The Metal Thread


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
From the different quotes I've read, it kind of sounds like the new lyrics hit them in the feels, so to speak. A 50 year old song written for an era that no longer exists, now 'updated' with new lyrics to fit Ice-T's feelings and views in today's world. So comments from Gilmour make it sound like he and waters felt the new lyrics made the song "relevant again"

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<Silver Donator>

Is that a duel band project or something? I love both of those bands but I haven't listened to him in a long time. I know we used to post a lot of stuff in the middle thread but I just haven't been listening to a lot of it lately. Hell I think I've got both of those bands first three or four albums on CD.

What exactly is it supposed to be? Sounds really good though.