thats not what im saying at all. im saying if people are worried the xbone is spying on them, its something easily corrected. since the gubment is going to be spying on everyone regardless of how much us peasants complain. i mean half the population are more than fucking happy to live with a giant microscope up their assholes. all im saying is you can prevent the spying and still be able to play your video games like always. i recently installed adblock plus, the fucking thing removes all ads from appearing on my pc. the right half of my fb page is completely blank. i am not mad at adblock for removing those ads. so dont say i have no issue with spying when i offer advice on how to prevent it.Sure. I'm sure you also wouldn't mind if we kept your smart phone camera on all the time. We promise we'll never look at what you're doing. If you're uncomfortable with it, just cover it with some tape.
Yeah that's one way to think, like a total self centered individual and not part of a larger group.all im saying is you can prevent the spying and still be able to play your video games like always.
I bet you were cool as a cucumber when the Patriot Act was made into law too, weren't you?I can't believe people are surprised by this...
This has been a open secret for years...The fake outrage over this is laughable and driven by people who fail to grasp technology and refuse to accept the world we live in.
Because, we like to play with this whole "legal" thing, and the scope and pervasiveness would make Orwell blush.I can't believe people are surprised by this...
This has been a open secret for years...The fake outrage over this is laughable and driven by people who fail to grasp technology and refuse to accept the world we live in.
This makes no sense...It is simple fear mongering bullshit.Hey please PM me with your address/phone number, Id like to come install a few cameras in your house. No big deal. Its not like I'm some big company with billions of dollars in resources, or a government with a military, so you can trust me more than those guys. I'm legit.
how do you get that im "ok" with spying when im fucking advising you on how to prevent it? as long as people hold with the saying. "i have nothing to hide so spy away" there will always be fuckholes in charge happy to oblige by crawling up your ass as much as possible. my advice was for people like you and me who DO NOT LIKE SPYING to keep your lives private. would you feel better if i also advised people to write a useless complaint letter to a cocksucker politician? should i vote for another cocksucker politicialn who when running for office claims to be anti spying then switches their views after being elected? should i write another useless letter when an event happens that causes those same cocksucker politicians to enact kneejerk laws further giving up my freedom and privacy? or is it better i simply help you on how to stop the gubment from spying on you right now?Ok? What are you trying to say?
That resistance is futile and there's no point in expressing your distaste for something because everyone else thinks its peachy? So every idiot thinks XYZ is okay/doesnt care means that they are correct because thats the majority? Ah of course, because the majority has never been wrong about anything.
Hey guys, everyone else seems to be okay with Microsoft watching you, so you should too. Just cover it with some tape bro whats the big deal? New CoD didntyahear?
Because recording/monitoring US citizens and citizens around the world prevents terrorism from happening.This makes no sense...It is simple fear mongering bullshit.
We're talking about data that already exist...All this does is provide a legal mechanism to monitor and leverage it for public safety (data that was previously not controlled, or regulated).
As for your fear that the government is spying on us...Big Brother is generally a fucking retard. Have you seen how fucking worthless congress is? There is no know abuse of this power without laws regarding it. Your basic objection is to the law and mechanism...Which makes you a moron.
Until you can show me a real substantial alternate to this system...I'll support it. The data is there and we need a coherent way to manage and leverage it.
But keep fear mongering and making nonsense arguments about putting cameras in my house...It is a shitty analogy and specious reasoning.
Yea, lets not critique the governments advances towards gaining information on its citizens. No worries, Big Brother is a drooling retard right? So lets not express our opinions on how such a system may be used inappropriately for unethical reasons. There's no known abuse that exists right now, so that means there is not the potential for it in the future?This makes no sense...It is simple fear mongering bullshit.
We're talking about data that already exist...All this does is provide a legal mechanism to monitor and leverage it for public safety (data that was previously not controlled, or regulated).
As for your fear that the government is spying on us...Big Brother is generally a fucking retard. Have you seen how fucking worthless congress is? There is no know abuse of this power without laws regarding it. Your basic objection is to the law and mechanism...Which makes you a moron.
Until you can show me a real substantial alternate to this system...I'll support it. The data is there and we need a coherent way to manage and leverage it.
But keep fear mongering and making nonsense arguments about putting cameras in my house...It is a shitty analogy and specious reasoning.
I like how you consider it ok for a Profit-driven privately owned company to have said data (with the implication being that THEY wont abuse it, even though they have no one watching them) but your up in arms that some part of the government will obviously do it (After all, its just a matter of time! They just cant handle having that knowledge, its too tempting! Just like if you tell children about the bird and the bees, they will just start fucking like rabbits).Verizon can't throw me in jail over suspicion of something. Yes Google has your metadata, but google just wants me to know that based on my internet habits there are lifedolls available with new kung fu grip. The government wants to let me know if I do not vote in the prescribed way they will let my last 50 contacts know about my new purchases. Or just throw me in jail because of my Sarah Palin doll with the Kung fu grip.
Small difference really. Either way I will get fucked.