The Greatest Lie Ever Sold: George Floyd and the Rise of BLM (2022)


Mr. Poopybutthole
Mist going full-on tinfoil hat at this point, which is kind of ironic.
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Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
And no, it makes no sense to me that Trump was behind any kind of "coup" at the same time he was telling Pelosi's office and Milley to drastically ramp up security. Milley said he'd take care of it, and what'd he do? Absolutely fuck all. Wouldn't be surprised if the security was actually LIGHTER than a normal day. It certainly appears that way and we haven't even seen the vast majority of the evidence yet.
You're being fed a lot of bullshit. Trump didn't request "10000 DC National Guard" because DC only has 1100 National Guard troops, and 340 of them did get activated on January 5th to assist in a limited capacity. It requires the Secretary of the Army and the Secretary of Defense to authorize any of this, and there was only an acting Secretary of Defense at the time (Christopher Miller appointed by directly Trump but never confirmed, so technically no constitutional authority), who denied the DC mayor's request to give the National Guard expanded presence. Another Governor can nationalize their National Guard, but they can only enter the "National Captial Region" with authorization from the Secretary of Defense. Nancy Pelosi has absolutely no part in any of this and anyone telling you otherwise is ignorant or lying. General Milley also is not directly involved, that's another lie.

The Posse Comitatus Act - Wikipedia makes legally cumbersome to deploy troops to the capital, based on law going all the way back to Roman times designed specifically towards preventing a leader from using the military to overthrow the government. The fact that there was no confirmed Secretary of Defense is yet another major hurdle here, and the fact that Trump had 5 secretaries of state in the last 1.5 years of his presidency, and only 1 of them was confirmed, means they were operating way off the roadmap of the constitution.
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Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Literally the exact opposite of what actually happened, why am I not surprised?
You're wrong because you're being lied to and you're believing it.

Trump’s defense secretary denies there were orders to have 10K troops ready to deploy on January 6

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<Gold Donor>
Misty has a severe case of TDS... Prob stemming from the grab your pussy comment had her locked up in her trailer for years for fear of ACTUALLY being grabbed in the pussy.
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Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
People don't understand that there was a switch, going back to probably the mid Bush administration. War On Terror, threat level orange bullshit. The old paradigm was to keep people oblivious to what's going on. The new paradigm is to barrage people with so much goings on that they're completely paralyzed and powerless to improve their own lives. Spending less time on politics and more time on self-improvement is the sign of a healthy society. Everyone being obsessed with politics all the time is the sign of a society that has brought itself to the brink of collapse.

Back in the 2000's I used to wish every day that people were more politically involved / cared / were paying any attention. Felt like almost everybody was oblivious.

The last couple years I've been looking around going welp, I got my wish, but I got the monkey paw version of it.
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Tranny Chaser

People don't understand that there was a switch, going back to probably the mid Bush administration. War On Terror, threat level orange bullshit.


1. Smartphones
2. Social media
3. Global financial crash

A generation of people disenfranchised from the centre ground of politics started moving left/right. Spurred on by portable echo chambers that are online 24/7

Newspaper websites had to hire opinion columnists for 24/7 content instead of 7 daily editions


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
I just wish that Chauvin would have sat him up on the curb in the cuffs and let him chimp out and die from the OD so the world would still make sense

Yeah that would have saved us all a lot of trouble. Chauvin could have stood Floyd up and tapdanced with him, and Floyd was still a few minutes away from being deader than a doornail
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Potato del Grande
You didn't read. They don't have to be armed. The "insurrection" is just an excuse to get Pence out of the Capitol, which merely requires the perimeter be breached. There was never an attempt to overthrow the government by force. The plan was obviously to take Pence to a secure location long enough to either buy more time to convince him to go along with the plan, or just time to sow more doubt. Then they could either proceed with either the alternate-elector plan or just getting the process far enough outside the bounds of normal constitutional procedures that the Supreme Court would have to get involved.

All of this shit is in texts, emails and depositions that are part of the factual record. Peter Navaro effectively admitted half the plot thing on live TV. The only thing that is missing are the texts from the Secret Service which are conveniently wiped.

No one is going to "BTFO" me with their MyPillowGuy-level conspiracy theories.

Animated GIF

Let me amend my previous post a bit. The "sitting president" (Donald Trump) was intelligent enough to use proxies to *delay the certification of the election*, but too stupid to prevent his proxies from intimidating the vice president (Michael Pence), therefore foiling his grand scheme of remaining the president. Since he was so smart, but stupid, he failed to become the dictator in chief. Nancy Pelosi, Muriel Bowser, etc were all in on it but since the sitting president was such a colossal fuck up they have publicly contradicted your explanations in order to cover their own asses.
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Ssraeszha Raider
This is probably the most intelligent "left" counter-point I've read anywhere on the whole thing. Usually it's just autistic screeching and calling the protesters terrorists.

Only thing dumber than Mist's Alex Jones Blue-anon rant is someone thinking it's "intelligent"
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Mr. Poopybutthole
wow Mist this is impressive even for you. You are claiming that Bowser's request for expanded NG deployment was denied and as proof you post a letter from acting SecDef to SecArmy authorizing him to APPROVE the deployment request from DC. Mental gymnastics doesn't even begin to describe this. I feel like this is even more proof that you really are a woman because I can't even begin to fathom how a man would fake your level of irrationality.

Would you actually have a stroke and keel over if I posted the letter from Mayor Bowser declining any NG involvement or would you once again read something completely contrary to what is written?
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Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
wow Mist this is impressive even for you. You are claiming that Bowser's request for expanded NG deployment was denied and as proof you post a letter from acting SecDef to SecArmy authorizing him to APPROVE the deployment request from DC.

Mental gymnastics doesn't even begin to describe this. I feel like this is even more proof that you really are a woman because I can't even begin to fathom how a man would fake your level of irrationality.
Did you even read the letter?


Mr. Poopybutthole
Did you even read the letter?
More adroitly than you did apparently, since I understand that the phrase 'You are authorized to approve the requested support' does not mean 'You are not authorized to approve the requested support'.
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Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
More adroitly than you did apparently, since I understand that the phrase 'You are authorized to approve the requested support' does not mean 'You are not authorized to approve the requested support'.
You're either stupid or intentionally missing the fact that they're not authorized to have weapons or do anything. Further, only 340 troops out of 1100 were authorized, and the "QRF" mentioned is only 40 troops. This idea that Trump ordered 10000 or 20000 DC National Guard (as he has claimed) to be activated is nonsense, as there are not anywhere near that many DC National Guard. A governor of another state would have to nationalize that many of their own National Guard ahead of time, and then the Secretary of Defense would need to get all sorts of legal approvals in order to avoid violating the Posse Comitatus Act, and that was definitely not done. So when he claims that he ordered 10000 or 20000 National Guard deployed, he's just plain lying. When anyone claims that Nancy Pelosi had anything to do with any of it, they are lying.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Trump didn't request "10000 DC National Guard" because DC only has 1100 National Guard troops

Considering his complete inability to count, him saying 10k instead of 1k is believable lol
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Mr. Poopybutthole
You're either stupid or intentionally missing the fact that they're not authorized to have weapons or do anything.
So is Mayor Bowser stupid for having explicitly requested the troops be unarmed in the first place? You're making it painfully obvious that you don't know a single fucking thing about what happened in DC during that time period.

Guess how many weapons the National Guard had when they were fully deployed to the city immediately after the riot? Oh that's right, zero weapons. Almost as if there are heavy restrictions on domestic military deployments because nobody wants another Kent State to happen under their watch. It took an entire week of exaggerations and outright lies about what happened that day as well as a bunch of 'extremist threats' from the FBI before the Pentagon finally decided to arm the guardsmen pulling security.
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Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
So is Mayor Bowser stupid for having explicitly requested the troops be unarmed in the first place? You're making it painfully obvious that you don't know a single fucking thing about what happened in DC during that time period.

Guess how many weapons the National Guard had when they were fully deployed to the city immediately after the riot? Oh that's right, zero weapons. Almost as if there are heavy restrictions on domestic military deployments because nobody wants another Kent State to happen under their watch. It took an entire week of exaggerations and outright lies about what happened that day as well as a bunch of 'extremist threats' from the FBI before the Pentagon finally decided to arm the guardsmen pulling security.
So you're agreeing that the entire Republican narrative that Mayor Bowser and Nancy Pelosi are responsible for the fact that the 10k or 20k armed National Guard riot control (that Trump never actually requested) weren't deployed is complete and total bullshit, along with everything else they've said about that day?



Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
You're either stupid or intentionally missing the fact that they're not authorized to have weapons or do anything. Further, only 340 troops out of 1100 were authorized, and the "QRF" mentioned is only 40 troops. This idea that Trump ordered 10000 or 20000 DC National Guard (as he has claimed) to be activated is nonsense, as there are not anywhere near that many DC National Guard. A governor of another state would have to nationalize that many of their own National Guard ahead of time, and then the Secretary of Defense would need to get all sorts of legal approvals in order to avoid violating the Posse Comitatus Act, and that was definitely not done. So when he claims that he ordered 10000 or 20000 National Guard deployed, he's just plain lying. When anyone claims that Nancy Pelosi had anything to do with any of it, they are lying.

Was Nancy Pelosi technically in charge of the Capitol Police? Her part in this doesn't have much to do with the National Guard. I'm questioning why the security was so lax that day, and I'm also noting that Trump encouraged her office to increase the presence of Capitol Police for that day and they didn't. As early as December 20th or so, Trump was publically saying there'd be a protest on the 6th that they'd need more staff on-hand for.

As for the National Guard, I think the "10,000" request Trump made was ikely referring to the much larger Virginia National Guard. That or he was just throwing numbers out. Point is that it appears that Trump tried to warn the appropriate people that his supporters were going to make their voices heard and he didn't want it to break down / get out of hand / turn into a BLM-style riot. And if that's the case, it flies against everything we're told about him on this issue. The guy got banned from Twitter for "inciting violence" after he did a chain of tweets telling people to be peaceful (before and after the riot) so it looks to me like his guilt was decided beforehand and reality was shaped around confirming said guilt.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
You clutch your chains as if they were a security blanket and have no world beyond the shadows on the wall in front of you. Continuing to dunk on the basket that you keep moving around is pointless because you will never acknowledge any reality beyond your shadows.


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
Gavinmad Gavinmad Who?

When it comes to this issue, we can debate who ordered what. At the end of the day, bottom line is that if Trump were actually the guy the media is portraying him as, he wouldn't have been warning people beforehand, nor telling his mob of unarmed supporters to back off.

He could have easily called for actual violence before that day, told his supporters to storm their statehouses and take control, called for them to descend on the Capitol with weapons, and rally around the White House to protect him.

Guaranteed several million people would have shown up that day...and actually armed. He could have summoned that up, but he did nothing of the sort.

All this hand-wringing about whether he wanted this to happen or not shows the ambiguity of the whole thing. In an actual coup, there won't be any ambiguity. The levers will be seized, heads will roll, and there will be no apology.
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