did you miss the last 10 pages where we talked about the 2nd matrix layer hypothesis ? the same hypothesis that was denied by the horrible 3rd movieReloaded down. Revolutions to go. Nayemy's ship gets blown up. Her crew dies in the matrix, but nayemy lives long enough to blow up the power plant? Also the architect tells neo the matrix is older than he thinks. He sats this matrix is the 6th version and that zion has been destroyed 5 times. Basically they are in a second matrix?
Shutting it off after the first movie ends and having the other two surgically extracted from your memory is really the only way to go.I shut it off soon as she showed back up
you mean the same discussion i was a part of? no, i didnt miss that. was reaffirming that they definitely were going for a 2nd matrix storyline even without the neo force blast at the end.did you miss the last 10 pages where we talked about the 2nd matrix layer hypothesis ? the same hypothesis that was denied by the horrible 3rd movie
Pretty sure she had pumped out a kid right before filming. Gaining weight during pregnancy and then losing it will leave you looking like that sometimes.From what I remember Carrie Ann Moss looked way older and worse to me at end of Trilogy than at the beginning. Or maybe I am remembering wrong. She seems all old and wrinkly now and even when they first filmed Matrix and everyone thought she was sexy as hell in that skin tight suit, wasn't she already pretty old? Or is my milf porn getting me all mixed up on ages now?