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You realise that how you are coming across right now is probably why she blanked you?Treat a man like crap, intentionally, and you'll be in his thoughts for a while, curious why he wasn't good enough for your affections, especially if you sprinkle in just enough kindness to lead him on.
Treat a woman like crap, intentionally, and you'll be in her thoughts for a while, curious why she wasn't good enough for your affections, especially if you sprinkle in just enough kindness to lead her on.
Shit works... except no one bats an eye when a woman does it. No white knight will come to my defense and tell her she shouldn't have ignored my texts because that's "mean".
Aren't you in your 40s or something? Can I suggest you just grow the fuck up and move on.
There are only 2 possibilities here. You didn't interest her enough or she is a bitch. Either means you just move on and stop being a child and making sweeping generalisations about everyone.