Same methods I use when I go looking.Police can't get house numbers right, and now they are triangulating movements of aircraft, LOL.
I'm 50/50 on this. Its either the beginning of the fake alien invasion psyop that has been conspiracy theorized, or the real deal. A massive psyop to try to keep Trump out of office somehow is feasible, because we know the system hates him that much.
If they are dod assets, what other reason to parade them around like this other than some crazy psyop? And the timing would be right for something like that - if in some way they try to use this to keep Trump out of office, or gain more control, you know then.
China to me is a distant third on this. I really hope its not China related because if it is and they've leapfrogged us on some next gen tech, well S*#t.
That makes more sense, I’ve followed very little as the vast majority of coverage is bunch of fluff/wankery/*insert news meme*Size of cars/buses? Seen any evidence of that? I've seen no videos that gave any reliable estimates of size.
Even so - absolutely yes, a car-sized drone flying at a sufficient height would be almost totally invisible at day. Not even debatable.
Nobody said anything about looking for US nukes.
Speculating here. If there was a dirty bomb already in the US - known to the authorities, maybe they think its somewhere in NJ but they don't know its current location - and the feds had secret rad sniffing drone swarms, how would that look different from what we're seeing?
UAP are over Russian, French, UK, US, Canada, etc.... world wide. The NJ drones are related but not widespread like all the rest. Please reread the last 4 pages for details scattered between videos to get more up to speed bro.Rammstein huh?
The way these things seem to be hovering over critical infrastructure and US military bases is particularly worrying. No such things are happening to, say, Russian bases, or French bases.
If it's China (or some higher power) it seems like they're testing to see what the response is to unidentified objects going over critical points, helping map out a later attack.
And so far, our response has been jack fucking squat, so....