That's some quality rice bowling thereAraysar . Does it come in camo?
I'm not being played by anything ya weirdo!Bro youre getting played by some ancient japs and their pottery
dont sweat it. as a kid i was big into the "In Search Of" shows on TV. those subjects lit a fire in my mind and i felt like the age we were living in would resolve most or all of those mysteries in ten or 20 years. here we are 40 years later and the ancient civ stuff has revealed a TON more information while creating more mysteries, but stuff like UFOs is still just as muddy. even with the advent of super high resolution cameras in everyone's back pockets its still just just a bunch of fuzzy lights and eyewitness testimony which is subjective at best. WHAT THE FUCK? why arent there closeup of space ships and even the occupants inside? there should be, with this many sightings there should be something. nope its just a mess of shit. which is why i have concluded in the last 20 years its just a bunch of bullshit spun to sell books/clicks. its not something i want to believe. i want to believe this shit is real. i didnt want to conclude i was duped like all the people here are being duped now. i actually went to some of these sightings areas. spoke to others who claimed to see stuff. i never saw anything myself and as a photographer i know how easily images can be manipulate.Wait are you talking about me? I wasn't attacking you at all. I'd just gotten out of the Ancient Civs thread where I got "Acktually"d to death over things that nobody can actually confirm/deny, so I was making a general comment, didn't even have you in mind.
I'm not exasperated at all, just tired of people dismissing things that we can't really dismiss, same way we can't confirm them. Not sure how much stock I have in my theories, especially because some of them conflict with each other so they can't all be right.
I do think there's a good chance Mars blew itself up. Whether or not that's connected to ancient humans being advanced because they were the remnants, or if life on Earth was completely independent from whatever happened on Mars, I don't know. Mars' death might pre-date Earth's earliest humans by more than is feasibly possible for them to be remotely connected. Depends on who you ask though, and until we get excavations going on Mars we might never know if there's anything to any of it.
If anything, all I do here is play "wouldn't it be cool if?" scenarios, and sometimes I have people get super-defensive in response like they've got a personal stake in trying to disprove what is usually a wild hypothetical.
Kind of funny that you thought I was going after you and kind of shredded me in response. It's all good though.
Like you just claimed that "there's a good chance Mars blew itself up" out of nothing. I bet if a geologist told you that there's good evidence it's been like that for millions of years, you'd be upset and say that they can't prove that humans didn't migrate from there 10k years ago.
What I know is that planets need to spin to stimulate the weather and a strong magnetic field to keep the atomosphere/stop radiation.
Venus lacks the spin and Mars lacks the magnetic field, so they are dead worlds. But the good news is that we have three planets that could have developed life, one being perfect and two not being too far off. That drastically increases the chances of there being other habitable planets.
probably doesnt help that Mars is being bombarded with cosmic radiation for millions of years.Mars' soil radiation having what looks like nuclear heavy isotopes is a huge question mark for me. It doesn't mean it's connected to any Earth humans, or that the Mars-people were human, or that they even resembled humans, or that it even happened alongside any real life on Earth timeframe-wise. Too many leaps are required, so maybe I should rein it in to what makes the most sense on its own. Maybe Mars blew up 400M years ago, when life on Earth had barely left the ocean. Maybe Richat is 400M years old and I'm way off with all my 10,000 BC speculation.
Mars' magnetic field is a real issue for sure. I suspect whatever happened on Mars, it was a place that had short-lived glory days before it burned out.
Venus is the biggest enigma of all for me because it seems like Earth's twin in size. Not spinning is a bit of a problem though. If Venus had a moon like we do I think it might be very similar to Earth today instead of a burned-up world.
I'd go so far as to say we have more than three planets that could have developed life if we include moons, depending on how things turn out with Enceladus, Europa, and Titan. If they turn out to have aquatic life of any kind then that even further increases the range of possibilities for life in the universe and giving us a better understanding of how common it actually is. Enceladus and Europa seem like solid candidates for a closer look, Titan I'm not sure. Titan is actually the one I have the highest hopes for by far, but it seems more like a future life prospect. Like many millions of years from now Titan might be quite nice and hospitable but I don't think it has life now.
dont sweat it. as a kid i was big into the "In Search Of" shows on TV. those subjects lit a fire in my mind and i felt like the age we were living in would resolve most or all of those mysteries in ten or 20 years. here we are 40 years later and the ancient civ stuff has revealed a TON more information while creating more mysteries, but stuff like UFOs is still just as muddy. even with the advent of super high resolution cameras in everyone's back pockets its still just just a bunch of fuzzy lights and eyewitness testimony which is subjective at best. WHAT THE FUCK? why arent there closeup of space ships and even the occupants inside? there should be, with this many sightings there should be something. nope its just a mess of shit. which is why i have concluded in the last 20 years its just a bunch of bullshit spun to sell books/clicks. its not something i want to believe. i want to believe this shit is real. i didnt want to conclude i was duped like all the people here are being duped now. i actually went to some of these sightings areas. spoke to others who claimed to see stuff. i never saw anything myself and as a photographer i know how easily images can be manipulate.
if there is something "out there", then its not here. there is really no reason why it would be. i understand the argument about how many stars and galaxies in the universe there are so the odds of other life forms on other planets is very likely. i can accept that, what i am not ready to accept is that they are visiting us. if you use the argument that there are other life forms all over the universe. then we would be very common and not something that is a priority for lifeforms from other galaxies coming to visit us here so far away when there is other stuff closer to them to keep them busy for an eternity. in fact it would be more likely we are being visited if there were not so many likely "Goldilocks" planets in each solar system. people need to accept the reality that the human race here on this M Class planet isnt so special and nobody gives a fuck about us. it gives our own evolution more purpose to become unique in comparison. let us become "the visitors" and fuck with them.
well. people do things for different reasons. some people genuinely believe the UFOs are visitors from another whatever in funny shaped spacecraft. so they spend their lives looking for clues and connecting dots, but it gets them nowhere and they end up being laughed at or discredited. so they make up shit to get the ball rolling and reclaim their legitimacy. same goes for the Bigfoot crowd. people "know" there is a Bigfoot chilling out somewhere in the woods eating beef jerky just waiting to be spotted. but nobody believes them so they make up a video or create their own BIG footprints to get people's attentions. its rather sad, but it happens. then you have the people who see there is money to be made by talking about this kind of stuff cuz true believers want to fulfill their beliefs and they cling to these grifters by sending them cash or clicking their videos to get their fix.The big question is why so many people would want to gin up hoaxes. Just for clout? To be assholes? Cause whatever the case is we've done a huge amount of it. Even if a greater than 0 number of sightings are legit, the vast majority are still either mistakes or hoaxed and I don't know what people get from that. If every last one of our recorded sightings is someone playing a prank, or mistakenly seeing the moon, then WTF?
Similarly, I don't know why a bunch of high-ranking guys are currently risking their lives / their freedom and perjuring themselves testifying to this. Why even bother if it's made-up?
I resigned myself not too long ago to the notion that none of my big questions are going to be answered while I'm alive, but lately I've woken up to the prospect that maybe some of them will be, and that's almost kind of exciting. Almost.
The big question is why so many people would want to gin up hoaxes. Just for clout?
Nope, flat earth stuff started from a professor asking his students to explain how to prove the earth was round to a person with no scientific background.
Nope, flat earth stuff started from a professor asking his students to explain how to prove the earth was round to a person with no scientific background.
Yup, basically like the birds aren't real people.But wasnt it then a guy or a couple of guys who just ran with it and started churning out "serious" youtube videos and shit for lulz?