When Cypher is having the steak and talking to the agents he says 'I want to be someone important, an actor maybe...but I want to remember nothing. Nothing'. Agent Smith then says "Ok, Mr. Reagan" which many take it to mean he was implanted as Ronald Reagan -- president, actor, and Alzheimer patient.checked out the original Matrix last night and it still holds up. one thing i never noticed before is that when the agents first arrest Neo. they show a bank of TVs with Neo sitting in the interrogation room. that bank of TVs look a lot like the bank of TVs the Architect has in his room. those TVs were never seen again in the movie. not sure if thats an easter egg. pretty cool. Also how were the machines going to plug Cypher back in? the process seems so automated that they would have to rewrite programming to have it happen. which leads me to believe that the machines werent going to give Cypher a damned thing.
lastly another thing i never thought about, Cypher was Trinity's ex bf? i am assuming that was what caused the rift, she went to see the Oracle and she told her that she would be in love with The One, she wasnt in love with Cypher so she broke up with him and he got massively butthurt when she started chasing Neo. otherwise he would have betrayed Morpheus much earlier.
I like all four Matrix films, but it’s clear nobody wanted a fourth installment.
We had a long talk at work about this today and I got to have a live conversation with a bunch of people who were I think reflective of many of the attitudes here. Many people were "disappointed" and came out guns blazing because they remember "The Matrix" and what a great movie that was. I think doing this as a soft reboot was a big mistake. If you had just done it as a 4th movie, it would have went over better. Every time you put the original Matrix up on the screen, every time you dangled a Member-berry, you just reminded people of a better movie you weren't going to get even anywhere close to being. Rather than being nostalgia, it was poison; it reminded people of what they didn't have in this case.Finally watched this.
Loved what they were trying to do with this movie, but the execution was definitely off. Analyst and Smith were just not very convincing villains and their motivations were a little too hard to pin down. Merovingian scene was stupid filler, a remarkably effective callback to the second movie which was also stupid filler.
Still, loved what they tried to do even if they didn't quite pull it off. Very good criticisms of obnoxious millennials, online rage/drama culture, pharmacological mental health, comments on the misunderstanding or twisting the meaning of the first movie, comments on reboot/remake culture and the lack of originality, focus grouping, studio control, etc, and most importantly, definitely a dig at big tech and how the hackers that were supposed to save us from the machines ended up becoming the machine.
Neo+Trinity story was good and fit with the trilogy.
The key takeaways from the philosophy of the movie are definitely the part about the Matrix manipulating people and feeding off human drama but never actually letting them truly connect, and the line about all the noise the Matrix pumps inside your head being the same sound that war makes, how it's all just propaganda.
Casting choices kinda sucked and the effects oscillated randomly between pretty cool and made-for-TV bad.
Gonna go with the RT score and say 6.5/10 sounds right. Still better than #2 and probably better than #3.
God the parts with the second Man/Machine war are pure nightmare fuel for meIf anyone never got around to watching The Animatrix a solid half of the segments are great.
i guess the real takeaway is make sure and start developing a fucking sequel when you write a big baller script like this. yeah maybe it bombs and the sequel never gets made, but try to think about new ideas just in case. the worst part about the matrix sequels is how they depowered Neo or got him out of the way so others had time to shine on their own. this is such an old trope with OP characters that you would think they had come up with a better way of doing things. nope. lets have this character move to a remote planet and swear never to use their powers again. lets transport this other character to the middle of the mountains so he cant make it back in time. lets introduce a mcguffin that weakens our hero temporarily to add tension.
You liked this, but not Arcane.Finally watched this.
Loved what they were trying to do with this movie, but the execution was definitely off. Analyst and Smith were just not very convincing villains and their motivations were a little too hard to pin down. Merovingian scene was stupid filler, a remarkably effective callback to the second movie which was also stupid filler.
Still, loved what they tried to do even if they didn't quite pull it off. Very good criticisms of obnoxious millennials, online rage/drama culture, pharmacological mental health, comments on the misunderstanding or twisting the meaning of the first movie, comments on reboot/remake culture and the lack of originality, focus grouping, studio control, etc, and most importantly, definitely a dig at big tech and how the hackers that were supposed to save us from the machines ended up becoming the machine.
Neo+Trinity story was good and fit with the trilogy.
The key takeaways from the philosophy of the movie are definitely the part about the Matrix manipulating people and feeding off human drama but never actually letting them truly connect, and the line about all the noise the Matrix pumps inside your head being the same sound that war makes, how it's all just propaganda.
Casting choices kinda sucked and the effects oscillated randomly between pretty cool and made-for-TV bad.
Gonna go with the RT score and say 6.5/10 sounds right. Still better than #2 and probably better than #3.
re: bots, the arguments I've seen don't make any sense. Yeah, I get some people and even Lana W say the bots are pure AI bots (in the literal sense) who are inserted into The Matrix as a swarm under the control of more intelligent (Analyst) AIs, but everything the movie show completely refutes it. Maybe i'm wrong and I'm definitely not going to rewatch the movie but iirc normal people suddenly had their eyes glow green and then take off like zombies, not too different from OG Matrix movies when agents would take over a human body.
So those were REAL people inside the Matrix who got "hijacked" by swarm bot. The only real difference between being taken over by an agent vs bot is that the bots are more mindless and basically only have 1 tactic, suicide jihadi attack. When the bot dies, the human being will die because one of the early rules of the Matrix was that if you die in the matrix (except Neo), you die IRL so the blue pill person in their little warm pod will die when the bot suicide attacks.
Its actually not surprising a tranny retard would continue to insert another thing where the only goal is to commit suicide, those fuckers really love shitty hair styles and killing themselves
They probably got a negative test audience reaction to so many innocent people visually dying on screen and reshot dialogue to have it be bots.re: bots, the arguments I've seen don't make any sense. Yeah, I get some people and even Lana W say the bots are pure AI bots (in the literal sense) who are inserted into The Matrix as a swarm under the control of more intelligent (Analyst) AIs, but everything the movie show completely refutes it. Maybe i'm wrong and I'm definitely not going to rewatch the movie but iirc normal people suddenly had their eyes glow green and then take off like zombies, not too different from OG Matrix movies when agents would take over a human body.
So those were REAL people inside the Matrix who got "hijacked" by swarm bot. The only real difference between being taken over by an agent vs bot is that the bots are more mindless and basically only have 1 tactic, suicide jihadi attack. When the bot dies, the human being will die because one of the early rules of the Matrix was that if you die in the matrix (except Neo), you die IRL so the blue pill person in their little warm pod will die when the bot suicide attacks.
Its actually not surprising a tranny retard would continue to insert another thing where the only goal is to commit suicide, those fuckers really love shitty hair styles and killing themselves
go rewatch animatrix, the machines aren't just the "squids", they have a whole machine society, we only see the squids in the movie, i'm sure they have millions of medical bots making sure the batteries are running fine.checked out the original Matrix last night and it still holds up. one thing i never noticed before is that when the agents first arrest Neo. they show a bank of TVs with Neo sitting in the interrogation room. that bank of TVs look a lot like the bank of TVs the Architect has in his room. those TVs were never seen again in the movie. not sure if thats an easter egg. pretty cool. Also how were the machines going to plug Cypher back in? the process seems so automated that they would have to rewrite programming to have it happen. which leads me to believe that the machines werent going to give Cypher a damned thing.
lastly another thing i never thought about, Cypher was Trinity's ex bf? i am assuming that was what caused the rift, she went to see the Oracle and she told her that she would be in love with The One, she wasnt in love with Cypher so she broke up with him and he got massively butthurt when she started chasing Neo. otherwise he would have betrayed Morpheus much earlier.
I liked what this was trying to do, and trying to say, but I still gave it a failing grade because the execution/casting was kinda bad.You liked this, but not Arcane.
I disagree with the 6.5, but I totally agree on most of the rest.Finally watched this.
Loved what they were trying to do with this movie, but the execution was definitely off. Analyst and Smith were just not very convincing villains and their motivations were a little too hard to pin down. Merovingian scene was stupid filler, a remarkably effective callback to the second movie which was also stupid filler.
Still, loved what they tried to do even if they didn't quite pull it off. Very good criticisms of obnoxious millennials, online rage/drama culture, pharmacological mental health, comments on the misunderstanding or twisting the meaning of the first movie, comments on reboot/remake culture and the lack of originality, focus grouping, studio control, etc, and most importantly, definitely a dig at big tech and how the hackers that were supposed to save us from the machines ended up becoming the machine.
Neo+Trinity story was good and fit with the trilogy.
The key takeaways from the philosophy of the movie are definitely the part about the Matrix manipulating people and feeding off human drama but never actually letting them truly connect, and the line about all the noise the Matrix pumps inside your head being the same sound that war makes, how it's all just propaganda.
Casting choices kinda sucked and the effects oscillated randomly between pretty cool and made-for-TV bad.
Gonna go with the RT score and say 6.5/10 sounds right. Still better than #2 and probably better than #3.
go rewatch animatrix, the machines aren't just the "squids", they have a whole machine society, we only see the squids in the movie, i'm sure they have millions of medical bots making sure the batteries are running fine.
This was my big issue too. I like the actors they casted to play Morpheus and Agent Smith but they were not right for these roles and it would of been more fun had Fishburne and Weaving returned. Even with the terrible plot points.Like I said in my original review - you bring back Fishburne, Weaving, and clean up a ton of the CGI/Choreography on the fights scenes and this movie is way fuckin' better than 2 and 3.