yeah i wasn't super impressed, it felt insanely paint by numbers but maybe i've just gotten spoiled by andor and bad batch. i kept thinking
"oh shit, axe woves (WHAT A STUPID FUCKING NAME) is flying to the fleet, he is gonna betray and fuck over all of them!"
oh guess not he's pretty competent and loyal, nm
"oh shit, the armorer is coming in with the troopers, she is gonna reveal she is satine and fuck over everyone!"
oh guess not, she is as boring and vanilla as she's always been
"oh shit, we're in that bizarre room where ray shields seperate each trooper FOR NO FUCKING REASON, we're gonna find out why it exists!" (I guess they guard the clone room?)
oh guess din just goes through 2 of them at a time, why is it guns work great sometimes but not at all other times
"oh shit, its a bank of stored clones, its gonna be Snoke and even though its stupid AF it could be cool seeing a bunch of force clones fight grogu"
oh never mind, din pressed a button and killed them all. is that button labeled like "fuck it" or something
"oh shit, Moff Gideon is gonna fight! wait this makes no fucking sense why is this dude going 1v1 against a lifetime fighter"
overall the entire season felt purposeless, I do hope they return to some semblance of overall goal and MMO quests but i'd rate this season as full of member berries and clone wars love but pretty weak in writing.
Still better than the sequel trilogy though!
I expected Pedro to remove the helmet on the vacation home to hint that he's more on Bo-Katan's side of what defines a Mandalore rather than the Armorer's, but then you'd need Pedro in every scene so I assume the show is gonna just duck that whole issue for a long time. I can't even remember the last scene we saw Pedro's face