That state is, in Marxist theory, the dictatorship of the proletariat, which both resolves and abolishes the contradictions of the capitalist state and the system as a whole.
And if you'd had watched that video I linked, you'd understand that comparing GDPs of G20 countries after a certain point is worthless. You have to look at comparisons intra-country: comparisons of wealth, income inside them. The bigger the gaps, the differences, the more social problems arise and exist.GDP nonsense
Are you trolling? Every country on that list has a market driven economic system, including china since the 70s (2 decades before the chart starts).Liberal nutbags, look at GDP growth in the countries that are free market, compared to the ones that aren't, and explain to me how Marxism is better. Look at the huge growth rates in the countries that switched from Marxism to Capitalism.
Wtf? You must be trolling.There were two industrial systems: capitalism and socialism. In capitalism, industries are owned by individuals and enterprises.In socialism, industries are owned by the government...
Because, you can look at the rapid growth we've seen in those countries when they switched. There were massive lifestyle changes when they allowed things like Creative Destruction to creep in. Gone were the days of having factories full of millions of dollars widgets collecting dust. Gone were the days of government propping up industries that didn't need to be there, like in India. At one point, 70% of the country lived on subsidies, the other 30% supported them. Where capitalism was allowed, you saw real and meaningful change.Why are you equating the nordic countries to countries like china?
And some of those are less market driven, and the GDP growth rate tends to be much lower. Look at the countries with the larger growth rates, they moved to almost a naked capitalism (which I am not proposing). Look at a country like China, their factories literally spew toxic chemicals into people's drinking water, and the government turns its head.Are you trolling? Every country on that list has a market driven economic system, including china since the 70s (2 decades before the chart starts).
It doesn't even say that, according to the chart Norway had equal or better growth than the US. I don't really follow what he is trying to say at all.So China is great, Norway sucks and GDP growth based on a graph from 2005 is the foundation of your argument. Is that the gist of your argument? Lol, wow.
Murcia' best all other countries shit is I think the gist of it.It doesn't even say that, according to the chart Norway had equal or better growth than the US. I don't really follow what he is trying to say at all.
Wow a country all the way at the bottom of the economic ladder grows faster than an established country with decades of growth already in place. Please tell us more Uncle Lyrical.And some of those are less market driven, and the GDP growth rate tends to be much lower. Look at the countries with the larger growth rates, they moved to almost a naked capitalism (which I am not proposing). Look at a country like China, their factories literally spew toxic chemicals into people's drinking water, and the government turns its head.
And nobody here is proposing the opposite (except for maybe Dumar). Lets get this back on track though.Yousaid the Nordic countries weren't worth a shit, andyouwere hilarious ignorant and wrong, just as I said you were. Now you're trying to distract the thread with absurd comparisons between countries like China and Norway, as though their systems have ever been remotely similar. My hypothesis for why you're trying to do this is that you don't actually understand the words that you're using, and you think Social Democracy = Marxism = Communism = etc.And some of those are less market driven, and the GDP growth rate tends to be much lower.Look at the countries with the larger growth rates, they moved to almost a naked capitalism (which I am not proposing).
You make my arguments for me, thanks. Government stepped in and got involved in things it shouldn't have, and not what should be done in a free market. You had the SLC of the 80's, where government decided to ensure the bets of bankers. No matter what, the bankers' losses were ensured. So what does the banker do? He makes risky bets, since government covered his losses. And this last go around, government pushed home ownership abnormally high, through artificially low rates and again, ensuring risky bets on home ownership. And yes, I put that to blame on the past few conservative and liberal presidents. It became something to boast about while trying to get relected, Bush bragged about home ownership stats the same as everyone else.Yes, let's talk all day about how great that neo-liberal doctrine is working. Let's ask the millions who got their house stolen or pensions emptied by our financial institutions, and then were forced to bail those same institutions out with their own tax money.
Let's talk about neo-liberalization.