Am I crazy or is this a goofy thing to do? Not a broken heart issue but a general dating anecdote.
I went out with this woman I dug a few times, she decided it wasn't working for her, no biggie. We remained friends, and she even let me stay in her house in another state for almost two weeks once while I was there for tourism. (Believe it or not we actually slept in the same bed, try that on for weirdness when you're not banging or dating but you did in the past.) We never stopped communicating at least maybe once a month or something, but we ended up living in two different states.
So I'm finally back where she is. I ask her out to lunch or for a coffee, I wasn't angling for shit, she counters with Saturday night dinner. We went, completely platonic, even openly talked about dating other people with her. She was all smiles, ate food off my plate, good conversation, etcetera. Parted ways, she sent me a text 20 minutes later saying how nice it was to reconnect. I still thought nothing of it other than platonic.
I'm farting around today and look at my OKC account. She "liked" me and clicked show up as visitor (I know she has the A-list deal where she usually browses invis.) So I'm like, uh...why is she liking me on here and making it known she's looking at my profile. I send her a text and she responds like five hours later saying "Oh, I was on OKC and just for fun I liked an ex boyfriend and a couple of guys I'm friends with just to be friendly. I saw your profile on there and just wanted to like it to be friendly."
Which I guess is plausible and I don't suppose I doubt her truthfulness, but isn't that a shifty thing to do? I know it seems silly in a sense, it's a fucking "like" on okcupid, but it could be seriously confusing to someone when she never immediately said "oh hey, I see you there! saw your profile and just liking you!" I sort of feel bad for the ex boyfriend she claims she liked, imagine the confusion it'd cause to someone she was actually with. I mean, the flipside is in the back of your mind, "did she just like me thinking I was gonna go heads over tails and ask her out romantically again?" "Did she want to ask me out but then chickened out in the five hours it took for her to answer?"
Just a strange story.