I love The Wire, but I feel like there are many shows on that same level of quality. The Sopranos, Mad Men, Deadwood, Breaking Bad, etc.
Those are amazing shows as well, but the thread title isn't "What are Some Good Shows".
I love The Wire, but I feel like there are many shows on that same level of quality. The Sopranos, Mad Men, Deadwood, Breaking Bad, etc.
The last season of Boardwalk Empire is terrible though.
I break all the fucking rules.Those are amazing shows as well, but the thread title isn't "What are Some Good Shows".
Friends was a far better sitcom than Big Bang Theory ever was. It had actual situational comedy for example. BBT just has some disjointed dialog that isn't even funny, yet every single line gets a big roar from the laugh track.
I dare you to watch this and not crack up.
I guess it's been a long time since I've watched any sitcoms. Those laugh tracks are very distracting.
I'll agree Friends is better, just not far better. Both of those shows rely on most viewers being consistent watchers b/c they do so many call backs to old jokes/situations from previous episodes. Fully understand both not being people's cup of tea, but both are good shows for what they are.
Great show, but of all time? Eh...Maybe True Detective if we can ignore the existence of season 2?
For example characters that are supposed to be poor/middle class keep looking healthier and fitter and wearing better clothes because the actors are richer.
*Every* show with a laugh track is unwatchable so long as you're paying attention to it.
I vote The Wire. Season 2 was not disjointed. It was amazing AND has the the nicest boobs ever shown on a TV series![]()
For example characters that are supposed to be poor/middle class keep looking healthier and fitter and wearing better clothes because the actors are richer.
I've been re-watching Three's Company. Probably way before most people's time here, but god damn that was a funny sitcom and definitely in my top 5. Suzanne Somers played the dumb blonde perfectly and holy shit that body. Despite being from the late 70s/early 80s, it holds up pretty well.
Barney Miller and Mash have both aged fairly well, too.
Deadwood, as a whole is fantastic. But The Wire, also as a whole is just as fantastic along with having standout episodes, characters and performances. Deadwood never had that unless you count maybe the Hickock episode, but we all knew that was coming. Thats what edges The Wire out.I break all the fucking rules.
If I had to pick one, Deadwood. The ending has really grown on me as poetic. Contrast with the Sopranos ending, which I dislike even more as time goes on.
the funny thing is when i think about it, shows from that era had a cast with a wide range of actors in terms of age and looks, whereas nowadays everything skews super young and hot