This film, I didn't think it was even remotely possible for a person to fuck up something this bad.
The lighting, the effects, the dialogue, the delivery are all garbage.
Lighting and effects are like they were done by a person JUST out of film school after they took their last effects class from community college. The "SLOW MOTION" effect on people is so low quality it is like this is some Made for SciFi channel d tier show.
The dialogue is just bad, there is nothing being said that has any impact at all and combine that with shit tier delivery and you have totally meaningless scenes driving you to another totally meaningless scene all for what payoff? YOU TOLD US THE END AT THE BEGINNING! But this isn't some god damn masterclass Tarantino film, this is trannies first film.
Full disclosure, I'm jogging thru this as I type this...
These lines have no weight HOLY FUCK.
"Think renovating a house, twice as long twice as expensive"...what the fuck?
Okay, So a major question any reasonable person would ask machine overlords. Why stay on Earth? If power generation and universal expansion are the things you are after, leaving earth and going to another planet or solar system is basically your best route. No pesky people fucking things up, your sentience is tied to a hive-mind of sorts so you don't have to worry about dying, you are basically Cylons of old. But no...instead of doing that, machines want to stay on earth, earning sub-par energy off biologicals.
Okay I'm at 1:58:11...I'm finishing this shit show. I've watched bad movies because my parents bought movies from Focus on the Family, but this shit is worse than ANY of that.
Like I'm legit thinking right now, that if we make Homosexuality illegal and purge the gays, maybe we can go another 500 years without shit like this being made. sorry
I'm totally divorced from any thought of this even being a bad movie, this movie is terrible, I legit hope that no one walked out of this movie with anything but an acidic taste in their mouth.
Being that said...I'm finishing this shit show...