Is there a poison guide anywhere? Is it the same for this server as in live?
I didn't find any for poison particularly, but searching Discord at least informed me about the 3 main ones for this server (Shissar, Pyrilen (fire), & Gelidran (frost)). The Baz vendors sell all the mats for those, at least up to 10. Shissar does double the damage of the other two, due to AA, so I just worked my way up the ranks until Shissar X went trivial.
As for the other poisons, I don't use them, although, you can use a non-damaging second poison at the same time as Shissar, if you find one you want to use. I made up some Sloth 6 (slow), as that's the highest you can get from vendor mats, and I don't think it stuck once.
As for recipes, I use the search on EQ Trader or Allakazams to look up poisons directly, and some of EQTRader's old guides can work for other tradeskill stuff (some trades have a lot of old guides, some don't).
Alla's recipes work too:
Everquest Recipe Information for Anger of the Shissar IX
Also, as a general "Things I learned today" (well, yesterday), EQ Progress has a great list of clickies for each class (not counting illusion masks), divided by xpac. Here is the rogue one, for example (the server lego reduces the cast time of all clickies and adds Symp Strike/Heal to some items, which is not listed here):
I use EQProgress for all the Epic weapon guides, but there are a few differences or things not listed. Such as a couple NPCs that were moved, the rogue epic shortcut, or one part of the WIZ epic where you talk to a gnome and you need to say "what oil" instead of just "oil."
Edit: Since I am listing resources, might as well list the other two I use semi regularly:
Project 1999 wiki has good info, if a little different for Classic server setups like this one:
The AI made (mostly) wiki for the server isn't bad for some stuff. Such as general macros, what some abilities do, and a list of every zone with an Echo (DZ spawner):
These macros can be copy pasted in game by setting the Paste From Clipboard hotkey in game. - Press ALT+O, Keys, UI, scroll down to Paste From Clipboard, and set it to CTRL+V Sell Item To Merchant # This is handy when you are going to be selling a bunch to a merchant. /hotbutton Sell /notify...