I think blast beats and growls are probably the two most off putting things for a new heavy music listener and these are obviously both big parts of death metal. I took a very traditional route into death for people my age where as a younin' I listened to all the melodic death Swedish bands (take away the blasts, add a ton of melody...I don't have to explain this though everyone here knows what this genre is about) before discovering Meshuggah and going more extreme from there. To this day though, a lot of traditional death metal I find pretty boring. It really takes something a little out of place and what I consider exceptional to interest me.Nothing pussy about it. I couldn't get into death metal for years, but then slowly got acclimated to it, and now it's my favorite genre. I don't think it's a genre you can just jump into and enjoy off the bat without kind of progressing up to it.
I mean it's been posted a thousand times, not that old music is a bad thing.yup so shouldn't post music older then 2 years. We totally don't have music in this very thread older than that!
Well there are no albums to teeter you further since David Gold is dead. It's that their last album had such shitty lyrics and is the end of his career.I'm always teetering on the edge of liking and disliking Woods of Ypres.