I have one I use for slide. Not quite happy with the neck pickup in it right now, it's an SD quarter pounder, huge ass single coil. Was ok for al plucking but really sucks for slide. I think I'm going to put in another mini bucker like I have in the bridge.Am I the only person here who plays a tele? I've been trying to work back into it with my hands. Will take some time. At least my calluses are kind of still there since I prick my fingers multiple times a day.
Here's his sister:Couple things bothered me about that video. Unless it's a joke the guy is trying too hard (ultimate warrior deltoid strap, skull glove on one hand, weird head nodding)
Things that didn't annoy me, the fender hm strat. My friend that died mained one of those.
I can dig the metal. Used to be into it but this is my groove now:Wood - YouTubeA non-metal player approaches.