it also seems like a pretty good time to start up on the server as well if you really want to do everything through pop within like a month.
i had been lurking the thread and finally impulse rolled a dru/rog/monk monday night, and by wednesday morning i'd already solo cleared my kunark and velious flag mobs. strong weapons like legendary primals sell for 1 plat, so you can just log in -> complete the newbie book turn-in for starter plat -> buy weapons and go to town. world buffs for things like selo's / haste pretty much negate the need to even buy anything that costs more than a plat or two as you just kind of play your way through the overwhelming amount of new info. and then once you get plat, you can get 200 hp/mana enchanted gear for under 1k/slot now because of how common stat gear is in luclin.
sitting on level 50 while grinding aa's in the underwater temple in SG now (40-50 mobs and you barely have to move pulling in groups from the top of scaffolding), and starting to dig in more to the min/max aspects of class combinations and AA as i've only been approaching things from a pure melee dps standpoint so far (where druid feels reduced to being a succor / entrap aa role due to world buffs and fast travel). had only ever played live thru luclin and p99 blue, and this has been a refreshing way scratch the EQ itch without needing to commit a bunch of time (though it does also create the "classic" eq addiction so you can't stop scratching heh).