long-term mate. Like I said, 401ks are not attractive, a woman with a career doesn't make a difference in terms of getting an erection. Those are nice qualities (well, some of them),not attractive ones.

Attraction is the rock bottom foundation of any relationship, and if those attraction indicators are maintained, are what determines the longevity of the relationship, again not your girlfriend's aspiring career. Those 'nice' qualities aren't so important, regardless of how much you say they are. Go ask spreadsheet guy about his wife's 401k.

The unfortunate truth is that 'maturity' for women is nothing but a euphemism that masks her biological reality. If she had the same body she had at 22 at 35, where would she be? Fluff words like 'maturity', 'life-partner', 'an equal' yadda yadda, all of them would be thrown by the wayside in not a moment's time. And they often are tossed aside by women who don't give it up, when you look at the Eat, Pray, Love divorce narrative mid 30's women often follow.

Not to be rude or insulting, but all of those words you use to describe your relationship: loving, caring, maturity, yadda, all of them can be thrown away to satiate her hypergamous impulse. In ANY relationship, whether it's hot sex with a 22-yo or a LTR with a 45-yo, you never think of them in terms of those words because the notions they describe are rooted in idealism and don't exist in reality.
You have autism. End of story.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I'm as big a science guy as anyone and the red pill shit is basically relationship eugenics.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Uh, 38Gon that kinda skinny looking girl, Antarius? Really maybe the angle hides something but G cup sounds like a grotesque deformity reserved for some landwhale to me. Of course you should be getting a pic to prove it because this thread be serious business and all.


I'm as big a science guy as anyone and the red pill shit is basically relationship eugenics.
RP is both descriptive and predictive, and it uproots society's interpersonal relationship narratives fed to all of us. Destroy the idealism. Don't be religious. It's not real.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Uh, 38Gon that kinda skinny looking girl, Antarius? Really maybe the angle hides something but G cup sounds like a grotesque deformity reserved for some landwhale to me. Of course you should be getting a pic to prove it because this thread be serious business and all.
edited my original post to include sweater puppets. I'll make sure to get nudes eventually, just because they are indeed glorious.


Sure, there are tons of those articles. You should link the ones written by feminists for an even better laugh. (Or maybe that is one!)


Blackwing Lair Raider
Look, for the sake of healthy discussion about relationships I'm asking that we ban anyone who even mentions "redpill" or "bluepill" shit anymore. Effective immediately after this post.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
You guys misunderstand the point of the article. The point was that the hypothetical woman (and this was written in response to aWhere Have All the Good Men Gonearticle) was that womenchange their narrative,change what they're looking for, as they age. That was the point, not to bulk up or stop playing videogames necessarily.

And this change of narrative, this complete reversal of the types of men that a typical woman wants to date, in looking for a 'life partner', is completely hypocritical compared to her choices made by her younger self. It's a maturation process of biology obfuscated with reasons of psychology.

Why is this important, Dumar? Because as a man, you have to reconcile and then possibly rationalize if women's behavior, if this choice reversal, is important or not. Most every woman lies about her N count, so that's the beginning. Taking that further, if you're gonna enter into a LTR with a woman in her 30's, you have to know that many men before you got what you're now getting for much, much less - and got a better version of it. She could've hooked up with a tatted up someone in a club's bathroom, a drunken barcrawl one night, a friend of a friend who's in a band, on and on.

And you, you just spent 5 hours with her on a date talking about her likes, dislikes, hopes, dreams, taking a tour of the city. And you're doing this with the 35-yo version, not the 23-yo who gave it up after grinding up one song to that tatted guy. She wasn't looking for a 'life partner' then, but she is now. RP will explain to you why.

Most men rationalize this uncomfortable truth away. It's up to you what you do with it.
And? Once you see the matrix for what it truly is, who cares? Some guys got a cheaper, "better" version? So? Assuming you aren't some virginal neckbeard who's only social skills come from EQ, you'll have also hooked up with girls that were that cheaper, "better" version. Don't be a bitter, butthurt beta and the scales tend to average out. Sure, you'll end up with some washed up has-beens, but you'll also end up with a few of the girls looking to score a "tatted" guy (aka the guy who was more alpha than you were at the time, because you'd rather game the fucking Ghoul Lord).


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
So since its a lot about RP here right now:

The Sixteen Commandments Of Poon

I. Never say 'I Love You' first

Women want to feel like they have to overcome obstacles to win a man's heart. They crave the challenge of capturing the interest of a man who has other women competing for his attention, and eventually prevailing over his grudging reluctance to award his committed exclusivity. The man who gives his emotional world away too easily robs women of the satisfaction of earning his love. Though you may be in love with her, don't say it before she has said it. Show compassionate restraint for her need to struggle toward yin fulfillment. Inspire her to take the leap for you, and she'll return the favor a thousandfold.

II. Make her jealous

Flirt with other women in front of her. Do not dissuade other women from flirting with you. Women will never admit this but jealousy excites them. The thought of you turning on another woman will arouse her sexually. No girl wants a man that no other woman wants. The partner who harnesses the gale storm of jealousy controls the direction of the relationship.

III. You shall make your mission, not your woman, your priority

Forget all those romantic cliches of the leading man proclaiming his undying love for the woman who completes him. Despite whatever protestations to the contrary, women do not want to be "The One" or the center of a man's existence. They in fact want to subordinate themselves to a worthy man's life purpose, to help him achieve that purpose with their feminine support, and to follow the path he lays out. You must respect a woman's integrity and not lie to her that she is "your everything". She is not your everything, and if she is, she will soon not be anymore.

IV. Don't play by her rules

If you allow a woman to make the rules she will resent you with a seething contempt even a rapist cannot inspire. The strongest woman and the most strident feminist wants to be led by, and to submit to, a more powerful man. Polarity is the core of a healthy loving relationship. She does not want the prerogative to walk all over you with her capricious demands and mercurial moods. Her emotions are a hurricane, her soul a saboteur. Think of yourself as a bulwark against her tempest. When she grasps for a pillar to steady herself against the whipping winds or yearns for an authority figure to foil her worst instincts, it is you who has to be there. strong, solid, unshakeable and immovable.

V. Adhere to the golden ratio

Give your woman 2/3 of everything she gives you. For every three calls or texts, give her two back. Three declarations of love earn two in return. Three gifts; two nights out. Give her two displays of affection and stop until she has answered with three more. When she speaks, you reply with fewer words. When she emotes, you emote less. The idea behind the golden ratio is twofold - it establishes your greater value by making her chase you, and it demonstrates that you have the self-restraint to avoid getting swept up in her personal dramas. Refraining from reciprocating everything she does for you in equal measure instills in her the proper attitude of belief in your higher status. In her deepest loins it is what she truly wants.

VI. Keep her guessing

True to their inscrutable natures, women ask questions they don't really want direct answers to. Woe be the man who plays it straight - his fate is the suffering of the beta. Evade, tease, obfuscate. She thrives when she has to imagine what you're thinking about her, and withers when she knows exactly how you feel. A woman may want financial and family security, but she does not want passion security. In the same manner, when she has displeased you, punish swiftly, but when she has done you right, reward slowly. Reward her good behavior intermittently and unpredictably and she will never tire of working hard to please you.

VII. Always keep two in the kitty

Never allow yourself to be a "kept man". A man with options is a man without need. It builds confidence and encourages boldness with women if there is another woman, a safety net, to catch you in case you slip and risk a breakup, divorce, or a lost prospect, leading to loneliness and a grinding dry spell. A woman knows once she has slept with a man she has abdicated a measure of her power; when she has fallen in love with him she has surrendered nearly all of it. But love is ephemeral and with time she may rediscover her power and threaten to leave you. It is her final trump card. Withdrawing all her love and all her body in an instant will rend your soul if you are faced with contemplating the empty abyss alone. Knowing there is another you can turn to for affection will fortify your will and satisfy your manhood.

VIII. Say you're sorry only when absolutely necessary

Do not say you're sorry for every wrong thing you do. It is a posture of submission that no man should reflexively adopt, no matter how alpha he is. Apologizing increases the demand for more apologies. She will come to expect your contrition, like a cat expects its meal at a set time each day. And then your value will lower in her eyes. Instead, if you have done something wrong, you should acknowledge your guilt in a glancing way without resorting to the actual words "I'm sorry." Pull the Bill Clinton maneuver and say "Mistakes were made" or tell her you "feel bad" about what you did. You are granted two freebie "I'm sorry"s for the life of your relationship; use them wisely.

IX. Connect with her emotions

Set yourself apart from other men and connect with a woman's emotional landscape. Her mind is an alien world that requires deft navigation to reach your rendevous. Frolic in the surf of emotions rather than the arid desert of logic. Be playful. Employ all your senses. Describe in lush detail scenarios to set her heart afire. Give your feelings freedom to roam. ROAM. Yes, that is a good word. You're not on a linear path with her. You are ROAMING all over, taking her on an adventure. In this world, there is no need to finish thoughts or draw conclusions. There is only need to EXPERIENCE. You're grabbing her hand and running with her down an infinite, labyrinthine alleyway with no end, laughing and letting your fingers glide on the cobblestone walls along the way.

X. Ignore her beauty

The man who trains his mind to subdue the reward centers of his brain when reflecting upon a beautiful female face will magically transform his interactions with women. His apprehension and self-consciousness will melt away, paving the path for more honest and self-possessed interactions with the objects of his desire. This is one reason why the greatest lotharios drown in more love than they can handle - through positive experiences with so many beautiful women they lose their awe of beauty and, in turn, their powerlessness under its spell. It will help you acquire the right frame of mind to stop using the words hot, cute, gorgeous, or beautiful to describe girls who turn you on. Instead, say to yourself "she's interesting" or "she might be worth getting to know". Never compliment a girl on her looks, especially not a girl you aren't ****ing. Turn off that part of your brain that wants to put them on pedestals. Further advanced training to reach this state of unawed Zen transcendence is to sleep with many MANY attractive women (try to avoid sleeping with a lot of ugly women if you don't want to regress). Soon, a Jedi lover you will be.

XI. Be irrationally self-confident

No matter what your station in life, stride through the world without apology or excuse. It does not matter if objectively you are not the best man a woman can get; what matters is that you think and act like you are. Women have a dog's instinct for uncovering weakness in men; don't make it easy for them. Self-confidence, warranted or not, triggers submissive emotional responses in women. Irrational self-confidence will get you more pussy than rational defeatism.

XII. Maximize your strengths, minimize your weaknesses

In the betterment of ourselves as men we attract women into our orbit. To accomplish this gravitational pull as painlessly and efficiently as possible, you must identify your natural talents and shortcomings and parcel your efforts accordingly. If you are a gifted jokester, don't waste time and energy trying to raise your status in philosophical debate. If you write well but dance poorly, don't kill yourself trying to expand your manly influence on the dancefloor. Your goal should be to attract women effortlessly, so play to your strengths no matter what they are; there is a groupie for every male endeavor. Except World of Warcraft.

XIII. Err on the side of too much boldness, rather than too little

Touching a woman inappropriately on the first date will get you further with her than not touching her at all. Don't let a woman's faux indignation at your boldness sway you; they secretly love it when a man aggressively pursues what he wants and makes his sexual intentions known. You don't have to be an *******, but if you have no choice, being an inconsiderate ******* beats being a polite beta, every time.

XIV. Fuk her good

**** her like it's your last ****. And hers. **** her so good, so hard, so wantonly, so profligately that she is left a quivering, sparking mass of shaking flesh and sex fluids. Drain her of everything, then drain her some more. Kiss her all over, make love to her all night, and hold her close in the morning. Own her body, own her gratitude, own her love. If you don't know how, learn to give her squirting orgasms.

XV. Maintain your state control

You are an oak tree. You will not be manipulated by crying, yelling, lying, head games, sexual withdrawal, jealousy ploys, pity plays, **** tests, hot/cold/hot/cold, disappearing acts, or guilt trips. She will rain and thunder all around you and you will shelter her until her storm passes. She will not drag you into her chaos or uproot you. When you have mastery over yourself, you will have mastery over her.

XVI. Never be afraid to lose her

You must not fear. Fear is the love-killer. Fear is the ego-triumph that brings abject loneliness. You will face your fear. You will permit it to pass over and through you. And when your ego-fear is gone you will turn and face your lover, and only your heart will remain. You will walk away from her when she has violated your integrity, and you will let her walk when her heart is closed to you. She who can destroy you, controls you. Don't give her that power over yourself. Love yourself before you love her.

That's been around a while and I have a hard time disagreeing with any of it. Much of it can seem counter intuitive to a "nice guy" but then if you really try to put it into practice its like George on Seinfeld doing the opposite of what he normally would and it all works. That's more of what RP always seemed to be at the core to me, but there's a ton of places where its morphed into bro science, quasi political radicalism and just a general feeling that you're dealing with a bunch of disconnected pseudo republican luddites. Some of you might say that its largely "common sense" or something but there's tons of guys who have lost their way with relationships and found the RP to be helpful in getting back on track with how they should interact with women. Basically boils down to the "don't put the pussy on a pedestal" phrase but with more detail.


I don't understand why that's a threat. It's a woman's threat. Being alone is awesome: I can travel when I want, do what I want, then fuck on the side when I want. Where is the insult?

And? Once you see the matrix for what it truly is, who cares? Some guys got a cheaper, "better" version? So? Assuming you aren't some virginal neckbeard who's only social skills come from EQ, you'll have also hooked up with girls that were that cheaper, "better" version. Don't be a bitter, butthurt beta and the scales tend to average out. Sure, you'll end up with some washed up has-beens, but you'll also end up with a few of the girls looking to score a "tatted" guy (aka the guy who was more alpha than you were at the time, because you'd rather game the fucking Ghoul Lord).
Read my last sentence you quoted; it's important. My advice here isn't coming from some extreme bitterness or butthurtness. I said when youfirstread the literature, you'll be bitter, and you should be. Any normal man raised in our modern society, with its notions of love, caring, egalitarianism, etc, would be.

What RP is saying is that, when a man is in his 30s, heshould notbe getting with those women in their 30s because he almost always will have better options. A guy in his 20s, sure, all bets are off, and he'll be sleeping with the women on the carousel if he's not camping jboots.A guy in his 30s can do the same thing and do it more. That's the notion of sexual value described: don't sell yourself short as a guy, even though society is telling you to put a ring on it. Don't.