The Girls Who Broke Your Heart Thread

Jackie Treehorn

<Gold Donor>
I found your video. I'm totally convinced now.


I'm sure that guy is just getting nonstop laid by 9/10 24 year olds.

Dumar, let's be honest about you for a minute. You don't haveanyoptions. Is that about right? It's great you enjoy being single, but you want a woman, you just can't get one, not one you want, anyway. You don't have the looks or the money to date the physically hot woman (which is all you value in a woman,) you want.

Which is the issue with 99.999 percent of the nerds and aspies who are part of that whole movement. They want women they can't possibly pull, and never will. Not only do the hot 20 year olds think you're creepy, even the hot 30 year olds don't want you and your kind.

You're bitter and will be forever alone unless you open up to the fact there's more to a relationship. You don't know any secrets or mystical shit about women.


I don't understand why that's a threat. It's a woman's threat. Being alone is awesome: I can travel when I want, do what I want, then fuck on the side when I want. Where is the insult?
Considering you can't even get a single internet nerd to like you, I'm gonna go ahead and guess you aren't "fucking on the side," or for that matter, fucking at all on days that didn't start on backpages.

Also, how do you respond to the fact that men reap greater psychological and physical health rewards from marriage than women?


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
<Bronze Donator>
Uh, 38Gon that kinda skinny looking girl, Antarius? Really maybe the angle hides something but G cup sounds like a grotesque deformity reserved for some landwhale to me. Of course you should be getting a pic to prove it because this thread be serious business and all.
Something to keep in mind, for a same bra cup designation, the size of the breast itself is smaller on a girl with a small chest than on one with a large chest. The bra cup is based on the difference in circumference between the chest and the chest+boobs. With that said, big titties on small framed girls is always glorious.

Something to keep in mind, the whole red pill stuff evolved from pickup artistry. Originally it was a set of techniques for guys to pickup girls in bars. The whole thing evolved into psycho-sociology and self help or this is how human behaves and here's how to improve yourself to better fit into the male-female dynamics.

Confident established men who either had enough acumen to understand how things worked in social settings or were just naturally charismatic in their youth look at it with disdain because it is aimed at lesser men than them.

Usually guys with a social life have their epiphany in their early 20s and figure out what attracts women. But there's subsets who aren't there yet. Either the young guys who didn't figure it out yet, the 30s virgin who's frustrated because somehow they never got it and is frustrated because the world doesn't work the way he thinks it should and there's the poor sobs who got married and are submissive to their wives.

It's far from being a hard science and all encompassing but there's some solid pointers to take from it for guys who somehow never got it.

What is grating is those perceived losers who finally got on board with the rest of society are now going around like they just discovered something nobody figured out before. Guess what Sherlock, the girls who wouldn't give you the time of the day back then were fucking us. I'm glad you finally get some tail but you can stop acting like you're the first guy who gets laid.


Considering you can't even get a single internet nerd to like you, I'm gonna go ahead and guess you aren't "fucking on the side," or for that matter, fucking at all on days that didn't start on backpages.

Also, how do you respond to the fact that men reap greater psychological and physical health rewards from marriage than women?
Sure, you can believe whatever you like.

And yes, absolutely:men ideally want to be married. Any guy would love some HB9 who is logical, caring, loving, all of those fluff words we use to describe relationships, a girl whose hypergamy is in check, who doesn't shit-test, and who didn't ride the carousel for a decade or more. Yes, show me this field of beautiful unicorns to marry.

That was never in question, in doubt. Men are of course healthier in that state. It'swhatwe're marrying that we're analyzing, and should we be doing it. The short answer is, most of the time, very used up goods, and no.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Sure, you can believe whatever you like.

And yes, absolutely:men ideally want to be married. Any guy would love some HB9 who is logical, caring, loving, all of those fluff words we use to describe relationships, a girl whose hypergamy is in check, who doesn't shit-test, and who didn't ride the carousel for a decade or more. Yes, show me this field of beautiful unicorns to marry.

That was never in question, in doubt. Men are of course healthier in that state. It'swhatwe're marrying that we're analyzing, and should we be doing it. The short answer is, most of the time, very used up goods, and no.
And if we're to believe what you say is true, you're somehow NOT used up goods to a woman?

Jackie Treehorn

<Gold Donor>
Sure, you can believe whatever you like.

And yes, absolutely:men ideally want to be married. Any guy would love some HB9 who is logical, caring, loving, all of those fluff words we use to describe relationships, a girl whose hypergamy is in check, who doesn't shit-test, and who didn't ride the carousel for a decade or more. Yes, show me this field of beautiful unicorns to marry.

That was never in question, in doubt. Men are of course healthier in that state. It'swhatwe're marrying that we're analyzing, and should we be doing it. The short answer is, most of the time, very used up goods, and no.
I'm going to go out on a limb and say you've never been in a relationship at all. I think the two year story is bullshit.

Youvery clearlyhave no experience with women. You're speaking of them in the third person as if they're a mystical creature who exists only in AD&D fan fiction.


And if we're to believe what you say is true, you're somehow NOT used up goods to a woman?
A woman actually finds a man with a long sexual historymoreattractive. Why do you think married men are so attractive to women? Pre-selection.

I'm going to go out on a limb and say you've never been in a relationship at all. I think the two year story is bullshit.

Youvery clearlyhave no experience with women. You're speaking of them in the third person as if they're a mystical creature who exists only in AD&D fan fiction.
Alright. Currently I have 3 plates going from okc, but you can think whatever you like; that's you're right.

We're speaking of them in terms of rough science, of descriptors and predictors of behavior based on certain impetuses, mostly biological in nature. Not fluffstuff like 'love', 'mutual understanding', but real, concrete descriptors. Not 'I once knew a girl that dated a guy who cheated on a girl who..' anecdotes. Although there are plenty of those out there if you want them.


Blackwing Lair Raider
A woman actually finds a man with a long sexual historymoreattractive. Why do you think married men are so attractive to women? Pre-selection.

Alright. We're speaking of them in terms of rough science, of descriptors and predictors of behavior. Not 'I once knew a girl that dated a guy who cheated on a girl who..' anecdotes. Although there are plenty of those out there if you want them.
This is too funny. It's like someone took the over-analyzing stupidity of George Costanza and put it in the body of a min-maxing EQ nerd.


I'm Dumar, the pussy slayer, and some shit about how relationships are an exact science that I've mastered.


I never said that, and it's not an exact science. It's asocialscience.

I'll elaborate once more before I leave today:

What I'm trying to do here, and what RP is essentially, is a description of reality in interpersonal relationships such as ittruly is. In that respect, insofar as it can describe reality, interpret it, predict and further prescribe based on it, it is a science. Is it an academic discipline? Of course not. Do many academic studies corroborate the probably hundreds of thousands of crowd-sourced experiences as told by men? Yes.

What you guys do, and what everyone in society does, is describe relationships with words rooted in idealism, in mental imagery that isn't concrete in reality. You use words like 'love' as if love was an actual thing, not the result of hormones and neurology. In this way, you have an almost religious attitude toward interpersonal relationships, describing them by things that are lofty ideals, but don't really exist in reality as reality.

To understand accurately, we need to bring the discussion back to the concrete, to what we can observe and understand from that observation. And obviously, wecando it all the time with women's behavior. Their behavior, most of the time, doesn't match what they say, and even they themselves aren't likely aware of what they're doing because it's rooted in biomechanics, not conscious thought. That's the beauty of nature, truly.

If you ask any woman of any age what kind of man she wants, for example, you'll get almost always the same kind of answer. Most all men know this, but RP can tell us why. If a woman flips her script and says at 35 that she now 'wants a life-partner' we can understand thewhyin concrete terms, not keeping the explanation in fluffstuff land or full of euphemisms.

These explanations don't arise from bitterness, but more from a curiosity to know, to understand the underlying clockwork, of how and why nature is as it is (and yes, from the PUA roots, obviously to exploit them to bed). Itcanbe bitter no question (and should be on first exposure): like I said, it completely and utterly destroys any idealistic notions of true love and romance. But it sets reality back to center stage, where it belongs, and shows womenas they are.

You can take the truth of women on display as positive or negative, use it to your advantage, get bitter over it, do MGTOW, have a wife and rationalize it away, whatever you choose.

That's totally up to you.


Blackwing Lair Raider
He's like the Lumie of relationships. Reads something, thinks it explains the things wrong in his head and takes it for 100% fact.

He's got the cure for relationships, the government's just hiding it from us because of how much money they make off court-cases from divorce!


Sure, you can believe whatever you like.

And yes, absolutely:men ideally want to be married. Any guy would love some HB9 who is logical, caring, loving, all of those fluff words we use to describe relationships, a girl whose hypergamy is in check, who doesn't shit-test, and who didn't ride the carousel for a decade or more. Yes, show me this field of beautiful unicorns to marry.

That was never in question, in doubt. Men are of course healthier in that state. It'swhatwe're marrying that we're analyzing, and should we be doing it. The short answer is, most of the time, very used up goods, and no.
I think you misunderstood me. Men who are married show greater psychological adjustment and have better physical health than unmarried men. This is undisputed in the relationship literature. Men also reap these rewards in greater amounts than women do, which I admit myself is somewhat unexpected, but no less true. That means men are generally better off married than not married. I will provide citations if you don't believe me

Also interesting, men reap these rewards regardless of relationship satisfaction, whereas women must be satisfied with their relationship to reap the same rewards.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I think you misunderstood me. Men who are married show greater psychological adjustment and have better physical health than unmarried men. This is undisputed in the relationship literature. Men also reap these rewards in greater amounts than women do, which I admit myself is somewhat unexpected, but no less true. That means men are generally better off married than not married. I will provide citations if you don't believe me

Also interesting, men reap these rewards regardless of relationship satisfaction, whereas women must be satisfied with their relationship to reap the same rewards.
Well you see whenever women are in a relationship, if they're not pleased they wont release insetia. This can cause them to be less satisfied with life.

You can see more about it in this short clip:prince of persuasia on Vimeo

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
He's like the Lumie of relationships. Reads something, thinks it explains the things wrong in his head and takes it for 100% fact.

He's got the cure for relationships, the government's just hiding it from us because of how much money they make off court-cases from divorce!
Hes a communist, what more do you expect.


Vyemm Raider
Unlike Himeo and his ilk, every now and again.
Doing Stronglifts 5x5.

Look, for the sake of healthy discussion about relationships I'm asking that we ban anyone who even mentions "redpill" or "bluepill" shit anymore. Effective immediately after this post.
There was a Redpill thread, the mods decided this was the redpill thread.

Complain to Tuco, I'm fine keeping all this stuff in one spot.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I think you misunderstood me. Men who are married show greater psychological adjustment and have better physical health than unmarried men. This is undisputed in the relationship literature. Men also reap these rewards in greater amounts than women do, which I admit myself is somewhat unexpected, but no less true. That means men are generally better off married than not married. I will provide citations if you don't believe me

Also interesting, men reap these rewards regardless of relationship satisfaction, whereas women must be satisfied with their relationship to reap the same rewards.
Science! It feels like the rp assholes completely ignore psychology purely for a chemical made me do it reasoning. It's a flawed social science.


Vyemm Raider
Why women love assholes (an alternate view)

I've been developing a theory that I think might add a bit to TRP thinking on this topic.

Men are sexually attracted to traits in women that are fully observable when they first meet (i.e. physical beauty).

Women are sexually attracted to traits in men that are only partially observable when they first meet (i.e. social status, confidence).

What does this mean for dating? Well imagine a world in which the traits men find attractive in women are partially unobservable. Specifically, let's pretend women walk around in full burqas on the streets and in public, but otherwise act just like Western women. You can see if a woman is overweight or not, but otherwise you can't tell if she's hot. After a few dates though, you get to see what's underneath. These women are relatively experienced, they've dated men before and shown them what is underneath their burqas, and thus these women know their own sexual market value.

Now, you approach a woman on the streets who looks decently in-shape and you think might be attractive. She is very receptive to your approach. She's kind and sweet and seems excited to go on a date with you. What do you think to yourself? "Shit, this girl is probably ugly."

You approach another girl. When she sees you, she is cold and standoffish. What do you think to yourself? "Awesome, this girl is probably so hot. I better try harder."

This is the world women live in. When they meet you, they can't really tell how attractive you are. So they rely on your behavior to tell them. The less interested in them you are, the more options they think you have, and the more attractive they think you must be. So when you treat them like dirt, they think you must be god's gift to women.

It's only later that they find out whether or not you really have those qualities they are looking for. This is your "burqa" coming off. If you want to keep a girl after that point you better be as alpha as your behavior implies, but before that point they only have your behavior to go on.


Molten Core Raider
Holy shit this thread turned absolutely stupid. I walk up and talk to chicks. If we hit it off, great. If not, I move on.

It isn't as complicated as this shit Dumar keeps spewing.