The Girls Who Broke Your Heart Thread


Buzzfeed Editor
I think you misunderstood me. Men who are married show greater psychological adjustment and have better physical health than unmarried men. This is undisputed in the relationship literature. Men also reap these rewards in greater amounts than women do, which I admit myself is somewhat unexpected, but no less true. That means men are generally better off married than not married. I will provide citations if you don't believe me

Also interesting, men reap these rewards regardless of relationship satisfaction, whereas women must be satisfied with their relationship to reap the same rewards.
I'd love to see citations on this. I'm curious how they would control for factors like selection bias? As in, if they merely studied unmarried vs married; and saw the married men were in better health...Then couldn't it just be argued that the married men were always in better health and that is why they were selected as mates in the first place? The whole courtship practice in humans is a pretty rigorous test of stabilityandphysical ability for men. I'm pretty curious to see how they would analog two males and be sure that the other wasnotmarrying because he desired to, but had many options to and NOT because he was simply rejected by potential mates.

Not into this whole red pill thing; I think it's pretty silly. Just asking because I findactualstudies on human social interactions fascinating; fun to see how much like our other ape cousins we really are.


Vyemm Raider
Plate Theory.

The Cardinal Rule of Relationships
In any relationship, the person with the most power is the one who needs the other the least.

When a man spins more plates, when he has irons in the fire, when he is pursuing multiple women simultaneously, when he has options equally worth exploring, a man will have a natural, subconscious (but not exclusively) understanding that if one prospect does not expand, others very well may. This understanding has manifestations in a man's behavior that women key on covertly. There are mannerisms and attitudes that a man with options will subconsciously convey to prospective women that they interpret, and give this man a value as a commodity to be competed for with other females.

On this sites in the PUA community, we are taught to emulate this behavior since it is a key element in attraction and interest. Cocky-Funny is one such technique that trains a confidence behavior that (more often than not) essentially masks a deficit of options. In other words, C&F is a natural behavior for men with options that must be compensated for by those who don't. This is why the 'natural' Alpha male seems to exude C&F effortlessly while those without the benefit of more plates spinning (or the confidence in the ability of spinning more) struggle with simple things like eye contact or initiating approaches. This is also a fundamental principle in the "I don't give a fuck" mentality that pervades community technique - it's much easier to actually not "give a fuck" if you have other prospects going simultaneously.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
There's definitely something to the confidence and options issue. My ex thought I had no options then I walked out and she saw me out with what was my first in a long line of post marital one night stands. I was cumming on my estranged wife's face the next night. Had held true for the most part in dating, but I'm ready to settle down like Mr Treehorn and found one that is my type of crazy and we work. Fuck each other's pasts. It's the fucking past. We've both got good jobs and are debt less. Ready to travel with a lady and possibly have one of those youngins. It's life, it's messy and confusing. Even hard. But god don't overthink this shit.


I think you misunderstood me. Men who are married show greater psychological adjustment and have better physical health than unmarried men. This is undisputed in the relationship literature. Men also reap these rewards in greater amounts than women do, which I admit myself is somewhat unexpected, but no less true. That means men are generally better off married than not married. I will provide citations if you don't believe me

Also interesting, men reap these rewards regardless of relationship satisfaction, whereas women must be satisfied with their relationship to reap the same rewards.
I never disputed this, and in fact agree with it. There are whole sections of RP concerning how to behave in a marriage to make it last, not escape it.


Vyemm Raider
Understanding the Dark Triad

The Dark Triad is an immoral trifecta of personality traits that results in immense personal power which grants high social status, tight control over interpersonal social dynamics and intense sexual attraction, it's for these reasons that many men interested in red pill philosophy have an interest in the dark triad and idealise ascertaining the psychological state of "being dark triad."


Jackie Treehorn

<Gold Donor>

Jackie Treehorn

<Gold Donor>
On that note girls, I hate to be the bearer of such terrible news ...

BUT HE'S TAKEN! Omgomg, all those selfie nude pix I sent him didn't do any good. He's so f-in hot amirite girls? :'I am Charles Manson's wife'

Or how about the felon in jail for assault whogets the girl swoons and a modeling contract?

Yes, tell us more about this maturity and life-partnership a woman is seeking.
Welp, that seals it. All women want to marry Charles Manson. You figured it out.

99.999 percent chance you look like a gigantic dork in real life. Tell us how that whole trying to act like the archetypal bully in an 80's movie works out for you with women, when you don't look anything like Billy Zabka did.



Ready to get married and provide for your 35-yo princess?

Women don't marry their best sex ever

According to a recent study by iVillage, less than half of wedded women married the person who was the best sex of their lives (52 percent say that was an ex.) In fact, 66 percent would rather read a book, watch a movie or take a nap than sleep with a spouse.

Amanda Chatel, a 33-year-old writer from the East Village, says, "With the men I've loved, the sex has been good, sometimes great, but never 'best.' It's resulted in many orgasms and was fun but, comparatively speaking, it didn't have that intensity that comes with the 'best' sex.

"I knew [my best sex partner] was temporary, and so the great sex was the best because the sex was the relationship," she adds. "We didn't have to invest in anything else."

Jackie Treehorn

<Gold Donor>
Yeah, hi. No one actually expects the person you marry to necessarily be the best sex you've ever had. You dumbfuck. Aspie. Dork.

Sex and physical traits are literally the only thing of interest to you. If you'd ever actually had sex before, which I am about 100 percent certain you haven't, you'd realize, while important to emotional and physical well being, and an important part of any relationship, is not the most compelling thing in the world or the peak of what you should look for in a mate.

You do not and never will understand that. That's why you and the other nerds who can't get women are bitter about it. Even though you're a chubby, unattractive, socially awkward mess, you're unwilling to date women at your own level.

You aspie. Dork.


Vyemm Raider
Welp, that seals it. All women want to marry Charles Manson. You figured it out.

Although Meet-An-Inmate is an online service, prisoners do not have access to the internet. All correspondence will be via the United States Postal Service, commonly known as snail mail. This site is designed to quickly and easily connect you with inmates whose backgrounds and interests may inspire you to pick up a pen and become pen pals with them.
Real Talk. I worked at a correctional facility and part of my job was reading the incoming mail. It's one of the reasons I lost faith in humanity.

I can't show you any of the letters. I don't have any. But you're completely out of touch with reality onthisspecificpoint.

Bad boys make the panties drop.

Jackie Treehorn

<Gold Donor>

Real Talk. I worked at a correctional facility and part of my job was reading the incoming mail. It's one of the reasons I lost my faith in humanity.
Inmate correspondence has been around since as long as jails have existed. This does not mean every woman wants to date an inmate or a convicted felon. Get that through your aspergers riddled brain. Is your dad a felon? Are your uncles felons? Were your grandfathers felons?

You're probably about as much of a life's loser as Dumar is. I feel sorry for you because I know it's literally impossible for you to see what a healthy person sees.


Vyemm Raider
Inmate correspondence has been around since as long as jails have existed. This does not mean every woman wants to date an inmate or a convicted felon. Get that through your aspergers riddled brain. Is your dad a felon? Are your uncles felons? Were your grandfathers felons?

You're probably about as much of a life's loser as Dumar is. I feel sorry for you because I know it's literally impossible for you to see what a healthy person sees.

I have vastly more experience than you on this one specific point. Take my word for it or do some research for yourself. You're completely wrong here.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Granted, that's only the "majority" I mean, jesus I've slept with about 70 different women now, I'm not trying to brag, but I know I'm a helluva lot better than I was for girls 2,3,4,5... or even 20 imagine the poor girl that fucks me, and then marries her highschool sweetheart that hasn't been with any other woman. He's going to be giving her forehead kisses all the way until the divorce settlement.

Jackie Treehorn

<Gold Donor>

I have vastly more experience than you on this one specific point. Take my word for it or do some research for yourself. You're completely wrong here.
All women want convicted felons, says online nerds who have never actually caught a whiff of vagina before.

News at 11.

Is this a consolidated trolling effort between the two of you? I feel like I'm on Candid Camera.


Vyemm Raider
All women want convicted felons, says online nerds who have never actually caught a whiff of vagina before.
I never said all women want convicted felons. Let's be clear.

Felons make so much money from seducing lonely women that it literally pays for drug rehabilitation programs, education programs, AND health services.

This source of money is the driving force behind pay-for-stay and for-profit prisons.

You're interested in this topic, go research it.