The Mandalorian


Trakanon Raider
Andor and Skeleton Crew are done (aside from maybe some FX), the only active projects after that are the Mando movie, then Ahsoka S2, then the Rey movie.

You might not want a Rey movie, or more Ahsoka, but you're going to get it, because Lucasfilm has nothing else in active development right now.

(Donald Glover is still working on a Lando _movie_ script, and I _think_ James Mangold's super prequel is still alive, but if they happen they are years off.)


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Andor and Skeleton Crew are done (aside from maybe some FX), the only active projects after that are the Mando movie, then Ahsoka S2, then the Rey movie.

You might not want a Rey movie, or more Ahsoka, but you're going to get it, because Lucasfilm has nothing else in active development right now.

(Donald Glover is still working on a Lando _movie_ script, and I _think_ James Mangold's super prequel is still alive, but if they happen they are years off.)

Mangold is still in development. He has strong ties to Kennedy, and did her a huge favor taking over the Indy 5 movie after Spielberg balked at the script and dropped direction duty.

Most high profile directors want nothing to do with Lucas Film based on a lengthy history of abuse. Including abuse that was leveled at JJ.

If anyone is getting a movie, it's Mangold.


Millie's Staff Member
I thought that video said the Rey movie was indefinitely shelved
It is shelved. No movies are moving forward at this point. The kiddie show and the second part of the prequel show are all that's going on because they are done. There isn't even a script for the Rey movie.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Which isn't surprising - there is virtually no demand for stuff based off the new Sequel trilogy even though they kept trying to force it. The Star Wars land at Disneyworld was based on the sequels, the hotel was based on the sequels. They redid parts of the Star Wars attraction to align more with the Mando stuff and while the sequel aspect isn't a main reason the hotel failed, it certainly didn't help either.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
It would be funny if the main reason Lucas sold his company was to be rid of her. "Your problem now Bob!"

Opposite. She was part of the deal and nominated by Lucas to take the reins personally. She had Lucas's blessing, and then Bob and her threw away his sequel trilogy, stabbing him in the back.

After Bob Iger shook George's hand on it but refused to put it into writing. This almost caused Lucas to back out of the sale, along with a few other items. That's when Iger said the fee to back out would be something like 200-400m in damages because Disney already had began planning stages for the acquisition of the IP. I don't think Lucas was serious about backing out, he wanted to sell, but Iger still dropped an offhand threat to make sure the deal went through with what Disney wanted, not what Lucas wanted.


Avatar of War Slayer
Opposite. She was part of the deal and nominated by Lucas to take the reins personally. She had Lucas's blessing, and then Bob and her threw away his sequel trilogy, stabbing him in the back.

After Bob Iger shook George's hand on it but refused to put it into writing. This almost caused Lucas to back out of the sale, along with a few other items. That's when Iger said the fee to back out would be something like 200-400m in damages because Disney already had began planning stages for the acquisition of the IP. I don't think Lucas was serious about backing out, he wanted to sell, but Iger still dropped an offhand threat to make sure the deal went through with what Disney wanted, not what Lucas wanted.
Sure sure, but what if it was all an act just to be rid of KK? George was playing 4D chess!


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Sure sure, but what if it was all an act just to be rid of KK? George was playing 4D chess!

Well he hates Disney and has referred to them as "white slavers" publicly. He's happy with anything that causes them any grief.

There's an amount of schadenfreude he's enjoyed over the years watching it fall from the box office. He's happy with his rid of Kennedy.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
George had originally hired Filoni and the Filoni stuff has more the most part more closely aligned with the Lucas-era Star Wars stuff