The whole reason the first game resonated was not because it was some woke post apoc fag fest. It was the story of a guy recovering from an old loss enough to become a father to this girl, that just happened to use mushroom zombie apocalypse as its backdrop. So now we have all of this attachment to those great characters and the first fucking thing they do is have Roidzilla tranny murder one of them, then you spend half the game as tranny kratos following the other one around to murder them. Who honestly thought this shit was going to be good, let alone have even a fraction of the emotional connection the first one did? The game should be called The Last Jedi of Us to properly reflect how big of a shit it is going to take on their entirely new IP. To follow up such a masterpiece with.... that.... I mean I get no one at ND had the balls to make N.Drukmaan keep things grounded, but for fucks sakes the Japs own the studio and give no fucks. The only way that swole chopper could be even more of a ridiculous over the top virtue signal is if he was a muslim, too.
Thats not even touching all of the other virtue signalling that apparently was packed into this game. The first game DLC was a dry run for a ass raping of the IP, it seems.