I disagree, force flipping Yoda looked silly and imo further cheapened the whole idea of 'the force'. Go take a look at the finale of Mandalorian again. What don't you see? You don't see Luke flipping around like an autistic gymnast on coke. There is no dumb super speed force twirls and bullshit. Hell, he doesn't even move fast or run in the ENTIRE sequence--he walks, slowly, the whole time.
And yet, the dude looked unstoppable, didn't he? They made him walk like he just knew where the bullets were going to be--as if each step was predetermined because he already knew where he had to be to win. That is the kind of stuff I originally thought the 'force' allowed Jedi masters to do. With every step the force would guide them into the perfect position to defend or attack, and the more powerful the wielder, the more effortless it would look.
IMO, the way they did Luke in this episode was a perfect example of how they should have shown powerful Jedi. Yoda shouldn't even have had a lightsaber. Dude should have been calmly side stepping Sidious's swipes and then using his cane to send him flying with some super force push between calm, even slow movements (Highlighting how he was actually a few steps ahead of anything Sidious could do). IMO, that would have looked better. (Hell, in the originals I kind of thought once a knight achieved a certain level, they gave up their sabers and became like Wizards or something--don't know, but imo, that slow, methodical look is a lot more Jedi like)