its always awkward when you run into somebody famous out in the wild. its even more awkward when you do run into somebody famous and you dont even know it. a long time ago i was standing in the line for beer behind some big black dude at a Yankees game. no idea who he was my, friends saw me and were waving at me like crazy, i thought they were just anxious for their beers. when i got back to them, one said, why didnt you say hi to that guy. i was like, who? that big black dude. they said yeah thats Walt Frazer! no idea who that was, so i said oh yeah, oh well. he's some famous guy for the Knicks or something. i have met other famous people and my reaction is usualy just a thumbs up or a head nod. i dont want to be "that guy" who jizzes themselves over a celebrity. now i probably wouldnt even acknowledge them. after covid and the last two elections, i pretty much despise most of these people.As someone in the boys' age range, living in the southern Milwaukee suburbs, I was surprised I had never run into any of them in the wild...
... until this morning at the local grocery store, where I saw Mike (I swear to God) walk into the liquor department while checking his paper shopping list. (He was indeed wearing the same ASICS from the above Picard video.)
He clearly saw me recognize him but didn't react, so I didn't annoy him. (I've never been enough of a stalker to figure out where the studio is, but given that everything was durable goods, I imagine he was making an office kitchen run on his way in.)
its always awkward when you run into somebody famous out in the wild. its even more awkward when you do run into somebody famous and you dont even know it. a long time ago i was standing in the line for beer behind some big black dude at a Yankees game. no idea who he was my, friends saw me and were waving at me like crazy, i thought they were just anxious for their beers. when i got back to them, one said, why didnt you say hi to that guy. i was like, who? that big black dude. they said yeah thats Walt Frazer! no idea who that was, so i said oh yeah, oh well. he's some famous guy for the Knicks or something. i have met other famous people and my reaction is usualy just a thumbs up or a head nod. i dont want to be "that guy" who jizzes themselves over a celebrity. now i probably wouldnt even acknowledge them. after covid and the last two elections, i pretty much despise most of these people.
a friend of mine once met One Man Gang in an elevator and he pretty much took up the entire elevator. just a giant monster of a guy.Long ass time ago, like late 90's, The Big Show was sitting a few rows behind my dad and I at a Bucs game. Had no clue who he was, never got into wrestling so only knew the big names from old days, like Hulk, Sting, etc. Little kids kept coming up and getting autographs so my dad asked someone nearby who it was and he told him. Also holy shit that is an absolute mountain of a man when he stood up. Tampa's definitely an area you can see wrestlers out in the wild pretty regularly. Hulk Hogan used to be a pretty frequent attendee of hockey games too, saw him there a few times.
My dad named me after this guy at a time when there weren't many boys that included that particular name, because he grew up watching him on TV.Cameron mitchell was the guy I was trying to think off, when discussing bruce willis. Just cut from my brain, till they brought him up in this one again.
I don't get it, that they can shit on willis, but just totally overlook and be fans of guys like Mitchell who did the same damn thing. Take 50+ of a films budget to show up drunk sit at a desk, not learn his lines, and do all the shots in one take in one room. Assuming he even bothered to show up ,and not just film at his own house.
The irony of Josh's shirt and his weight wasn't lost on me...For every pound Rich lost Josh put it on...