Millie's Staff Member
I was really expecting R2 to shit out a Baby Bjorn harness and Luke to plunk Grogu in there for the ride back to the ship.

I was really expecting R2 to shit out a Baby Bjorn harness and Luke to plunk Grogu in there for the ride back to the ship.
it makes the most sense. im sure if asked, the angriest people were over TLJ was how they fucked over Luke. at least they're trying to right that wrong.We were off by 1 season, but ultimately our sources were accurate and we successfully predicted the debut of Luke Skywalker in the Mandalorian.
it makes the most sense. im sure if asked, the angriest people were over TLJ was how they fucked over Luke. at least they're trying to right that wrong.
my point wasn't that they should outsource the deepfake. my point was that some nobodies without a budget can pull it off so there's no excuse for a company THAT big to not be able to pull it offthis. outsourcing a deepfake would leak instantly
The force gives knowledge, duh.There's definitely a little plot hole. Once they had Grogu, Gideon's cruiser jumped to lightspeed and out of the system. Even if Luke went to Tython I don't see how he'd have any idea where to go next. But I've never been one to nitpick Star Wars, so didn't diminish the episode for me at all.
i'm not going to argue that KK has NO IDEA what's going on with mando, but it's inherently clear that favreau has creative control. executive producer and showrunner are two very different positions. in a lot of cases, the executive producer doesn't have anything to do with the product itself, they are the ones that basically bankroll it. they find the funds for the show/movie and deal with a lot of the logistics. now, there are PLENTY of examples where the executive producer has direct oversight, specifically because if they are paying for it then they want it to be a certain thing.
but again, it's abundantly clear that mandalorian is very much favreau's style and it has zero of KK's flavor in it. whether that means there's some deal that favreau made or that KK has been told by igar to be hands off, we don't know.
curious, has any autists, "fixed" that scene with a better deepfake?my point wasn't that they should outsource the deepfake. my point was that some nobodies without a budget can pull it off so there's no excuse for a company THAT big to not be able to pull it off
it's a little early for that yet. deepfake programs take a LONG time to render. but i expect to see them in the coming weekscurious, has any autists, "fixed" that scene with a better deepfake?
Well, you were half right.If in the next episode a de-aged Mark Hamill pops in to help rescue Grogu and mentions Princess Leia's unfortunate death it'd be the greatest thing to happen to the Star Wars franchise since the lightsaber.
dude, the dark troopers looked worse than TPM droids from 20years agomy point wasn't that they should outsource the deepfake. my point was that some nobodies without a budget can pull it off so there's no excuse for a company THAT big to not be able to pull it off
Overall 8/10 - I wish they had killed a few people
For a true OT return to form, and in the interest of a credible adversary-- needed some deaths, I agree.
The sequel trilogy destroyed the seriousness of the franchise. Filoni needs to kill off a character at some point if he wants my full support.
All they have to do in the show is say Princess Liea or Han Solo are dead, and outside the show say that they are taking a fresh start where the latest storyline is Mandalorian. Ez.How would you retcon the sequel trilogy?