I can believe a lot of them work for the media, if ya known aliens existed and it all wasn't just fuzzy streetlights and bird silhouettes people misunderstood what they were seeing. Keep in mind alien spacemen wasn't a thing until Jules Verne wrote a story about it.InB4 we find out that the aliens decided to work with humanity and took human forms so we would listen to them. They are now multiple members of the WEF, so we must act now to do what the WEF says before it's too late!
Lol okay MsFlightSim pro"I have zero interest in convincing anyone, I make no money off this...but I am likely going to be forced to retire from the Air Force soon because I'm getting too old, so be on the lookout for my Patreon in the near future for more insider l33t strats from this highly respectable person because I have an aero degree and because I swear I saw some shit floating over our base which makes me super qualified to say without a doubt that it is interdimensional shit that doesn't interact with atmosphere or water or anything, honest! Oh, and I'll never be able reveal anything actually proving what I said, but if you just keep following me I'll tell you more supersekret stuff like this!"
You know who else has an aeronautical engineering degree and two thumbs? This guy right here. And I could make up the same exact bullshit, with the same exact level of non-proof and "but muh life is at risk!" bullshit excuses.
Seriously. What is more likely? That all these various "experts" and "experiencers" have different accounts of what is going on, with zero actual evidence to support it, but are all still correct...or they are all just making shit up for money, for clout, or just for funsies? How long do you have to make excuses for people that haven't produced one scrap of evidence to justify their claims, ever?
Before I get a popcorn gif or comment that I should just wait, all will be revealed soon, I'm honestly asking what makes someone like this "Aero-Engineer Air Force" guy credible in any way whatsoever? He literally just typed some shit that no one can verify, and made excuses for why it can't be verified, why he never said anything before, why he will never be able to prove it, etc. So what makes people believe him, or people like him if you doubt him?
Lol okay MsFlightSim pro
You need to take your meds and find your chill.So what you're saying is that you have nothing except hopium.
I'd prove that I have that degree but a) it means diddly squat, just like all the people you post and their "credentials" and b) I don't need to worry that I might wake up one night being forcibly anally probed by you to "prove" that aliens exist.
Oh wait, I forgot, you somehow don't believe that they exist, yet do believe it at the same time in some warped twist of logic. Schrodinger's aliens.
these are valid questions, if you were looking to buy a house and you met a guy on a street corner telling you that he was a real estate agent and that they would be happy to sell The White House to you for 100k dollars. you would probably demand some proof. if somebody is trying to sell you on little green men and spaceships as real which would alter everyone's religions and change life as we know it. isnt it ok to demand proof of that too?Lol okay MsFlightSim pro
You need to take your meds and find your chill.
I know he's not ever actually going to give real answers because there aren't any for him to give, nor will he solidify his stance because then he can't be called out on specifics since he's "just forwarding info," but I like to point out how ludicrously hypocritical this whole thing is. Like I said, I could post this exact shit and if I got enough people to repost it, suddenly I'd be a "credible source" just like this "Air Force aero-engineer" dipshit.these are valid questions, if you were looking to buy a house and you met a guy on a street corner telling you that he was a real estate agent and that they would be happy to sell The White House to you for 100k dollars. you would probably demand some proof. if somebody is trying to sell you on little green men and spaceships as real which would alter everyone's religions and change life as we know it. isnt it ok to demand proof of that too?
lol you're such a dipshit sometimes. So easily triggered by rando posts from the net. I love it!I know he's not ever actually going to give real answers because there aren't any for him to give, nor will he solidify his stance because then he can't be called out on specifics since he's "just forwarding info," but I like to point out how ludicrously hypocritical this whole thing is. Like I said, I could post this exact shit and if I got enough people to repost it, suddenly I'd be a "credible source" just like this "Air Force aero-engineer" dipshit.
Me andlol you're such a dipshit sometimes. So easily triggered by rando posts from the net. I love it!
I don't believe in little green men, never have, never will. You two sure do get bent out of shape about it though. Why do you care?Me andVoid can see that you obviously believe this stuff. its been clear as day for a long time, 5 years, V? and you know what? thats totally fine, but you pretend that this is all some kind of parody thread that you dont actually believe the spam you're spreading, but its some big joke to trap people like me and V in your tangled woven web of deception. we are just asking you why you believe in the little green men/blurry lights as being genuine when the source of your belief is shrouded in vagaries and slight of hand tactics?
i have met people who are true believers in UFOs/spacemen i was one of those people and there are locations in New Jersey i have been to where people gathered to wait for ET to show up. i am very close to Wanaque and have been there a few times during the 90s with my fiancee. the people we talked to all based their opinions on personal experiences. stuff like they saw something in the sky and werent sure what it was. my fiancee swore she saw a spaceship wizz over her house. i took her out to fuck by the lake one night and we saw a light zip by, then another and another. it was the time of the Taurid meteor showers and what she swore was a UFO was actually just shooting stars. have you ever seen anything you werent sure what it was? did you assume it was a spaceship like my ex did?
because every day you fill pages here with texts of nonsense from grifters who never have any proof of anything and never will. its intriguing to us and you refuse to answer our questions as to why you do this.I don't believe in little green men, never have, never will. You two sure do get bent out of shape about it though. Why do you care?
cell phone and digital cameras have been legit since the mid 2000s. my old Nikon Coolpix photos from 2005 still look amazing today. there is no excuse why we still havent had a single legit image of spaceships or space aliens or fucking Bigfoot for that matter yet.One thing that is obvious is that the rate and politicalness of these stories is increasing. Since 2020 the amount of reports and "credible" stories has skyrocketed.
The real question is why are the stories increasing, if they are based on no factual evidence? I thought our mobile phones/cameras have been "good" since 2006? At least since 2012. Why are these stories suddenly being used as political distractions, cropping up right before elections, Hunter laptop bullshit, or evidence of bribes?
When will we reach the exciting crescendo?!?