It's fucking disgusting how far our politicians go to appease Obama. Why do we even bother with elections if they take their orders from the White House? Imagine some country grounding Air Force One until they get to search it.
To make it even worse, they're so fucking two faced about it. Hollande demanding a stop on PRISM against France, but when it comes to capturing Snowden, he's more than willing to bend fucking over and help.
Prism is vile. Tempora is vile. It needs to be stopped and the whole notion of secret services needs to be reviewed. If our supposed free and liberal societies only work with that much secrecy and behind closed doors decision making, then apparently the whole society idea needs to be reviewed.
Remember the NSA faked evidence to get the US involved in Vietnam? Lessons learned, I guess.
Nothing that has been released so far is illegal and he was not compelled by any sense of patriotism.
First, that is your claim about patriotism. He obviously could have a different idea whether the US should engage in something such as Prism.
And with it being legal, why is it in secret? Big Data (replacing Big Brother) is not about collecting all these tiny pieces of information, but about combining them into profiles about everyone. 30 of your states use exactly this type of data to decide whether a criminal gets released on parole. Not how he acts or how he presents himself, but what the odds are that he'll be involved in another crime within 12 months. and that is what prism is about. not about the present but about what people will do in the future.
And behind this whole Snowden thing this is getting pushed into the background, that is why Snowden won't be captured for another week or however it takes until the whole thing blows over. The news about his chase will outlast the news about Prism.