Every game developer should be forced to watch this video. (Seriously though, people should watch this...Especially starting at 7 minutes. Essentially he shows how even a massive fucking retard can be shown every mechanic without the lazy way developers do it now.)
The idiot in that interview saying "derp, lots of people died to the goomba"--guess what? Almost
everyone died to the god damn goomba on their play through at 8 years old. You know why? Because
noneof us read the manual,
exceptin the case of Zelda (And that's only because it came with the cool treasure map). However, luckily, the entire first level of Super Mario is set up to teach these mechanics. However, Super Mario was set up in a time when there was not a saturation of competitive stimuli (Competing games), so they had an expectation the gamer would hold on as he learned (How many of us stuck with shitty games like Dr Jekyl and Mr Hide, for hours trying to figure them out?)
The problem is,
currentdevelopers do not expect that--and that's
kindof rational, because a lot of snap judgements are made on games (Due the dearth of waiting games, and how complex modern games can be). However, rather than combat that with deeper, more intuitive and, most of all, gradual mechanic introductions (Like Mega Man X did), they instead assume the idiocy can't be conquered any other way than to make the game super easy and spell out the exact process by which you win (And not penalize you if you fail--just make it so you win,
less. See: the new game about Rome for Xbox.)
Mega Man X is a perfect example of how deeper, more complex mechanics
couldhave been worked into games. The problem is, creating introductions like Mega Man X is difficult. It requires a lot of thought on the developers end, and careful examination of
everythingfrom the level design, boss mechanics, and even the start screen (As shown). It's far cheaper just to shovel the intro in and get to a bland story, with huge guns that require very little thought on both the players end and the developers.
He can blame the player. But fuck him. Him and ilk are just as much at fault because they gave up wanting to make deeper games in exchange for assembly line capital.