The Girls Who Broke Your Heart Thread


Do you want to be fucking banned faggot?

Jesus, who pissed in your Wheaties.


This is ridiculous. Sounds to me like a bunch of cuckolded husbands (but shelovesher provider more, really!) and white knights got their jimmys rustled at the truth laid bare.


Shit Lord Supreme
Who cares, red bill, blue bill, whatever.

You're gonna spend your life bitter about something that changes nothing.

All that matters is the moment you're in right now, and the moment you want to be in.

If those two moments aren't the same than you have to try to change that.

We're all going to die anyway, doesn't matter who rules the world Today or Tomorrow.

Maybe women will take over Mankind and wipe all men out.

It's on them not us, to set a line.

We didn't wipe out womankind, we empowered them. Maybe they'll return the favor. Maybe they won't.

Just try to find a girl that makes you happy, and spend your life making her happy. As long as you make each other happy, opinions will be vapor.

If she doesn't make you happy anymore, than deal with it then and in that moment. She'll likely let you know one way or another if she isn't happy.


Who cares, red bill, blue bill, whatever.

You're gonna spend your life bitter about something that changes nothing.

All that matters is the moment you're in right now, and the moment you want to be in.

If those two moments aren't the same than you have to try to change that.

We're all going to die anyway, doesn't matter who rules the world Today or Tomorrow.

Maybe women will take over Mankind and wipe all men out.

It's on them not us, to set a line.

We didn't wipe out womankind, we empowered them. Maybe they'll return the favor. Maybe they won't.

Just try to find a girl that makes you happy, and spend your life making her happy. As long as you make each other happy, opinions will be vapor.

If she doesn't make you happy anymore, than deal with it then and in that moment. She'll likely let you know one way or another if she isn't happy.
I want some of HIS weed!


Lord Nagafen Raider
This is ridiculous. Sounds to me like a bunch of cuckolded husbands (but shelovesher provider more, really!) and white knights got their jimmys rustled at the truth laid bare.
If you have any doubt that the child is yours, 30% of the time you're right, it's not.
If you are 100% sure that it's your child, it's still not yours 3% of the time.

(overall rate: 10%)


Molten Core Raider
So I saw her again today.

I don't know what her name is. I call her "Rachel". I met her years ago. I was dating someone I didn't really fully want to be dating. "Rachel" was at a volunteer site that my girlfriend at the time and I were helping out on. I flirted with her, but since I had a girlfriend, nothing came of it.

But she was gorgeous and single and interesting and funny and smart... She had about every quality I wanted in a woman. She even looks a little like Olivia Wilde, but with bigger breasts.

I never did run into her while I was single. I'm in a relationship now. With someone I love, but I'm not IN love with. Not anymore.

The problem is that I keep running into Rachel, but only when I'm with the person I'm in a relationship with. I see her about once a year at random places in public.

I think she represents all the things I could have had if I had done more earlier in life. Been more successful. Not done so much settling. I don't know. Do you have a gal like that? Sort of a "one who got away/one who never was"?


you don't know her, guy.

She's so funny, smart, and interesting, and you know that because what? you've had some small talk with her? you're flirted a bit?

She represents what you could have had? She has every quality you look for? What? You have no fucking clue who she is. Dating someone is part of getting to know someone.

Getting to know someone and exploring compatibility takes YEARS. Even then things can change.

You don't know her. you're placing 'unknown pussy' on a pedestal. wake up.


Lord Nagafen Raider
It's called... Regret.

You think she's hotter than other women, so you're lusting after her. It happens. next time, don't be a pussy and ask her out on a date, you think you flirted, but she might have just been friendly to you you don't know because you acted like a pussy and didn't take the initiative, that's the real regret, not that you could have done something more with your life. She's the type of girl you actually want, but you think you don't deserve because of your lack of ambition. Find motivation in that and get the girl and get the motivation to do better in every aspect of your life. If you're dating someone you're not attracted to, that's a different problem. And something you should fix.


<Gold Donor>
This ties in a little bit with what Zhavric is talking about, and is sort of my ultimate "one that got away" story, but is mostly just kind of an abstract thing. Confusing, I know.

I'm in my mid-40s right now. In 4th grade I went to a new school that just opened up, so all of us were new to it. The very first day I saw this girl and had an immediate crush on her. As long as I knew her, I was as close to in love with her as a kid that age could get. Even if I dated other girls, I always wished it were her...but we never dated and I'm still not sure why. I think she had friend-zoned me even way back then. She was in my class or at my school up through freshman year of high school, when my parents moved us a whole hour away, which seemed like an insurmountable distance at that age, and without all the electronic communication we have now it was pretty much the last time I figured I'd see any of my old friends.

And for 30 years, it was, until I found one of them on Facebook about a month ago, and eventually found the one I had the crush on. I got back in touch with her, and of course she's married with kids, but she's absolutely gorgeous still (an accomplishment at our age), and *seems* like the same awesome chick I grew up with. So, the regret that I didn't perhaps try to stay in touch with her, find her after high school, etc. has loomed large these past few weeks...but as already pointed out, I don't really know her. A lot happens to people in 30 years, so even though she seems great, she might have all kinds of issues that would have been deal-breakers for me. Assuming of course she didn't find the same with me.

In other words, while she might always be the "one that got away" for me, the chances of it working out even if I had stayed and we dated are almost nil, and even if she were single now I might realize she's not anything like the girl I once knew. I'm "missing" a fantasy that more than likely isn't true. I'm building her up in my mind as the perfect woman, and she isn't.

All that being said, dammit I wish she were single so at least I could try!


Buzzfeed Editor
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
This ties in a little bit with what Zhavric is talking about, and is sort of my ultimate "one that got away" story, but is mostly just kind of an abstract thing. Confusing, I know.

I'm in my mid-40s right now. In 4th grade I went to a new school that just opened up, so all of us were new to it. The very first day I saw this girl and had an immediate crush on her. As long as I knew her, I was as close to in love with her as a kid that age could get. Even if I dated other girls, I always wished it were her...but we never dated and I'm still not sure why. I think she had friend-zoned me even way back then. She was in my class or at my school up through freshman year of high school, when my parents moved us a whole hour away, which seemed like an insurmountable distance at that age, and without all the electronic communication we have now it was pretty much the last time I figured I'd see any of my old friends.

And for 30 years, it was, until I found one of them on Facebook about a month ago, and eventually found the one I had the crush on. I got back in touch with her, and of course she's married with kids, but she's absolutely gorgeous still (an accomplishment at our age), and *seems* like the same awesome chick I grew up with. So, the regret that I didn't perhaps try to stay in touch with her, find her after high school, etc. has loomed large these past few weeks...but as already pointed out, I don't really know her. A lot happens to people in 30 years, so even though she seems great, she might have all kinds of issues that would have been deal-breakers for me. Assuming of course she didn't find the same with me.

In other words, while she might always be the "one that got away" for me, the chances of it working out even if I had stayed and we dated are almost nil, and even if she were single now I might realize she's not anything like the girl I once knew. I'm "missing" a fantasy that more than likely isn't true. I'm building her up in my mind as the perfect woman, and she isn't.

All that being said, dammit I wish she were single so at least I could try!
Jesus titty fucking Christ. Talk about your ultimate case of Oneitis.


<Gold Donor>
Jesus titty fucking Christ. Talk about your ultimate case of Oneitis.
I was going to point out the part where I said I was building her up as perfect, and she isn't, which I realize (thus my post), as an example of how Zhavric should realize the same thing...but then I looked at some of your other posts and realized that I probably shouldn't worry about whether or not you understood.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Hey, so I figured I'd post this here instead of the red pill thread.

Met a girl last night for a first date, dunken donuts, I thought she was really into me, we talked about our past, and our goals, high school and jobs. She said it was getting late but wanted to meet again tomorrow (today) sometime after noon when she got off work. We walked outside, I gave her a kiss, she said I smelled really nice, she was getting into her car, I was getting into mine, she told me to text her when I got home, I said sure, have a great night... I texted her, wished a good night, told her that I enjoyed meeting her, no response.. I can't believe I was getting emotionally invested in this girl so early, but I definitely tried not to come off as needy. So I didn't text anything else that night... this morning I texted "good morning" ... no response... called her up when I got off work at 1:45, she hung up on me after I said, "Hey, it's Adam, what's up, hows it going?" Then I got really confused texted her a about 5-6 times trying to figure out if something changed, why she hung up on me... or what... total cold shoulder...

Shit sucks... Do NOT become interested in a woman's thoughts or ideals, do not care about their problems or goals or dreams, do not care about women, remain aloof, it only ever leads to heartache if you don't.