As myself and others pointed out, simply moving money around doesn't help you legally. If things go nuclear & lawyers get involved, the first thing her lawyer will do if you drain the accounts and cut off her cards is get legal orders (forget the proper term) that suspend the assets until a legal agreement is in place. So skip the drama & extra legal expenses and go right to making the standing agreement that will govern finances until the situation is resolved. The situation has already arrived, so no way around it now.
I personally didn't end up needing one (very short marriage, assets were mostly separate and we separated the few joint ones immediately), but they have stipulations like no large purchases, amount of monthly spend, etc. Nothing will protect you completely from a crazy person, but it gives you legal recourse if she goes off the rails. Trying to hoard all the money yourself will a) not work legally and b) make you look like a controlling asshole when the court gets involved.
In a situation where perception can go a long way for you or against you, it is in your interest to keep perception in your favor.