The Girls Who Broke Your Heart Thread


Musty Nester
Yeah, that's legit rough.

I'm so so sorry that you stuck your dick in crazy. It's not just something that we say.


Try to keep her from comitting suicide. Ride it out. Those kids will turn 16 eventually.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Yeah, that's legit rough.

I'm so so sorry that you stuck your dick in crazy. It's not just something that we say.


Try to keep her from comitting suicide. Ride it out. Those kids will turn 16 eventually.
Believe me, "(I told you) don't fuck crazy" has crossed my mind numerous times.
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Potato del Grande
When dealing with crazy it's never too soon to start a very calculated exit. It's the kind of thing you don't want to rush, or someone will end up dead or committed.

My ex was crazy enough it was a 2 year exit strategy for a 3 year relationship. Don't want to be stuck scrambling at the last minute. Gotta Usual Suspects that shit and slow play your hand so she's convinced it's her idea to leave and doesn't blame you, lest ye be stabbed or poisoned.

Also keep pushing crazier sex because it'll either help things end sooner in a less stabby/poisony manner or at least help pass the time better. No rape fantasy stuff, though, as that slows down any exit plan.

And never, ever take any nude pics etc of her. Will make her too paranoid. She'll be afraid to leave and/or want to stab and/or poison you.

If you've already gotten nude pics, though, the damage is done and you may as well post them so we properly place her on the hot/crazy chart.
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Queen Bee
Wow. That is insane. Conefed Conefed where did she come up with this pennies for sexual favors bs? Out of thin air or does she have some trauma connected to that? That's really scary, especially since she's bringing your kid into it. What if she reports that to social services?

Sanrith Descartes

Von Clippowicz
Constructive conflict in a relationship is healthy. Keeping shit bottled up never ends well. Get it out and talk it out. The conflict you have going on isn't constructive. It is destructive. Assuming the shit you say she says she in fact says means that there is no end game that ends up positive in this relationship. Do not react in a knee-jerk way. Take your time, speak to professionals (aka lawyers) and plan an exit strategy that will provide the best possible outcome for you and your boy. It will not seem like the best thing to do at the time (dismantling the family unit), but it will end up being light years better than what you have now. I know this because leaving provides at least a possibility of a better life for you and your son. Staying will not provide you with this same possible better life. Sorry you and your son are in this. Take the first step of the rest of your life.


Blackwing Lair Raider
When dealing with crazy it's never too soon to start a very calculated exit. It's the kind of thing you don't want to rush, or someone will end up dead or committed.

My ex was crazy enough it was a 2 year exit strategy for a 3 year relationship. Don't want to be stuck scrambling at the last minute. Gotta Usual Suspects that shit and slow play your hand so she's convinced it's her idea to leave and doesn't blame you, lest ye be stabbed or poisoned.

Also keep pushing crazier sex because it'll either help things end sooner in a less stabby/poisony manner or at least help pass the time better. No rape fantasy stuff, though, as that slows down any exit plan.

And never, ever take any nude pics etc of her. Will make her too paranoid. She'll be afraid to leave and/or want to stab and/or poison you.

If you've already gotten nude pics, though, the damage is done and you may as well post them so we properly place her on the hot/crazy chart.
unfortunately, she has shot down sex for almost 3 months. says one of two things: either reminds her of her exes or of raping our son.

cautious slowplay is my strategy,
but damnit if there isn't unconditional love there.
She's been great for a good four consecutive days, maybe six - ever since she started smoking cubans (but she finished the last one tonight {still no sex})


Blackwing Lair Raider
Wow. That is insane. Conefed Conefed where did she come up with this pennies for sexual favors bs? Out of thin air or does she have some trauma connected to that? That's really scary, especially since she's bringing your kid into it. What if she reports that to social services?
out of thin air. i guess not really.
she comes up with off-the-wall bullshit. but it's almost always pieces of experiences crammed together. a part of a tv show. the news. etc. there are too many strands to track every piece.
The monkeys I think are from our trip to florida where the monkeys from the old Tarzan movies escaped and have since populated the forest we visited + a local badass, which I assume she had previous entanglements with, has a monkey, as did a former babysitter.
i dont know. my son loves them. maybe just in general prostitution/candy from a van ncis shit?

one friday I came home from work and they were gone. thought perhaps out with friend, grocery, etc. but as hours went by i panicked. i drove the backroads in search. I called her mother. I called 911. near 11pm cops and sheriff came to my house. one answering my report. one answering hers.
she told them i was molesting him. they took him to a safehouse for the weekend. was terrible. longest i had ever been parted. my bros kept me busy with booze and boardgames.
i was fucking pissed. compelled to go to church, we all had a group cry.
but damnit if not unconditional love.

but i swore inside when she said, "how do you think I feel?"

another abduction is the line, no more forgiveness on that.


Musty Nester
I think you may need to start putting some conditions on your love.

Brother, this isn't good. Start with, "Please stop accusing me of wanting to have sex with our son. I do not and you know that I do not. That is not sane. It is not a good thing for you to think."

You don't have to lay down any laws. In fact you should not. But it is not loving to allow someone to suffer without cause. And it sounds like she is actually mentally unwell.

Unconditional love does not mean that you are powerless against abuse. Abuse is not an aspect of love. Quite the opposite.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Your poor writing and ridiculous stories make it hard to trust you.
You and Kirun both have commented on my writing style, and I legit don't know what you're talking about, and genuinely would like to know, so that I may recalibrate.
Perhaps my line breaks? I feel it's easier to read this way, and easier to understand - and it keeps the wordcount down.

iannis iannis - "Please stop accusing me of wanting to have sex with our son. I do not and you know that I do not. That is not sane. It is not a good thing for you to think." - was months ago. The stories get even more out-there. I've covered my position with her countless times. It's why I have come for support. And thankfully ya'll have been here. It was the right decision and I feel a good 40% better - at least.

I think things are mending. there is minute progress.
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<Bronze Donator>
Batshit crazy is the believable part of this story. The unbelievable part is why King Cuck is still with her. She kidnaps your kid, concocts a false molestation story for the police, and your reaction is to go to church? The only logical explanation is that there's not one, but two mentally deficient people in this relationship.
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The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
The kid is the real victim here.
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The Big Mod
Batshit crazy is the believable part of this story. The unbelievable part is why King Cuck is still with her. She kidnaps your kid, concocts a false molestation story for the police, and your reaction is to go to church? The only logical explanation is that there's not one, but two mentally deficient people in this relationship.
Yeah I don't really know what to think. If 10% of the shit he says about is accurate she would be getting nowhere near me or my son. Dude must be a real self-loathing turd if he's really innocent in all this bullshit and keeps trotting along.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
I endure. It's what I do, because I'm a believer.
Marriage is a promise to endure, through better or worse. This must be the worse.
When I had the shotgun talk with her father, in seeking his blessing, he said she could be difficult (I thought then I had seen it all over the years! boy)
but, like with the fifth element, she's not as strong as may think. she's not invulnerable - these are lessons I hold dear.
and I gave that oath.
that means something.
(Now I'm not throwing back the advice given here. I'm still building my escape routes, but I must now defend my position it seems.)

A difficult part of that exit strategy is her parents and family. They're everywhere and have some influence. The impact of leaving is too great to take lightly.
I guarantee leaving would curdle all of those relationships and high chance son would get figuratively poisoned in any form of shared custody.
(no more free babysitters)
She also plays a good role as maid and cook. That may be tough to replace. and she's mostly not crazy around son, which means I'm free to be on the computer or doing whatever.
A new girl wouldn't have that readiness to serve.
And there are feels. except for when she's crazy, it's great. What if somehow that crazy can be isolated, reduced, and marginalized to insignificant. In everything, I believe, why not me. I'm already here. Everything else is good. I would have to rebuild all of that, which is unappealing.
I recognize I have some lofty goals and perhaps some misconceptions of other humans. The fact is, the process took some tolls and broke my heart too many times, which led to some personal emotional imbalance. I've since recovered, with considerable help from ya'll. By contrast, the divorce thread, which hurt to even go to, has apparently gone offtopic and its members have created a new meta not conducive to discussions that are on-topic.
So I thank all ya'll and I take no offense from those trying to get a better grasp, even if your approach has an awkward edge.

I've been brainwashed to think, "All you need is love," and the compulsion is difficult to shake. Perhaps most of my holdings on are due to brainwashing. I'm going to figure it out, but I needed support heals.
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Molten Core Raider
Do you live in a 1 party consent state for audio recordings? Start carrying a digital recorder if you do and catch all of the repeated "you rape our son" accusations from her along with any other insanity.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
she told them i was molesting him.
she told them i was molesting him.
she told them i was molesting him.

So you're committed enough to the relationship to be convicted as a child molester?

However unlikely you might think that is, I guarantee that there are people sitting in prison right now based on less evidence than your crazy wife could create in 5 minutes.

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Queen Bee
what if she starts planting these ideas into your son's mind? if she talks about it with him enough he's going to start believing it. Questions like "where did you touch daddy to get the pennies?" or "remember that time you and dad went camping (yes) and he touched your body?" instead of "do you ever feel uncomfortable around dad?" to which surly the answer would be no and the conversation would be over.

scary shit man. idk what state you live in but it's a crime to not protect your minor from a situation you know is dangerous. i know a girl whose husband lost custody of their 3 kids for running around the house with a gun trying to shoot the monsters that lived in their attic while she wasnt home. then she lost custody when the judge deemed her an unfit mother for letting her kids be unsupervised around him when she knew he was schizo and having an episode. they had drugs and stuff going on too, still serious biz. or that andrea yates shit. he knew she couldnt be unsupervised, had his mom coming over, but had her alone with them for 1 hour and that's all she needed.
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Sanrith Descartes

Von Clippowicz
I endure. It's what I do, because I'm a believer.

<lots of stuff>

I've been brainwashed to think, "All you need is love," and the compulsion is difficult to shake. Perhaps most of my holdings on are due to brainwashing. I'm going to figure it out, but I needed support heals.

At first I felt sorry for you. But now, I have narrowed it down to a small number of possibilities. 1. You are running the con on us. 2. You are least as crazy as you purport your wife to be. 3. You are not the sharpest tool in the shed. 4. You are severely lacking in the balls department. 5. Any combination of items 1 - 4.

The woman accuses you of being a child molester (far and away one of the most heinous things a man can be called) and you hinder your exit strategy due to a concern of losing free family babysitters. Maybe you havent grasped the idea that leaving this chick doesnt mean moving down the block. Who cares who her family is (unless you live in NY and her family is Italian/Russian if you get my drift), because you should be moving out of the state.

No dude with a sack would put up with the shit you are describing. Either you are full of shit in your story telling, highly exaggerating the situation and specifics, deep down like being treated like shit by a woman and giving up all control in the relationship, or not bright enough to figure out this situation as described most likely ends with you in jail for a number of possible crimes. One of those possible crimes, btw, will put you in a position that makes your current situation seem like Disney Land. If you dont understand, google "what happens to child molesters in prison". It won't matter that you didn't actually commit the crime. No one in jail actually committed crimes as everyone in prison is innocent and just being jammed up by the man.
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Musty Nester
Guys are being a bit harsh.

He's ass deep in a situation that he doesn't know how to get out of.

Real talk. Over the course of the next few months your wife slowly works up into the accusing you of child molesting. How do you handle that? You don't go back in time and "nip it in the bud". No, that's not the game. You wake, you go to work, you come home. Your wife is in the kitchen and she asks you, "Did you fuck our son!?!?!?"

Now once you've said, "No I did not and you're fucking crazy" what do you do? Because she said it again. There's obviously a lot going on here.

Talk to your pastor, conefed. Really talk to him. Because honestly this COULD go a way which involves the police and you being charged with sexual abuse. This is poison. She may be confused but she is not harmless. At the VERY LEAST you need to get involved with a legally recognized marriage counsellor, that will give you some defense should the worst happen. It will cost some money but it's money that you have to spend. And you're going to have to find a way to get your wife to come.

At worst, he can testify in your defense. At best, he might actually be able to help.
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