The Morrigan
Potato del Grande
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Mike Pence is that you? Just wait till Mother finds out you're on the sinbox. Time to pray the gay, I guess in this case, pray the trans away.The celebration of mental illness is pathetic. TRANS PEOPLE ARENT PEOPLE. They are mentally ill trash beings seeking attention and don't belong in society. It's amazing how in the poorest parts of this world where billions upon billions of people live they don't have nut allergy faggots, gluten retards, fagmosexuals, ADHD, or any other plethora of made up mentally ill degenerate bullshit. Some staving Ethiopian American Inventor isn't going to click and clack at you about how they are a vegan transfag.
If they were allowed to pull their faggot shit in 1999 the Matrix would of been a failure pile of dogshit. The fact they can openly pull this shit off in 2021 just shows how far society has fallen.
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